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Star Wars Episode VIII Discussion

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Maybe he'll analyze empire strikes back, and the movie will start on a frozen planet very similar to Hoth. The movie would then show the empire regaining its foothold so in movie 9, they could blow up a shabbily defended death star #4 after they get its battle plans from one of the droids. At that point the empire will have to file for bankruptcy due wasting so much money building planet size structures that get blown up relatively easily.

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  On 12/24/2015 at 10:19 PM, dark_apprentice said:

Sure, but will do tomorrow I am too lazy and sleepy atm :D and acting like a fan-girl on image of Lego Kylo Ren xD


I own that figure. :) Also have Lego Phasma, C-3PO, R2-D2, Stormtrooper, Rey, BB-8, Teedo, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Poe Dameron. I'm still waiting on the Luke Skywalker from TFA. There's also that polybag of Finn in a Stormtrooper suit, so i'll be getting that too when it's available.

  • 4 weeks later...

Random predictions for Episode VIII (mostly original, some taken from some great people at the Cantina forums):

-The Republic builds a new super weapon (mostly defensive) to defend themselves from the First Order, lead by Benicio del Toro (new actor)
-Leia and Poe watch the republic slowly become the empire
-Finn is vocally opposed (he has friends in the FO still…in fact, a new character will be an old friend of Finn)
-Luke went in self exile to protect himself from the dark side, since Kylo Ren and his knights killed Mara Jade and his students and his rage could consume him otherwise
-Luke is bitter and in pain, his new “un-dogmatic” Jedi view failed with Ben Solo. He doesn’t want to train Rey, as he is afraid of what could happen
-Luke and Mara lived happily but had no children, due to Mara/Luke being sterile
-Leia has another son who is NOT force sensitive
-Snoke trains Kylo
-Lando is confirmed dead
-Kylo and Leia have a showdown
-Rey is the daughter of ???


As I was going to sleep, just found out, that the Working Title of Star Wars Episode 8 is called: Space Bear
Reminder for this is the fact, that all Star Wars movies are with strange working titles indeed. Not sure if this is just a fake rumor or real one, but here is how they are lined up:

Star Wars The Force Awakens (Working Title = FOODLES PRODUCTIONS LTD.)

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi (Working Title = BLUE HARVEST)

Star Wars Episodes 1, 2, 3 (Working Title = JAK PRODUCTIONS)

  On 1/20/2016 at 9:09 PM, Circa said:

Release date changed: December 15, 2017




That's good. Gives them more time to work on the film!

^^I hope so. My reaction to announcements of delays is almost always as follows, first the initial disappointment, then the acknowledgement that it's almost certainly for the better. Besides, even with that delay, Episode VIII will still be the shortest wait between episodes so far.
Circa and therfiles like this

I think it would be better to postpone it until May 2018, so that we had a premiere on a classic date. I was at first unamused by the delay, though yes, it could mean they would work harder on the film and make something decent.




The strangest theory so far.



When I read the title, at first I thought, that they would speak of a clone or that Rey was sort of relative of Anakin aside from Luke. The three minutes were enough however to see that they meant something else. I am not dying, the video is too convincing, but I thought, that probably for Episode VIII they might be using a somehow new concept - resurrection. We've already seen immortality, life after death and other wonders in Star Wars.


Star Wars, being somehow related to Oriental philosophies, could feature resurrection as well. I still don't buy the fact that Rey can be another embodiment of Anakin Skywalker, but to some extent it at least sounds interesting.

  On 1/22/2016 at 9:08 PM, Garyn Dakari said:

Maybe, but the thing about 2017 is that it marks the 40th anniversary of the original's release. They've got the wrong month now, but right year.

Maybe they'll re-release the original theatrical cuts on Blu-ray in May instead! This postponement could potentially give more limelight to something like that.

  On 1/22/2016 at 11:48 PM, NumberWan said:

The strangest theory so far.



just  no.



Benicio Del Toro is almost a perfect villain. With his age, I'd guess him to be an imperial general, commanding Phasma and the First Order. I think that the next StarWars film has Phasma running after Finn, as he humiliated her by turning against the Order, and taking her as a hostage momentarily. Finn became a deflector, like in the old spy movies, so I'd figure he's a wanted man by the Order. It seems like Rey is to become the first female hero of the saga, and Luke might meet almost the exact same fate as Obi-Wan did, because as we know, there's a specific way how these films progress, a blueprint so to speak. The prequels are much like the Sequels, and episode 7 was a lot like episode 1 and 4 all over again.



I'd love to see Disney break this ladder of progress by maybe killing Rey so that Luke will save the day, duelling Snoke and bringing an end to the Order. Hah, I know, that's never gonna happen, but I'd hate to go see episode 8 while expecting Luke to die, as if that's supposed to happen. I hope that they'll keep him alive atleast untill the last episode of the saga, because he's the hero of this opera, Anakin was the chosen one sure, but he was bad, Vader was bad. Luke Skywalker saved the day :)



Jimmy Vee as R2D2???



Well you need a replacement for R2D2's actor. Like I've been saving its going to repeat the process of 5 and 6 .Eight having the heroes be chased around various worlds by the First Order in a similar fashion to ESB.As for Nine it'll be a lot like Return of the Jedi if not something else.Rey and Co.are on a mission to stop Kylo and Snoke for good this time with the help of the New Republic and the Resistance with a large scale fleet battle against possibly a fourth Death Star(Starkiller Base II) inspired super weapon and First Order Fleet but who knows this might actually happen in Eight.Everyone knows  history can repeat itself.


@@Circa: That would certainly make me and many others quite happy, as well as being very appropriate for the time. Hope it's true!


  On 1/23/2016 at 3:13 PM, zeƒilus said:

just  no.



Benicio Del Toro is almost a perfect villain. With his age, I'd guess him to be an imperial general, commanding Phasma and the First Order. I think that the next StarWars film has Phasma running after Finn, as he humiliated her by turning against the Order, and taking her as a hostage momentarily. Finn became a deflector, like in the old spy movies, so I'd figure he's a wanted man by the Order. It seems like Rey is to become the first female hero of the saga, and Luke might meet almost the exact same fate as Obi-Wan did, because as we know, there's a specific way how these films progress, a blueprint so to speak. The prequels are much like the Sequels, and episode 7 was a lot like episode 1 and 4 all over again.

While it's true that Del Toro would almost definitely make a great Imperial commander/general/Moff/whatever, my money's actually on him being a Resistance/Republic military leader instead. TFA introduced four villains, didn't kill any of them, and underused all but one. Del Toro taking Hux's place makes Hux rather useless to the series.


The Republic on the other hand just had its government and leaders wiped out. If it is to survive, someone would have to step up and take over. It makes sense for it to be a military take over, either by what's left of the Republic army or perhaps even by the Resistance. Benicio Del Toro could play the new head of the Republic(Technically, Leia could also serve that roll, but I get the feeling that they don't want to give Fisher a lot of screen time...).

That said, he could still be a villain, even as the head of the Republic. Or perhaps not a 'villain', but ruthless and uncompromising. I think that could be an interesting direction to take the series in, the Republic becoming darker/greyer and more militaristic to combat the unequivocally evil First Order, with the Jedi and the main characters just caught in the middle.


Some people suggest, Star Wars VIII will be filmed in Croatia. So we might have another green planet in the Galaxy. Or probably a location with a decent old town, occupied by the First Order. I would like to see a normal town with dozens of citizens, walking around.


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  On 1/27/2016 at 10:35 PM, NumberWan said:

Some people suggest, Star Wars VIII will be filmed in Croatia. So we might have another green planet in the Galaxy. Or probably a location with a decent old town, occupied by the First Order. I would like to see a normal town with dozens of citizens, walking around.


Well now that you said it;  this first episode of the ending trilogy showed shipwrecks at Jakku, Resistance against the Order and planets blown apart.In the original trilogy they never stopped to really deal with the destruction of Alderaan, maybe this time they will, episode 8 could bring back the diplomacy scenes from episodes 1-3  im not saying they will but I wouldn't mind seeing Leia Organa giving a speech to politicians at Coruscant, a call out to everyone "fight back".  Something like this would make a perfect reason to expand the story into bigger cities around the galaxy.


I'm looking at images of Croatia, and I don't know what to make of it.  Some places do speak STARWARS to me. Dubrovnik reminds me of Naboo. If episode 8 includes scenes shot at Croatia there are many good locations there, beautiful nature aswel.The heroes of the film, Rey, Finn or Poe could go to this green planet possibly to meet someone influencial, to recruit more resistance fighters. I can already imagine the streets of Kings Landing filled with more StarWars related stuff, aliens and oddballs as Finn walks down a street to meet 'person x' ... imagine the falcon landing there O_O  omg








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