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New Jedi Knight Jedi Academy

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Jedi knights. I believe this community is very small. And it is very hard to become bigger. Seeing as JkJa is an old game now. Don't you think as a community we should write to the developers of jkja to make a new jk game with the same cuts and strikes moves just improved. I think the community would get bigger and we would have more supporters . What do you all think?

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Furthermore, the likelihood of EA planning a reboot or a new Jedi Knight game isn't likely to happen. Certainly not anytime for the foreseeable future, at least. Especially with all the IP's they showed off, in development at E3, this year. If you wanna write to EA and ask them what you're asking for, then go ahead, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Hence why Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are now modded beyond the game's capacity.

LucyTheAlien, Lancelot and Smoo like this
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We should try to petition for it again or at least try something. We can't just give up. There has to be something we can do. There's always a way.

We should try to petition for it again or at least try something. We can't just give up. There has to be something we can do. There's always a way.

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I'm pretty sure this is not how this 'works'. This is what we have modding for (something you btw can't expect in any potential new EA JK game. This engine is still one of the best for modding!). These games all have some pretty niche gameplay, and the big-time developers are afraid of committing to something like that. You'd have better luck petitioning to the community to make something fan-made, or inspiring some smaller game company, but we all know that usually doesn't make it out the door. Closest thing is probably the MBII in Unreal Engine thing.

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Except on Nexus, some of the games are from 2008 to 2009. And Fallout 4 is the latest moddable game, so...I'd say we're NOT dead yet.

They took many decisions on Fallout 4 which make it less moddable than the previous entry in the series. Notably: a voiced main character and restricted dialog system.


I think this is a dumb argument though. Mods are going to happen regardless of whether a company gives support for it. Minecraft didn't get official mod support until after mods existed for the game, and all of Blizzard's games have had mods without any official support. The most recent game to get mods without having support? No Man's Sky, released just last month.


My point is, the type of game is what makes for more mods. RPGs, RTSes, survival games and multiplayer FPSes are more prone to get mods. Tower defense, puzzle, and linear FPSes are not suitable games for mods.

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HL2 is just as moddable as this game, how is that the little they allowed?

Hl2 core is moddable or skeleton game base but none of their real games are beyond skins or server plugin hacks.

Eezstreet a voiced main character is way better for Bethesda than not having any at all.

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Hl2 core is moddable or skeleton game base but none of their real games are beyond skins or server plugin hacks.

Eezstreet a voiced main character is way better for Bethesda than not having any at all.

You're right of course, I'm not saying it was a bad decision necessarily, just that it made the game less expandable.
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