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Everything posted by AngelModder

  1. Alright back in the day working with Darth G he taught me the basic _remap command, however he mentioned there where other stages to this for models using multiple textures. In this case it is the models/map_objects/korriban/guard01.md3 that I am trying to remap. So heres what I did. I bassically just wanted it in a grey stone rather than tan so that was a easy black and white adjustment in photoshop for both textures the model uses, next gave them there own directory in my pk3, no problems. Went in and set it up, testing one stage at a time... First _remap was " *;textures/Dromuund-Kass/statue_guard01 " worked fine, ofcourse the other bits were off that need the second texture. So I added the line (from what I thought I remembered him saying _remap2 with a value of "*;textures/Dromuund-Kass/statue_guard02". Now the second one worked fine as well HOWEVER... 1 went and tweaked up, as if it was now trying to use the second one for all of it... heres the entity window in gtk As you can see it is just f'ed up... This probably falls on me not doing the commands right, but in all fairness I never came into a situation where I acctually need to remap based on the acctual textures for the models. Also if any one knows where I can find Darth G's MP entity definition file could you please PM me a link, or post it here?
  2. You know what I checked this map out, dude, ok you nailed this one for sure XD. I even referenced to the movoies and tv show TRYING to find some thing... NOPE XD. 10/10 mate!
  3. AngelModder

    Corran Horn

    Pretty cool to see all the things done with hapslash's Anakin. I mean really it had such versatility!
  4. HAHA Yea I thought the name reflecting in the floor was a cool touch since the floor reflects. Theirs really not a lot of imaginative duel maps any more. Plus it was a quick and simple way to test a few things Id been wanting to use for a while.
  5. the ported model is as good and accurate as were gonna get cause well duh its from the acctual game. the only problem with it is none of them have ever been PROPERLY weighted, and it would be cool to see some mask-less options.
  6. After checking it out, it does work in sp. You just need to remove some other species mods you have. Also try adding zzzzzzzz to the AM_DarthVader.pk3. This will make it load first before any other species.
  7. Because to the blind eye it would seem as if it is a good model, its a decent model, much better then we have had before. But FAR from perfect. and FAR from accurate.
  8. This was my first skin, I was suprised I even got the MP species menu side to work. Omicron and I had a lot of problems learning this. I could look into it and I will let you know if we manage to get it working in SP. Ty. As I mentioned I am going to over the next year create a new Darth Vader model for JKA. I look at this and felt really held back when it came to his cybernetics etc. I intend to build him with the whole works. ~Ångel-Modder~
  9. It was not intended for sp.
  10. Yea it like your sandtrooper had a problem due top how the texture i mapped onto the model. later this year I plan to model a new vader for us.
  11. I wanna give a big shout out to omicron, without him this would never have been completed!
  12. Szico, I just have to say WOW! this map, hands down amazing. The original was cool, but like my arrevanous in your v2 you've really given your revamp a whole new identity!
  13. You will ALL have to wait till Christmas! Any one who gets it early some how will insure it will NEVER comes out for everyone else... So as I've seen 2 people in game running around with it that I did not give this too... Be warned your ruining this for other people if I find out who leaked it.
  14. Version (v2.0)


    Texture Author : AngelModder Model Author : Toshi Release Date December 25th 2013 Mod name : AngelModders Darth Vader File size 27mb For full version 11.9MB for Basic Description - Its rather simple really, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to mods, I saw that there was yet to be a decent reskin of Toshis Darth Vader. Jedi Knight Jedi Academy has had for to many years some pretty crappy Darth Vader models, and even worse yet the reskinns on them. So I set out to make the one Vader skin to rule them all. Very little detail was compromised on with this project. You have 2 default options normal, and ghost, as well as red and blue team. You also have a Darth Vader species with 18 heads 12 legs and 30 torsos totalling out to 6480 different combinations of Darth Vader. This was a LOT of work, in total it took over three weeks to pull off, the last of which was fine tuning and t echnical setups. This is my first publicly released skin. so I wanted to make an impression and a statement of the kind of quality you can expect from me in the future. I hope to reskin Almighty Girs Darth Revan model soon as the ones on it look more like a template place holder. I really hope you all enjoy this skkin, I've enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it! Installation - Unzip the Am_DarthVader.Rar file to your Jedi Academy Game data folder. Notes - This comes with a hilt which overwrites default 3, it has a no stance (though unless its uploaded to the server and other clients have it they see you standing in normal red/yello/blue) and a whole new set of sounds for it! It overwrites single_3 which is a hidious s aber no one in there right mind with any taste uses LOL XD! Before you edit this in any way! I spent a lot of time reskinning this model pretty much from scratch, do not use, redistribute, or modify my work in any way for this or any other game or platform style... Make it your self from scratch as I did! If you wish to modify the model please contact Toshi, as thats on him, but my textures are off limits. Any ways I hope you enjoy! Ångel-Modder This mod is not created/owned/suppourted by "Raven tm, Disney tm, LucasArts tm. or any of their affiliates."
  15. Right Ill go ahead and get it out of the way now. EDIT I just submitted it, lets hope they pay attention and don't release it early!
  16. Its finished actually. I'll release it Christmas morning.
  17. Very cool! Interesting touch adding the disney castle XD! God its freaky to know they own Star wars!
  18. Yea it was strongly based of it working with him.
  19. Well I did try as you see in the latest pics to really bring the sute to life. It is a vast improvment over any other version, but still this game can only do so much. Ive been toying around with it and the new spec maps in game really have done wonders to accentuate the materials etc. Following the pro tuts really paid off. When your walking etc you notice vaders lether now has that pale blue shine it always shows in puctures his helmet almost at times seems to reflect some golden lighting.. I stood there for any hour last night just rotating him and watching what happened under different lighting schemes. To be fair skinning was never really my cup of tea, I never really did more then a few friendly skins here and there. Most my time In Photoshop has been making textures for maps etc.Thats where I learned to blend textures together. when you wanna try defeating dot product and pcx maps with good old school Photoshop skills, you learn quick. AngelModder
  20. Wow these look amazing guys. Deviance I think the horns could use to be just an inch longer ontop if I may suggest and a bit of curve to them rather then straight up cone like shapes. Cant wait to see these skinned!
  21. its alright I figured it out. Thanks guys. Hes all done, just gotto throw together icons and yea...
  22. Ok guys any one knew where I can find like good clear pics of vaders cyrbernetics, and not just his ep 3 arm...
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