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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. uh I'm not sure how battlefront will like this but you may go for it - I'd recommend using the lowres model though
  2. I see, @JAWS you can process the curvature map into something like this: then adding the inverted AO map after editing it slightly using a levels adjustment can give you this: this is pretty much a basic mask that removes paint from edges will keeping the paint in occluded and therefore less accessible areas something you mgiht want to consider whn multiplieing colors over my skins is to bring the prelight back in by making a new layer group and giving that the EXACT same mask as your paint then in that layer group you copy& pste the green channel of my world space normal map, adjust the output levels to get 50% gray instead of black and set its blendmode to softlight - this will create a "light from above" effect for your paint, the same effect has been applied to my textures prior to release and multiplieing colors over the finished texture kills my highlights while further darkening the shadows. The trick I just described will bring those lights back in
  3. @JAWS did you take a look at my resources? the curvature map could be of interest to you for edge damages what do you use for skinning btw?
  4. set your paint layer blendmodes to multiply instead of normal blending also dont use HSL (Hue-Saturation-Lightness) to recolor sections create a new layer group with a new layer that has your paint color on it. Add a layer mask to that layer on this layer mask you want your paint marking as exact as possible, once you have this add another mask to the layergroup and start erasing stuff on that layermask to damage your fresh coat of paint - this workflow allows you to keep your original paint mask safe and undestroyed. also: isn't that first skin just whatI had made for the red teamskin ?
  5. it does not need to exist - it's only a shader alias models/players/cloneii/visor { q3map_nolightmap cull disable { map textures/colors/black blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map textures/common/environ11 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular tcGen environment } } this is what the game loads whenever visor.tga is referenced you can get modview to load this (without the env obviously) by giving adding my clone shaders and the common/textures/black.jpg to your modview basefolder
  6. oups thanks for noticing! what equipment exactly? I planned a few extra helmets and accesoires so probably yes, but no clue when they will be released
  7. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2865-ashura39s-clone-trooper/
  8. Version 1.0


    finally V1 of my clonemodel is released! clicking the download button will reveal 3 files: ashuras_clones.zip - the best looking version of the model - requires OpenJK to be used in Singleplayer, if you don't use OpenJK your game will crash. ashuras_clones_lowres.zip - a less detailed, lower poly version of the model with half size textures that works in base JKA Singleplayer ashuras_clone_resources.zip - interesting for those who want to create new skins from scratch, it holds my baked maps - a tutorial on how to utilise them will come soon recommended additional mods: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2893-%7B%3F%7D/ OpenJK (latest Build)
  9. that'sn ot what I meant - you missed my skinning resources I'll release with the model
  10. looks good to me!
  11. I told to be patient until you got the high res version dude
  12. did you swap .efx files around to exchange the muzzle effects?
  13. LODs? they have different a topology
  14. I don't use blender, sorry can't help
  15. @@ensiform It saves me from rebaking which isn't hard or anything - just annoying ! take a look at this: http://imgur.com/a/bzyoR the difference between the 2 types is the the tangent space map contains relative normal offsets that are added to the face normals of your mesh while the object space normal map completely overwrites the normal information. I can reproject the detail from the worldspace normal map into a new tangent space map for the model with no problem, but I figured asking wouldn't hurt anyone
  16. I have a few clips from stars wars battlefront 2 and the voice actors don't match. Temuera morrison voiced the clones in battlefront, battlefront 2 and republic commando. He also portrayed them and Jango in the prequels. if anyone could get me some clips from republic commando that'd be great! I really need some pain sounds atm all I have right now is random "for the republic/chancellor" shouts
  17. Neat. Anyway, back to the clone! All I need before I deem him ready for a first release would be Sounds, since stormtrooper sounds seem a little unfitting and botfiles which I'll set up really quick later
  18. Something I was curious about: can we use object/world space normal maps for our models? I've only seen tangent space maps used with rend2 yet.
  19. I made a few hard egdes soft by merging the vertex normals, I tried editing their angles a little to get nicer shading with mixed results. Faces are exploded/detached along hard edges, which duplicates vertices in these spots decreasing the number of hard edges saved me 400 vertices. @@Raz0r ah, yes good old times Any chance you still have the portal mod code stuff?
  20. that's planned, yes
  21. tris are not a problem vertex count is and I still have a trick up my sleeve that might help me here - custom normals instead of split normals should reduce the amount of edgesplits EDIT: aaaaaah, that felt good.... so that seems to have fixed my problems
  22. @@Xycaleth check out the google sheets link in my previous post and yes, depending on the weapon it will
  23. we have that for OpenJK SP the crash only occurs with the base JASP @@Xycaleth did some more systematic testing and noticed something: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OLTu9MrDbIFFQkcKWgDCxUjtbXt5ietF4Wqu1k1Tjr8/edit?usp=sharing green is fine, red crashes
  24. @@Xycaleth it's even more random! If I use the clone model as my character model instead of spawning the npc version in, me being hit instantly crashes - while a single clone npc I shoot won't crash the game EDIT: the circumstances for the crash to occur are very varied - now I could have 2 at once without problems but a third caused the crash again
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