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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. you'll have to fix that surface smoothing that's gonna explode into thousands of vertices if you leave it like that - or are you previewing in faceted mode ?
  2. you guys do realise that these Teeth won't be featured in JKA, right ? he is currently working at a high resolution mesh used to project the high res details onto the low poly model - which is what I do for my models aswell
  3. the shading is still wonky in some areas - try to make every edge at an angle larger than 75° sharp, I like to go by around 60° actually
  4. now just take care of the smoothing to get rid of that faceted look
  5. making the rebels Tie is possible aswell - jsut need to adjust the .skin file
  6. making a custom skin for the TIE fighter without effecting the other TIE's is absolutely possible just make a duplicate of the TIE files with a different folder path
  7. do you have access to a second PC ? then you could put your graphics card in that one to check wether the card itself is broken or it's a software problem on your machine
  8. @@Omicron Oh dear... Van Canto haha
  9. the menu in Star Wars battlefront allways runs in 800x600 - atleast it always did for me start a instant action mission to see your changes
  10. use Noesis ! that way you can keep worknig in max
  11. texture those ridges at the front of the gun on instead of modeling them
  12. Your tie_fighter_wing.tga hasn o alpha channel, that's why it's not transparent post your shader again and check the cheat console ingame for any errors regarding the tie fighter textures - that mgiht reveal why the body appears as pure white
  13. @@dark_apprentice yeah sorry, I just woke up and somehow failed to count the brackets, remove that extra bracket again ^^U EDIT : about the shadows, try removing the depthWrite line in the wing shader entry EDIT 2 : I just noticedthat again the entire wing is transparent O.o would you mind sending your wing texture to me (don't upload to imgur - upload to sendspace, dropbox and link to it) I just want to check your alpha channel
  14. it's missing another } at the end of both shader entries nvm, no missing brackets did you check the console for any errors ?
  15. You have to create an alpha channel for your wing texture. This alpha channel will tell the game which parts of the model should be transparent and which parts have to be opaque this is what the alpha channel should look like in your case : Black parts of your Alpha channel will let the texture appear transparent, while white parts will set things to opaque - grayscales in between black and white are more/less transparent I made the solar panel area a very light gray here, that way it will be slightly transparent ingame - if its accompanied by the right shader - to make the solar panels more or less transparent simply make the gray color darker or brighter here's a version of your texture fitted with that alpha channel I presented you : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/TieWing_alpha.tga now onto the shader, your current shader is currently wrong - it creates transparency based on the brightness of your RGB values - while ignoring the alpha you want something like this : models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing { { map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse depthWrite } { map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } }
  16. that is totally doable, post your shader and your texture here it depends on the alpha channel of your texture and the shader set up
  17. @@Circa this video confirmed exactly what I read allready : No space battles ? No campaign ? 20 vs 20 Multiplayer only, without AI to fill up empty slots ?? 3 nopes - from me And just because so far only a single DLC pack has been announced that doesn't guarantee it won't become cluttered with overpriced DLC packs also : only 5 planets, without buying possible future DLC ? I'll certainly miss the diversity of the original 2 Battlefront games. They had so many different locations/planets - even though it was only a single map per planet the ability to mod the game and download additional maps for FREE to expand the game to a nearly unlimited size made it amazing, which is another thing we won't get from this new "Battlefront" from what I gathered nothing has been revealed about the class system in this game - i'd greatly prefer a number fixed classes per side as opposed to only custom classes with limitations on how many players can play a specific class which imo aids the balacning of the game a LOT simply by making the kind of bullshit I experienced during my time playing Crysis 2 MP impossible : I'll wait and see about what this game will be, maybe they manage to do something to change my mind but atm my opinion stays the same : I won't buy it
  18. it won't be all together after export but it doesn't matter too much what counts is the silhouette
  19. None, honestly maybe i'll get it from some humble store sale or humble bundle but I won't buy a star wars themed battlefield skin for that price if there are tons of DLC incoming I prefer to buy games with all content - not pay a shit ton of money for a game that has less than half the content it should have
  20. in fact this is the most efficient solution- regarding vertex count you could also have the cylinder clip through just make sure that any poly/face of the cylinder that you'll never see ingame is deleted think of it like this : everything you'd caulk when mapping should be deleted in a model for JKA
  21. They give mod authors a "pay what you want " option isntead of a fixed price aswell , which is pretty much asking for donations @@Botdra I may go ahead and enable that option for one of my skyrim mods and see what happens
  22. right click save is what you'd have to do in this case
  23. This dude looks so ridiculous, a poor attempt at creating a cool villain
  24. Here's a gift for ya, a gift that might help you understand substance designer a bit better https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/Mouth_detail.sbs
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