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[SWS Mod] Dune Sea

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This was mentioned before but I'm finally making progress on it. The mission after Tantive IV will feature the squad of stormtroopers that was tasked with finding C-3PO and R2 on Tatooine. We see them a few times in that whole sequence. We know they're searching. They eventually find them as the group is fleeing in the Falcon in Mos Eisley. This mission will aim to give a sense of what they faced during their search.
The story isn't fully planned yet but it will feature some of the following:

  • Various Tatooine native creatures: womp rats, Tusken Raiders, anoobas, dewbacks, maybe a krayt dragon?
  • Moisture farmer and jawa encounters (could get brutal, they kill Owen and Beru and all those jawas, remember)
  • possible dialogue with Vader via comlink regarding their mission

The key is making it line up with and make sense with the story we already know. We know the Empire doesn't mess around, so these troopers that you play as will not hold back. Yes, there will be new dialogue for these troops and other characters. Yes, you will be able to ride a dewback, like they show in the film. :)
This is still very much a work in progress. All dialogue you see is placeholder base lines. Mostly just getting the map and scripting out of the way.
What I need:
I'm hoping for maybe some new models/skins eventually. Some that people have started and not finished already, that I'd love to see finished for this. Others would just be nice for someone to do.

  • New sandtrooper - I used Haps' Sandtrooper in the video but I would love to have @@Barricade24's new and improved skin of @@DT85's model
  • New Lambda shuttle - I know there are a couple people here that have mentioned wanting to start or already have started a better version; would be nice for this mission and future missions for the mod
  • New dewback model - it's pretty rough, as you can see in the video, would love to see someone take a stab at a new one with smoother animations
  • Finish @@Boothand's womp rat model - would love to see it finished. He made it for me for the white elephant event, but he didn't finish it. Boothand, if you want to finish it that would be amazing. Otherwise, someone else could take it and give it animations and such
  • Possible NPC skin/model - more on this later, but anyone that wants to contribute a skin/model of a moisture farmer and/or his family, be my guest
  • Escape pod model - you'll encounter this at the beginning - dialogue about them not being there and to move on
yeyo JK, therfiles, Jeff and 6 others like this
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Probably Sentinel-Class shuttle, imperial sentry droid (no idea if this has been done yet) and escape pod models would be usefull too. Anyway, that trailer looks really promising, the whole idea of this mission is very good imho.

Actually, after working on it further, I realized I need the escape pod model. :P Good catch. I definitely need that soon, as it'll be the very beginning of the mission. I'm using the JK2 escape pod as a placeholder right now.


If someone wants to take a stab at that, I would be grateful. Doesn't have to be super detailed. At least not as much as the pictures.




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Alright. Any recommendations for the terrain? I made a pretty good looking sand texture, but I'd rather not have it look like it repeats so much. I've looked at some terrain tutorials, but I'm curious what people think. This is compiled with BSP -meta, so no lighting, but it'll be pretty similar with it being extremely sunny in this setting.





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I think that looks pretty good, isn't too harsh on the eyes, but you're gonna have to give up some of the texture's personality if you want to make it look uniform in the distance. Maybe it would work better to have a more uniform texture, then blend a larger one (higher res) on top which has much greater tiles and has greater color range.


Also some more rocks and objects could help make tiling patterns be less notorious in the sand, but there will be too much sand overall to rely on such.


What was your source for the sand texture?

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Well if it makes you feel any better I started setting up the Lambda that was for DF2 which was just a static map object as a vehicle also, I was going to release to be a replacement like the AT-ST. You can use that when I get around to finishing it, just keep the base one as a place holder and I'll try to match it's origin and size close enough to where it will just overwrite without you changing anything.

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I think that looks pretty good, isn't too harsh on the eyes, but you're gonna have to give up some of the texture's personality if you want to make it look uniform in the distance. Maybe it would work better to have a more uniform texture, then blend a larger one (higher res) on top which has much greater tiles and has greater color range.


Also some more rocks and objects could help make tiling patterns be less notorious in the sand, but there will be too much sand overall to rely on such.


What was your source for the sand texture?

I'll definitely need to use more rocks and items scattered around. I just hope people don't complain about it not being accurate. :P


The texture used there is this:






I scaled it down to 512 for Radiant but kept it at 2048 in-game. 



I'm also curious for professional opinions regarding the skybox. I know that it's better to not build the map in a huge box to avoid leaks and ensure the sky is all around, however, should I make an exception here? I'm going through making the skybox as walls and ceiling to this map now, and it's really sloppy looking, since the floor isn't straight and boxy. I made it look unpredictable. This is making it really ugly for the skybox. Should I just make the big box like I had it before? I want to make sure I'm doing things right.

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I'm also curious for professional opinions regarding the skybox. I know that it's better to not build the map in a huge box to avoid leaks and ensure the sky is all around, however, should I make an exception here? I'm going through making the skybox as walls and ceiling to this map now, and it's really sloppy looking, since the floor isn't straight and boxy. I made it look unpredictable. This is making it really ugly for the skybox. Should I just make the big box like I had it before? I want to make sure I'm doing things right.


An alternative to the giant skybox solution is to make paths through sand dunes that are too high to climb, and basically make skybox corridors at the top of the dunes. With some creativity you could also put a slippery shader to the sand on the top, plus a script which makes the player fall down as he approaches it and plays a sandy effect localized on the player.

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The texture has what looks to me like healing brush patchmarks, or these kind of blurred and washed out spots that are noticeable when close. If this is the edited one, I was wondering what was the source?

I got it from Google. So I'm not sure. :P Those things aren't noticeable in-game. Unless you know they're there. I'm all for someone making a new texture, but I'm not going to be too picky about it.



An alternative to the giant skybox solution is to make paths through sand dunes that are too high to climb, and basically make skybox corridors at the top of the dunes. With some creativity you could also put a slippery shader to the sand on the top, plus a script which makes the player fall down as he approaches it and plays a sandy effect localized on the player.


That's not a bad idea. :lol: Except I don't want that to be all around the map. Then it'll seem like you're in this sand canyon, when I want it to be an ocean of sand (Dune Sea). I was making use of blockplayer brushes so you can't to close enough to the edges to see that they are actually edges. It kinda works but could probably be done better.

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Very small update. This is taking a lot longer than it should because I'm learning as I'm going. :)


This will be the end of the map. You reach the sandcrawler of the jawas that had taken R2 and C3PO. Stuff goes down. Jawas get extremely angry. 















Would love to have that womp rat model soon @@Boothand. I may need to place howlers or mine monsters as placeholders until I get that.

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