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Knights of the force expansion mod crashes on start up

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Whenever I try to load the mod it it says "Jedi academy so has stopped working" however when I try to load the original game it works perfectly, how can I fix this?


By uninstalling it.


To put it bluntly, that "mod" is a pile of crap and I wouldn't be surprised if you had issues with it.

and what's wrong with it?

It is a Trojan Horse. That's all.


And if you want more details, the "creator" just theft several mods without credit the owners (he said he made all). He cheated seeral of his fans by making a crowdfunding: he reached several hundreds (I think between 1.000 and 2.000) dollars to "get a new and more powerful computer", and a couple of weeks after that he said he had no more time for this, KotF took all his life, and he aborted the whole project with deleting all files. It was only a huge swindle. All what he made was just some little coding to get many (robbed) characters from the movie to playable characters and put a virus inside the installer.


So uninstall this "thing" right now and delete it from your computer, and make as you had never heard of it.

Or if you really want to test it, it's at your own risks; we will not help you with this scam/scum.

jacklul, Bek, eezstreet and 2 others like this

It is a Trojan Horse. That's all.


And if you want more details, the "creator" just theft several mods without credit the owners (he said he made all). He cheated seeral of his fans by making a crowdfunding: he reached several hundreds (I think between 1.000 and 2.000) dollars to "get a new and more powerful computer", and a couple of weeks after that he said he had no more time for this, KotF took all his life, and he aborted the whole project with deleting all files. It was only a huge swindle. All what he made was just some little coding to get many (robbed) characters from the movie to playable characters and put a virus inside the installer.


So uninstall this "thing" right now and delete it from your computer, and make as you had never heard of it.

Or if you really want to test it, it's at your own risks; we will not help you with this scam/scum.

can you at least tell

Me what mods he stole so I can download them?


I think I asked this before but what sort of files cause the virus is it the installer, the launcher or the complication of stolen mod files.All this just to show off that he lives in Turkey and is a Star Wars fan.


can you at least tell

Me what mods he stole so I can download them?

Quite literally everything except for the menu's and translations.


can you at least tell

Me what mods he stole so I can download them?

Unfortunately, I think all came from jk3files.com, and the site shutted down a few months ago. Moreover, many of the models were old, not very well-made and pretty rough, you will find very better characters here.


I forget what was the content, I think there was sequences of the films (attack of Geonosis arena, Duel of the Fates, massacre of Jedi Temple, Order 66...) Many things from Prequels, but maybe I am mistaking KotF with Movie Battles. I prefer mods with a non-adapted movie's story, they are more interesting.


That old piece of s*** mod is still around...? I thought the website would've been shut down by now....

The website is still online and the mod is still available. The developer just stopped working on the mod, right after the source code has been released.


I must admit, I actually liked this mod, and I was hoping that it would get a full release. But later, I didn't see any point of supporting the mod any longer.

It still surprises me that modders are still using the mod as a basis for their own work.


That old piece of s*** mod is still around...? I thought the website would've been shut down by now....

"Nanomachines, Son!"


Uh... sorry, wrong game. Copies, downloads on other sites, this is very possible, the Internet is so big...


@@Onysfx : We don't judge this people at all, we tell him to delete immediately the mod. The one we blame is this bast*** who made KotF.


Almost all of those models can be found here on JKHub. Here's a list for all the main good ones.


Go-to JKA Mods


As far as KOTF goes, it really was just an easy way to spawn things. It was a cool idea, just done in a wrong way.


Hopefully if the Star Wars Saga mod gets anywhere, people will prefer that over KOTF, where you can actually play missions from the movies, rather than just have maps to spawn things in. You can already do all that.

Jolly likes this

Whenever I see a topic about KOTF I shudder and scream eternally, then need to go lie down for 30 minutes.


I was under the impression that any and all discussion/topics related to it were banned from the site.

CommanderXeph likes this

MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev


Whenever I see a topic about KOTF I shudder and scream eternally, then need to go lie down for 30 minutes.


I was under the impression that any and all discussion/topics related to it were banned from the site.

One FileFront it was. But their staff banned anything and anyone that looked at them funny.

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