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Seven's Random WIP Thread

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By the way, @@Seven. Would you mind doing a fix on this Samurai Darth Vader that was made by dark_apprentice on here? The only issue there is on this model in the game is the crest on his forehead. And can also you remove the flag on it's back so it would be optional to use him with or without the flag? Samurai Vader Download



If my theory about what causes this is right, a shader with the line "cull disable" or "cull twosided" should be able to fix it.


Just identify the texture that's used for the crest and if it allready has a shader add the line to the entry for the used texture or if it does not have shaders:


create a new folder "shaders", in that create a plain text file (.txt) and write the following in that:

    cull twosided
        map models/players/"modelname"/"texture"
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse

Just replace the "modelname" with the nme of the folder that holds the samurai vader skin, and "texture" with the name of the imagefile used for the crest.

Seven and KyleKatarn1995 like this

If my theory about what causes this is right, a shader with the line "cull disable" or "cull twosided" should be able to fix it.


Just identify the texture that's used for the crest and if it allready has a shader add the line to the entry for the used texture or if it does not have shaders:


create a new folder "shaders", in that create a plain text file (.txt) and write the following in that:

    cull twosided
        map models/players/"modelname"/"texture"
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse

Just replace the "modelname" with the nme of the folder that holds the samurai vader skin, and "texture" with the name of the imagefile used for the crest.

I've done next to no work with shaders. It's probably time to learn


This is a big day. I'm very exited to announce my first successful port! Say hello to TFU Qui Gon Jinn!




I used HapSlashes robes still :)

How?!?! How did you port it over to ja :o?


It was done before with the Lord Starkiller model. :/

yeah, but the same question goes for that as well, including the phase II and III models ported by @@Jeff


Its just a matter of matching the mesh to an other JKA mesh. So make all the settings the same, reparent the tags, add the armature, weigh the verticies, and some other stuff


Its just a matter of matching the mesh to an other JKA mesh. So make all the settings the same, reparent the tags, add the armature, weigh the verticies, and some other stuff

alright, but did you use blender? if so, could you tell what you did with the tfu qui-gon jinn model to get it working as a ja playermodel?


alright, but did you use blender? if so, could you tell what you did with the tfu qui-gon jinn model to get it working as a ja playermodel?

Blender yes. There are tutorials out there, but you have to piece them together. If you have no blender experience, its gonna take you a while

swegmaster likes this

Count Dooku, TFU edition on HS Dooku body. Now the question is, keep HS body, or use TFU body with HS cape?


i think the head could go better with his tfu body and the hs cape

Seven likes this

now the question is will the ported models get download links on here, as jkhub won't accept entirely ported mods

I've submitted quigon with the HS body to see what happens there, and fully ported models will put here

TheWhitePhoenix and swegmaster like this

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