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**OFFICIAL** Dark Forces Mod revival topic

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@@minilogoguy18  @@AshuraDX thanks for your offers. Whoever gets to it first would be great, but there's no huge rush. I don't plan on a "stable" release until levels 7 and 8 are done. At that time I'll want to replace Mohc. And mini, I'll help you out either way. If AshuraDX beats you to it maybe you can help me out with doing a Kyle kitbash rigging later on.

KyleKatarn1995 likes this

@@minilogoguy18  @@AshuraDX thanks for your offers. Whoever gets to it first would be great, but there's no huge rush. I don't plan on a "stable" release until levels 7 and 8 are done. At that time I'll want to replace Mohc. And mini, I'll help you out either way. If AshuraDX beats you to it maybe you can help me out with doing a Kyle kitbash rigging later on.

I can assure you, I will be one of THE FIRST to download it when 7 and 8 are done. But what I'm REALLY looking forward too is a full release. :D


Mohc doesn't look finished. It has no LODs, some of the textures look unfinished, some meshes aren't named properly, some of the model needs more segmentation and it also needs to have caps added.




My time is limited, but I've corrected these issues:


- segmentation

- mesh naming

- model position

- added smooth groups

- holes

- reset xform




Saved in Max 2014.


Still needs:


- rigging

- texture fixes

- caps

- LODs

- inner mouth mesh aligned to the face mesh's mouth

Teancum and KyleKatarn1995 like this

Mohc doesn't look finished. It has no LODs, some of the textures look unfinished, some meshes aren't named properly, some of the model needs more segmentation and it also needs to have caps added.




My time is limited, but I've corrected these issues:


- segmentation

- mesh naming

- model position

- added smooth groups

- holes

- reset xform




Saved in Max 2014.


Still needs:


- rigging

- texture fixes

- caps

- LODs

- inner mouth mesh aligned to the face mesh's mouth


LODs and caps seems a bit overkill, considering that he only appears in a bunch of cutscenes, always or almost close-up and never gets dismembered.

Tempust85 likes this

Another thing we need is a Crix Madine model in which you have to rescue him in the Imperial Detention Center. I wonder if someone can make him?


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I've part of the uncomplete Dark Forces mod in my base folder (I deleted some textures-models I didn't need) and I there's a Madine NPC file.

I'm not sure if I deleted the model or it wasn't present at all


I seem to remember that the Crix Madine that is rescued in the mod is a simple prisoner reskin.

i know this might not be related to the topic, but i've been thinking, if the df mod could be recreated, what about the mots mod?


Manpower, manpower, manpower, and perhaps it can be done ;)

TheWhitePhoenix and swegmaster like this

in the screenshot, the scout trooper holds a bryar pistol that has a dl-44 model, and the bryar pistol the player is holding is the dl-44, with the dark forces mod's bryar model with the original jedi outcast bryar texture, also, ive actually converted character sounds like the darth vader sounds from the actual mots and made them useable for ja, so if anyone wants any of my converted mots character sounds, ill be happy to give a download link :)


in the screenshot, the scout trooper holds a bryar pistol that has a dl-44 model, and the bryar pistol the player is holding is the dl-44, with the dark forces mod's bryar model with the original jedi outcast bryar texture, also, ive actually converted character sounds like the darth vader sounds from the actual mots and made them useable for ja, so if anyone wants any of my converted mots character sounds, ill be happy to give a download link :)

The good thing about JK and MotS is that there's a JKL (Jedi Knight level) to .MAP converter. If people don't need ultra HD it's not too difficult, just time consuming.
swegmaster likes this

some screenshots i took :D



terrifying as f*ck :o :o



area where you use a blaster scope to shoot a switch :)






a door



a console area with an imp. officer, an imp. commando, and a mouse droid



an area with a camera and imp. commando



an imp. officer at a switch that would open a secret area located near the armory if you know what i mean :)



2 imp. officers and 2 interrogation droids, it saddens me that in jo and ja interrogation droids can't shoot you, they only hurt you and make your vision trippy as hell :(



another area with an interrogation droid






an AT-AT pilot by an AT-AT



gettin meh saber out to rek some imperial cunts >: D



dear god, lord vader has come, and has a cape and lower cape invisible on one side :(

KyleKatarn1995, Omega and Maksman like this

Hey all, what do you guys think about a boss fight with a certain bounty hunter (not Boba Fett) at Ramsees Hed? I was thinking he'd be on the payroll of the smuggler pirates working for the Empire. As you get close the pirate boss notices you and orders that bounty hunter to kill you. Might be a fun boss fight and a fun non-canon way to end some bounty hunter who didn't appear in the original trilogy (yes, that's a hint).


You had my hopes up until you said that he didn't appear in the original trilogy... Well, as much as a few a few seconds counts.


I was really hoping for a cutscene where Kyle tries to pull a fast one on Ol' Dengar and he tries to fly away in his giant toilet bowl ship.


In case you didn't get the Robot Chicken reference:





I completely forgot about that model. Looked pretty good.

The model I really wish he released was his Imperial Commando model


It's a awesome edit of his already fantastic Imperial model. It's a million times better than the Imperial Commando we got in the mod.


Makes me wonder if someone could edit the now uploaded Hapslash Imperial Model to look like this. 


I thought Dengar would have been a great fit, too. Trouble is I couldn't find a model of him. And now looking at other bounty hunters available I've changed the clue. Simply put, it's not IG-88, Bossk, Dengar, or Boba Fett.


(If someone guesses right I'll let you know)

some screenshots i took :D

Cool screens, but please make a new thread if you're going to post em'. Don't hijack mine.
swegmaster and KyleKatarn1995 like this

JKL to map is shit to say the least. You need to do a recreation in radiant.


Even more so, if you consider that the original maps are geometrically extremely outdated. Only a recreation and improvement of the maps can make them justice for a mod. The only case I can find that tool useful would be to get an idea of the general size of a map, and perhaps a few structures with weird angles.

Tempust85 likes this

i agree with what teancum has said about my screens and kinda hijacking this post, but, this may sound noob, but i don't know how to delete posts, maybe we could keep the screens for reference in case someone might want to recreate the mod themselves


i agree with what teancum has said about my screens and kinda hijacking this post, but, this may sound noob, but i don't know how to delete posts, maybe we could keep the screens for reference in case someone might want to recreate the mod themselves

I'm not offended or anything, no worries. I downloaded the MotS mod source files that were posted here, looks like the levels came from there. Maybe when I'm bored I'll run lighting through the first two levels, as they look pretty good. Where did you get the textures, though? The source files didn't have them. Did you convert them all? If you have the PK3 files that would work too. I can just convert the BSP to MAP. Might be a fun diversion some time.
swegmaster likes this

I'm not offended or anything, no worries. I downloaded the MotS mod source files that were posted here, looks like the levels came from there. Maybe when I'm bored I'll run lighting through the first two levels, as they look pretty good. Where did you get the textures, though? The source files didn't have them. Did you convert them all? If you have the PK3 files that would work too. I can just convert the BSP to MAP. Might be a fun diversion some time.

there were some textures that were named wrong, i had to rename them to get them to work, still have some missing textures though, also, if you do successfully recreate the df mod, would you consider remaking the df2 mod and maybe even the mots mod?


some screens of df


kyle grappling an imp. commander



oh my god, the concussion rifle wall impact found in the disruptor fx folder :D



if you look closely at the assault cannon reflection you can see the jedi outcast nar shaddaa shot0049_env texture :I

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