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Everything posted by Circa

  1. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1964-dt-darth-maul/
  2. I liked the old one better.
  3. Guys, all they are doing is letting us know that EFF is being impersonated. There's nothing wrong with that at all. Let's all be a little more welcoming, shall we? Clans are a huge part of this community, no need to drive them out when they actually post something.
  4. Clan related stuff is totally fine for this forum. Though nonsense would be better suited for the nonsense section. But I'm moving this to the JK general discussion, as it's still in the wrong section.
  5. Was away for a few days. I am now back. Sorry to the 14 people that PM'ed me during that period.

  6. What mod is it? If it replaces Kyle in MP, the SP mod did something wrong. You only need to replace the model used for the NPC to replace a model in SP.
  7. I offer my services in the sound department. I can probably find some voice actors once I get back to college. As long as a script is given to me, it should be fairly easy.
  8. Nah. The way I look at it is, if we had something like that, it would discourage the use of the forum and hinder activity.
  9. Ah, forgot SP was weird about sounds. Taunt is really weird in SP. It doesn't use the taunt sounds, it uses other ones. So using taunt with any sound set using the "snd" command (e.g. snd jedi) gives you the same result. But I have improved the likelihood of hearing his actual taunt sounds in SP, and also added another sound. So his NPC will also give a little more sound. @@DT85 can you replace the sounds with this one instead? Also, the NPC itself is set to the player's team. Not sure if that was intentional or not. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h96hurj6tfp1n3b/maul2.zip
  10. Sounds work fine. Tested it. My only problem is, the arm flaps. I think they should be weighted to the torso fully. Not sure how to explain it.
  11. Agreed, it will help you a lot!
  12. You could always include an existing maul saber, like the one from my movie saber pack. It has the dual saber and the broken single sabers. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1711-star-wars-hilt-pack/
  13. This ^ But I also am not a fan of the font you used for the P. Looks a bit boring in my opinion. No offense.
  14. I used the ones from my sound pack that you were talking about.
  15. Yep, it's mine. Which is why I volunteered. @@DT85 I figured since Maul was a pretty quiet guy in the movie, he should be the same in-game. He has a couple taunts but his actual combat sounds are very minimal. Let me know if that is the approach you were wanting or not. I can add more if needed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocjrvbdl75z9npj/maul.zip
  16. Moved to modding discussion. I'm no modeler, so I won't really pretend like I am. The tools used though, are ones like 3DS Max or Blender.
  17. Alright I'll see what I can do.
  18. Should be simple, but you've given us too much freedom. Give more details on what you're wanting. Something similar to the current one? Same color scheme? That one goes nice with your website, so if the colors were completely different, your site would look bad.
  19. archivos MD3 no son shader. que son diferentes
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