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Wai no Han Solo ?

Guest thescruffynerfherder

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Guest thescruffynerfherder

i have been looking through multiple places and i cant believe that no one has made it 


im quite keen on learning to making it myself but i am beyond poop at making mods for characters or multiplayer.


also im not sure weather this is the right place for this but how would someone go about making cutscene sequences ?

i was thinking it would be pretty neat to turn the han solo trilogy by A.C crispin into an adventure on the jk3 engine.


any advice or help is welcome 




any Han Solo model for JA/JO  sux donkey balls. By no means are they awful, just not up to our demands. Just look at HS models.

infact, didn't hapslash have a wip han solo years ago? that's probably gone...


That's something that bothers me since a long time: Why is there no proper Han Solo model?

I mean, we have tons of references and several attempts have been made, but nobody has

finished making a model that does him justice.


I mean, we have a great Luke Skywalker (thanks to Toshi), some wonderful Leia Organa models, and a

Han Solo that doesn't look anything like him (better than nothing, but still).


Come on, it's Han Solo! He deserves a higher quality model that does him justice..

Jolly likes this
Guest thescruffynerfherder

cheers guys for the link ill i figured those were from jk2, does anyone know what base file extension the model needs to be initially? like i have some han model for xna and for left for dead...those seem pretty good but i got no idea how to go about it like i know its possible cuz i have seen some starkiller models being used in the same way


@@Lancelot I asked this a while ago, I don't quite remember the responses so it probably consisted of "No's" or "Maybes". 


It would be nice to see DT85 work on a new Han Solo model sometime. 

Tempust85 likes this

For a JKA mod, I have indeed been slowly making a Han Solo:








Still a heavy WIP, so don't treat anything you see as finished. I will create a WIP thread once I resume work on him. Don't expect any updates on this anytime soon though, EP7 Stormtrooper first. :)

Ramikad, Jolly, Cerez and 6 others like this
Guest thescruffynerfherder

@@DT85 that looks sick cant wait to see them done especially the new trooper  :D

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