@@dark_apprentice keep in mind that these renders are far from what the finished product will look like : meaning the finished JKA model will look like shit compared to these WIP shots
you forgot to expand th eimportant bit for this issue - you kept l_hand_0 and r_hand_0 collapsed, that way I can't see wether the correct tags are linked to those
this could probably get trough - as only the head is taken from TFU and the rest was done by hapslash @@Kualan we have rejected models ported from CWA before and content from star wars galaxies has been rejected recently I'm not sure how them being abandonware would effect our decision here... @@eezstreet @@therfiles @@Barricade24
add this line to your .sab file : customSkin EDIT : for my starkiller saber it seems that I have given the full path to the .skin file - not sure why but I can tell that it works
name "Galen Marek"
saberType SABER_Single
saberModel "models/weapons2/w_starkiller/model.glm"
soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"
soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"
soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"
saberLength 40
saberColor red
customSkin "models/weapons2/w_starkiller/model_red.skin"
@ read both, the post dark_apprentice quoted and his reply it could spark a fight and eez just wanted to prevent that from happening by reminding them to keep it low About BB-8 started working at the highpoly version of the model - no clue when I'll be done or if I keep at it though
THIS as I told you when you PM'd me my first rendition of ahsokas saber was done exactly like this - I even limited it to the dual saber style and it worked pretty well from what I recall, or atleast my 14 yo self thought it did....
@@MagSul yes but it was abandoned due to work heres the old WIP thread http://jkhub.org/topic/4950-balldroid-anyone/?hl=droid&do=findComment&comment=72993
the shader error can be fixed by editing the .skin file - atleast it should be fixable by doing that - and you can do that yourself that first error looks like it had parts of a JKO model frankensteined on it and the second error could be caused by bad weighting but is morel ikely to be related to the first bad bone error
just add that small metal dome/cap over his hears - you'd literally just have to put a cylinder through his head and texture it to cover up his ears with those metal caps seen below