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Jedi Academy turned 20 this year! We celebrated in a ton of different ways: mod contest, server event, podcast, etc. Thank you to all who have been a part of this game for the last two decades. Check out the anniversary content!

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Welcome to JKHub

This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance. From mods to art to troubleshooting help, we probably have it. If we don't, request or contribute!

Get started

This game turned 20 years old this year, and it is still one of the greatest Star Wars games of all time. If you're new or returning from a long hiatus, here are the basics of getting started with Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy in 2023.

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Free Web Hosting Shutdown

NOTICE: JKHub is not shutting down. Please keep that in mind before spreading rumors and assuming things. And please read everything below.


As most of you know, JKHub has been offering free web hosting to the JKA community for a few years now. The intention was to help out new and old clans, mod teams, and others to create a center for their activities. Unfortunately, this offer hasn't been as beneficial as we had hoped. I'll try to describe what's going on as best I can, in FAQ style.


Why the shutdown?

There are multiple reasons for the shutdown. Here are the main points:

  • JKHub staff doesn't have the man-power or technical resources to actually maintain the service fully anymore.
  • In relation to that, it takes an abundance of the time that we actually have, complete with maintenance and issues that arise, setting up accounts, etc.
  • It's expensive. We offer it free because if we didn't, there would be no point in offering it at all, but in turn, these issues above just aren't worth it.

What is happening to the existing accounts?

We understand any frustration this may cause the existing account owners, and we promise our intentions aren't to screw you over. We provided you free hosting for a few years, and we hope the service was satisfactory.


Basically, all accounts will be given a month to figure out what they are going to do. You can receive a backup of your site, and move to a new host, or you can do nothing and let it be deleted. We will offer to help you out with moving your site to a new host if you like. You will need to be in contact with us regarding that. Otherwise we will assume you know what you're doing.


Where can I find a new host? What do you recommend?

There are plenty of great hosts out there, and for all the sites we currently host now, almost any of them would be suitable. Google is your friend.


However, if you want to make this entire process as easy as possible, our good friend Caelum agreed to give a discount to sites we host. Every current JKHub hosted site will be able to move to his hosting for €5,50/month, which will keep you on the same server, with the same hosting you already had, and no need to move or do anything technical. It's a good deal, and for the convenience of doing nothing but paying for the service, it would be hard to pass that up. If you're interested in Caelum's hosting, click below or PM Caelum.







Do I get to keep my domain name?

If you had your own domain, yes.

If you were using a subdomain of jkhub.org (e.g. circa.jkhub.org), then you will also be able to keep it. You will need to work with us on setting that up for you by getting the IP address for the new host that you end up with. This is for existing accounts only. Do not ask for a subdomain if you don't already have an account. If you sign up for Caelum's hosting, you will automatically get to keep your domain.


When does all this happen?

Like I said, you get one month starting today to get everything figured out. After that, we will be deleting all accounts. You will be notified by email a week before that happens. An email with this article will be sent to all account holders today as well. We want this to be as painless as possible for you guys.



Again, sorry for the huge convenience this will cause. Remember to contact us regarding any help you need or anything of that sort. Send an email to contact@@JKHub.org, click the grey button above, or PM/email me.

By Circa, in Site news,

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arrgh... no i wanted a french member who masters the english...



LOL ! Dark_Apprentice tricks me! :lol: i didn't read all info.. of server shutdown.

As i said "serve shutdown" as it was written yesterday here. Can't you use a free host, I remember there was once the "co.cc" and it was moved later to something like ".tk" not really sure. But there are for sure some free servers that won't take money?



As i said "serve shutdown" as it was written yesterday here. Can't you use a free host, I remember there was once the "co.cc" and it was moved later to something like ".tk" not really sure. But there are for sure some free servers that won't take money?


Well.. i don't know about co.cc.. but .tk is a domain name changer from www.anakin.co.cc to www.anakin.tk , if i am not mistaken. 



who can explain me that in french? i think i've understood but...

arrgh... no i wanted a french member who masters the english...

Maybe @@lang_french can do that for you? Usually I try to word my posts to be translation friendly but it was a long article and I didn't bother with that. Sorry.



As i said "serve shutdown" as it was written yesterday here. Can't you use a free host, I remember there was once the "co.cc" and it was moved later to something like ".tk" not really sure. But there are for sure some free servers that won't take money?

These are domain names, not webhosting.



I decided to go with Caelum's webhosting. What you get for the price point is astonishing.


  • Tons of storage and bandwidth
  • The process is easy. It literally took less than 10 minutes (Cael did all the work!)
  • All the security enhancements on his servers are top notch.



Thank you Cael for the easy transition ;)



Most importantly though, thank you JKHub staff for hosting us for so very long. Your support was always top-notch, and know that we hold you in very high regard.

therfiles, Onysfx, Circa and 3 others like this


I decided to go with Caelum's webhosting. What you get for the price point is astonishing.

  • Tons of storage and bandwidth
  • The process is easy. It literally took less than 10 minutes (Cael did all the work!)
  • All the security enhancements on his servers are top notch.
Thank you Cael for the easy transition ;)



Most importantly though, thank you JKHub staff for hosting us for so very long. Your support was always top-notch, and know that we hold you in very high regard.


I completely agree @@Caelum's webhosting is 100% worth the price (that is, if you have the money) I plan to order his webhosting when I have money. :D
Caelum, Link and Onysfx like this


Okay, I don't "master" English, but I will try to translate/explain in French...


@@Supralord :


NOTE : JKHub n'est pas fermé. Veuillez garder cela à l'esprit avant de répandre des rumeurs, et prière de lire ce qui suit.


Comme vous le savez, JKHub offrait la possibilité à la communauté de JKA d'héberger des sites internet depuis quelques années. L'idée était de donner un coup de main aux clans, nouveaux comme anciens, aux équipes de modding, etc. pour créer une base pour leurs activités. Malheureusement, cette offre n'a pas été aussi prolifique qu'espéré. Je [N.d.T.* : Circa] vais essayer d'expliquer le mieux possible ce qu'il se passe, à la façon d'une FAQ.


Pourquoi cet arrêt ?
Il y a de multiples raisons à cet arrêt. En voici les principales :

  • L'équipe de JKHub ne dispose pas de ressources humaines et matérielles suffisantes pour maintenir complètement le service.
  • En lien avec ça, cela nécessite une quantité de temps que nous occupons avec la maintenance et les problèmes à résoudre, installer les comptes, etc.
  • C'est coûteux. Nous offrions nos services gratuitement car si nous ne le faisions pas, il n'y aurait eu aucune "offre" du tout, mais en contrepartie, les raisons ci-dessus n'auraient pas eu lieu d'être.

Qu'arrive-t-il aux comptes existants ?
Nous comprenons que cela puisse créer une frustration aux membres inscrits, et nous vous promettons que nos intentions ne sont pas de vous enc... de vous offenser [N.d.T. : tu as compris l'idée]. Nous vous avons offert un hébergement gratuit depuis plusieurs années, et nous espérons que ce service était satisfaisant.

En principe, tous les membres inscrits disposeront d'un mois pour décider de ce qu'ils vont faire. Vous pouvez faire une sauvegarde de votre site et aller sur un autre hébergeur, ou bien ne rien faire et le laisser être supprimé. Nous vous aiderons à déplacer votre site vers un autre hébergeur si vous voulez. Il vous faudra nous contacter le cas échéant. Dans le cas contraire, nous supposerons que vous savez ce que vous faites.


Où puis-je trouver un nouvel hébergeur ? Que me conseillez-vous ?

Il existe une pléiade de très bons hébergeurs, et pour tous les sites que nous avons hébergés jusqu'à présent, la plupart seraient appropriés. Google est votre ami.

Cependant, si vous voulez faire tout le processus aussi simplement que possible, notre bon ami Caelum est d'accord pour donner une réduction aux sites que nous hébergeons. Chaque site actuellement hébergé sur JKHub pourra être déplacé sur son hébergeur pour 5,50€/mois, dans lequel vous garderez le même serveur, avec les mêmes hébergements que vous aviez, et n'aurez donc besoin de ne faire aucune modification technique. C'est une bonne affaire, et pour le confort de ne rien faire à part payer le service, ce serait difficile de passer à côté. Si vous êtes intéressé, cliquez ci-dessous ou bien envoyez un message à Caelum.


Est-ce que je garderai mon nom de domaine ?
Si vous aviez votre propre nom de domaine, oui.
Si vous utilisiez un sous-domaine de jkhub.org (ex : circa.jkhub.org), vous pourrez aussi le garder. Vous aurez besoin de voir avec nous pour mettre l'adresse IP du nouvel hébergeur que vous aurez choisi. Ceci ne s'applique que pour les comptes existants seulement. Ne demandez pas un sous-domaine si vous n'avez pas déjà de compte. Si vous vous inscrivez pour l'hébergement de Caelum, vous pourrez automatiquement garder votre nom de domaine.

Donc c'est tout ce qui se passe ?
Comme je l'ai dit, vous disposez d'un mois à partir d'aujourd'hui [N.d.T. : le 4 mars 2015] pour faire tout ce qui a été dit. Passé l'échéance, nous supprimerons la totalité des comptes. Vous serez prévenus par mail une semaine avant. Un mail avec cet article sera également envoyé aujourd'hui [4 mars] à tous les comptes hébergeurs.Nous voulons que cela soit le moins douloureux possible pour vous, les gars.

Encore une fois, désolé pour l'énorme inconvénient que cela vous vous causera. Rappelez-vous que vous pouvez nous contacter pour obtenir toute l'aide dont vous pouvez avoir besoin ou d'autres choses de la sorte. Envoyez un mail à contact@JKHub.org, cliquez sur le bouton gris ci-dessus , ou bien MP/mailez-moi [Circa].


* N.d.T. = Note du Traducteur (Note of the Translator)

Donc si j'ai bien compris, JKHub va simplement supprimer la fonction d'hébergement de sites internet qui sont sûrement ceux de l'onglet "Groups" en haut de la page, mais tout le reste du site (partage de mods, forums...) continue de tourner comme d'habitude.


If I have understood well, JKHub will delete the website hosting only, probably the ones which are in the "Group" tab on the top of the page, but all of the other functions of the site (mods hosting, forums...) continue to run as usual. Am I right?

Circa and Supralord like this


If I have understood well, JKHub will delete the website hosting only, probably the ones which are in the "Group" tab on the top of the page, but all of the other functions of the site (mods hosting, forums...) continue to run as usual. Am I right?

Yes, but the sites linked in the JKHub Bar at the top of the page don't necessarily use our hosting.



While it probably wasn't said much, JKHub -- what you did for the JKA community was nothing short of awesome and generous for the webhosting service, as well as other services provided over the years.


Thank you personally from myself, for putting up with me when I needed you guys for several hosting projects.


much <3.

Circa likes this


Dang it.  Oh well I knew this day would come.



I'm scared, somebody hold me.


Probs going to move JA++ to my VPS, or github.io and serve files from my VPS.

Xycaleth likes this


I'm scared, somebody hold me.


Probs going to move JA++ to my VPS, or github.io and serve files from my VPS.


Circa and Xycaleth like this


is the site itself still going to host files made by people?



is the site itself still going to host files made by people?




Bek likes this


Horizon Studios is using Grendel Hosting.


We get free hosting with Unlimited Bandwidth and Unlimited Space but we have a limit on CPU, that limit is actually high and we have only exceeded it a few times and when we do the site goes offline for only a few hours (like 8-12 hours) so its no biggie. However, if your like me and are doing template editing all day you can easily max out your daily CPU limits.  AFAIK, the CPU Limits reset every day.


I recommend Grendel Hosting if your looking for minor limits on your webhosting. 

eezstreet and Futuza like this


Horizon Studios is using Grendel Hosting.


We get free hosting with Unlimited Bandwidth and Unlimited Space but we have a limit on CPU, that limit is actually high and we have only exceeded it a few times and when we do the site goes offline for only a few hours (like 8-12 hours) so its no biggie. However, if your like me and are doing template editing all day you can easily max out your daily CPU limits.  AFAIK, the CPU Limits reset every day.


I recommend Grendel Hosting if your looking for minor limits on your webhosting. 

Or you can use a potato to host your server, which is just as reliable.

Merek likes this


Or you can use a potato to host your server, which is just as reliable.

I kept having issues with not only with Grendel Hosting, but my damn 'free' domains as well. Time to get a job, order a real domain, and order @@Caelum's webhosting and rid of the bullshit.

LavCorps!, Link and Caelum like this


I kept having issues with not only with Grendel Hosting, but my damn 'free' domains as well. Time to get a job, order a real domain, and order @@Caelum's webhosting and rid of the bullshit.

In the meantime, we're sitting on our butts over at Koding.



Tried them both and we exceeded memory usage. :(


I'm moving to a CentOS VPS :/

Should try lowendspirit.com real cheap vps :)
LavCorps! likes this


I am offering free website hosting for anyone interested. It has cPanel, hosted on dedicated business class internet, SSD speeds, 500mb storage space, nightly backups, Softaculous included, spam controlled, unlimited bandwidth and I can offer subdomains if anyone needs it.



Digital Ocean, Host Gator, and 1&1 are all hosting companies I've used and enjoyed in the past.



@@LavCorps! - quit hating on Potato, Inc.; their servers work great thanks to their potato farm and they also sell the best mashed potatoes.

Raz0r and LavCorps! like this

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