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Imperial Officer lazy WIP thread. Only Imperials. More Imperials. Fanon Imperials.

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Hello there!


In this topic I will add my reskins, maybe kitbashi and other things that diversify a single game a little. I do not work with the adaptation of models under the multiplayer, since it is a bit difficult. But any of you can adapt them if desired. Also, there will be a set of Imperials from the Vade Parvis pack resources that will not be included in them. These will be the unique Imperials, invented by me, or other fans. 

Of course, I do this only in my free time, so don’t get angry if I suddenly drag out with work. :)

Important point! Since I know English very poorly (a little worse than beginner’s), this causes inconvenience in communicating with the English-speaking community. But nevertheless, this does not stop me in my desire to work with the JA community. I use Google translator for communication, therefore, there may be errors and incomprehensibility in the text. Take note and do not hesitate to clarify if something is unclear. I will always try to reformulate the text! Thank you for understanding!

1. Imperial Navy Trooper



2. Imperial Navy Trooper ROTJ




3. Imperial Navy Trooper Operator ANH







4. Improved Imperial TIE-pilot




5. Imperial Pilot 181th Squadron




7. Agent Kallus (without armor)










8. Fleet-admiral Kassius Konstantine










9. Admiral Brom Titus










10. EU 181th Squadron Officer




11. Improved Tarkin




12. Imperial Reserve TIE-pilot




13. Imperial Technician Scanning Crew ROTJ




14. Imperial Department of Military Research - Security Force (Soldiers)




15. Imperial Military Operations Officer ANH










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  • 2 years later...
I decided to make a small deathtroopers pack based on Scerendo’s deathtrooper. It will include a shoulder pad of all colors, each will be assigned a rank.


none - private

black - corporal

white - sergeant

gray - staff-sergeant

cerulean - master-sergeant

blue - lieutenant

red - commander

orange - captain

yellow - major

brown - lieutenant-colonel

green - colonel

purple - brigadier


There will also be different skins: ghost trooper, sand deathtrooper, deathtrooper medic, maybe shock deathtrooper, swamp deathtrooper. In addition, updated the set of sounds, cutting them from the collection of sounds DICE Battlefront 2




If you have ideas, who else to do and add here, write)

Vade Parvis and Tompa9 like this
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My fast kitbash.




An imperial transport pilot, in this case from the 501st Legion, serving on Mustafar. He first appears in the VR attraction Secrets of the Empire. But more precisely not he himself, but the rebel spy Athex, disguised as him.




So far, the clean version. Perhaps in the future I will add scuffs and a backpack.








Tompa9, Delmi, Vade Parvis and 4 others like this
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My fast kitbash.




An imperial transport pilot, in this case from the 501st Legion, serving on Mustafar. He first appears in the VR attraction Secrets of the Empire. But more precisely not he himself, but the rebel spy Athex, disguised as him.




So far, the clean version. Perhaps in the future I will add scuffs and a backpack.








That's actually pretty cool. I've never seen this guy before. Quite an interesting look.

Imperial Officer likes this
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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a small crutch in 15 minutes. In the first version of E-22 (based on E-11) from Scerendo there is no weapon icon. I made an icon and tested it. Everything is working. Those who wish can set themselves. I put the folder and pk3 in the archive in order to choose any method of installation that is convenient for you.




Installation methods:
1. Move the gfx folder from the archive to zzz_E_22.pk3
2. Extract E-22_Icon.pk3 to the game directory
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  • 1 month later...

Hello there, again ... In general, while there is nothing to boast. There was a busy period of time, and I almost didn’t work on skins. So far, back to E-22 from Scerendo, to add a hand. To hold such a massive rifle with one hand is a bit strange, agree.




Unless, of course, Jaden is the Terminator.




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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello! I was away for a long time, there was a lot to do, but now, I can return to work on the Imperials, which I had long abandoned. There were some thoughts on the implementation of some new Imperials, in particular the form of genetic scientists from the base on Nevarro, new skins for shoretroopers, the tank infantry of the stormtrooper corps and the Imperial rangers based on the scout trooper. Also, I plan to continue working on the naval troopers. It will take me a while to remember Blender's functionality and get used to the new version.

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