NumberWan Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 Having looked through the IMDB page on Episode VII, I came across the name of a new actor for the cast. More than that, the new addition - Colin Baker - is supposedly playing the mysterious character of 'Nexus'. Who is this guy? I missed any news on Nexus on, and wookiepedia remains silent as well. I searched through Google, and found out, that people are indeed discussing the first new character, which will appear in the new film. Any ideas?
afi Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 Oh yes, at least we know the music will be awesome... I'm a huge John Williams fan
IrocJeff Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 Having looked through the IMDB page on Episode VII, I came across the name of a new actor for the cast. More than that, the new addition - Colin Baker - is supposedly playing the mysterious character of 'Nexus'. Who is this guy? I missed any news on Nexus on, and wookiepedia remains silent as well. I searched through Google, and found out, that people are indeed discussing the first new character, which will appear in the new film. Any ideas? It may be a rumor.. here's what I found
CaptainCrazy Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 @@NumberWan Colin Baker? Well he's been a bit crazy lately but I'm sure they know what they're doing lol. mrwonko likes this
Circa Posted May 26, 2014 Author Posted May 26, 2014 It was clearly a rumor, from what that video just proved. .!¡!.
NumberWan Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 @@IrocJeff @@eezstreet @@CaptainCrazy Nexus could indeed be a droid. Like IG-88, but more advanced (obviously). I thought, that he might be accompanying the main villain and complete dirty deeds for him. He also might be very old and be escavated somewhere after many years of deactivation. It's doubtful, that a new droid (if a droid) would be a "good guy", because we already have R2-D2 and C-3PO. And Star Wars (films) didn't have any bad droid on the frontline for a long time (TF battle droids, IG-88 and others do not count, and Grievous is not a droid). We must take into account that Serkis is also on the set, and he is likely to play an alien in Star Wars film. Perhaps a representative of a new species, which can only be computer-generated. Somehow the mentioning of a possible new alien reminds me of "Vision of the Future" book, where Luke meets an unknown little grey alien with wings. I can't remember all of the details and surely Episode VII would show something more peculiar, but nevertheless these are the associations, which come to my mind for now. By the way, the recent video with J.J.Abrams shows a minor town on Tatooine (it looks that way). Several people pass by in the background, though it's unclear whether they indeed wear the clothes, intended for Episode VII. An unknown creature (reminds a Jedi Master from Clone Wars series) is also seen coming to him, with some turkeys in the bags. This one could be just a joke, but what if the background has more hints?
IrocJeff Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 I'm sticking with the interview. He's probably not in it and its just a red herring for people like us to post about on message boards. eezstreet likes this
NumberWan Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 Having looked through some of old notes of mine, I just came across several articles and a script for Episode II. By that time some people were saying that after Episode I George Lucas would (perhaps) brind into reality another of his dream on Star Wars - using Japanese actors and story-telling. I wonder, if anything like this would come up in the news later. =) (as for Episode II - instead of Rising Sun, it moved to Australia, as we all know).Colin Baker might be another gossip, I agree here. But Nexus itself might not.
Tempust85 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 After seeing some set photo's, this could be good. ALL HAIL TEH LARGE SPACE PIG!!!!!!! Omicron and NumberWan like this
NumberWan Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Today they've revealed a new set of photos - now from the UK. You can see them here. One famous ship is clearly seen there, but incomplete. (see for yourself!) Another space vehicle can be spotted at least once there. Some people say, it's clearly an X-Wing. but I disagree. It's a newer model of a different ship, which is likely to be a successor to the famous model, used by the Rebel Alliance. Look at the wings! Tempust85 likes this
Tempust85 Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Fully agree with you about the X-wing. GIANT SPACE PIG FTW!!!! NumberWan, Omicron and z3filus like this
NumberWan Posted June 4, 2014 Posted June 4, 2014 Yes, the giant space pig is quite a celebrity now. I showed the pic to some of my friends and they said, that the "little" beast is now their favourite. I hope we will see more soon.
Tempust85 Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 I think this is pretty much how we are going to see Luke (head): z3filus likes this
NumberWan Posted June 7, 2014 Posted June 7, 2014 @@DT85I hear, both Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill went on certain changes to become respective characters again, which included dieting and light physical training, I am glad they've added Gwendoline Christie. And now I understand why it is actually a perfect choice to add her (perhaps a female villain? haven't seen one in Star Wars films yet). I saw her in Game of Thrones, and I must say that is quite the acting. Her characters is one of my favourites in Season 2. Having looked through various actors of the above series, I noted, that it assembled a very talented team, and more might join Star Wars later. Not for Episode VII, but for new movies. One more thing, that touched my mind of late: we saw some photos and we know about actors and even characters. Most people have already spoke out, that Mara Jade, Jacen Solo and other EU as well as old folks will or might appear in Episode VII. With the latest developments of dividing (unfortunately) Star Wars into Canon and Legends, the fans feel more confused than ever. But there are things, which remain true even now. I made a list of characters (besides Luke and co), which might also make a cameo in of the newer Episodes, either in a single scene or in the background. Who that might be? Admiral AckbarA famous Mon Calamari might make an appearance. Several characters of his species have already made it into the Prequels, with the latest being the Squid Lake scene in Episode III. He also made it into the Clone Wars series. As Mon Calamari played a major role at the Battle of Endor, they are likely to appear in a new film, now having a more prominent role in the Galactic affairs. General VeersThe general, known for his participation in the battle of Hoth, could appear at his later age. Some said he lost legs that day, when AT-AT fell. It will be like 27 years after the above mentioned event, so why not? Currently Julian Glover, who played him, was spotted in Game of Thrones. Unlikely... But possibly he might return. Or at least we might see other (and new) Imperial officers, if the Empire actually survived these 30 years after Palpatine's death. Wedge AntillesUnfortunately Wedge Antilles won't be coming back... The actor Denis Lawson decided not to join the old team of heroes this time. There've been so many books about him, so Episode VII might simply forget about him. Just found out, that Wedge was played by two actors. Nien NunbA famous rebel pilot might appear in Episode VII. He participated in the destruction of the Death Star II, being aboard Millenium Falcon with Lando Calrissian. It's quite easy to add him, as there is no specific actor needed for this role. Mon MothmaSome said, that she is most unlikely to return to Star Wars. By Episode VII she will be over 70, too old to be active in politics. If set away from the capital, it's also true, that the former stepped down, with Leia Organa being the leader of the Republic now. Taking into account, that Caroline Blakiston was denied a role in the prequels, when she wrote a letter to G.Lucas, and that the character of Mon Mothma was cut away from Episode III, the former Rebel Alliance leader is not to be seen in newer episodes. Sy SnootlesA minor character, a singer actually from Episode VI, who also made an appearance in the Clone Wars series at least twice. She is unlikely to appear though, but her counterpart from the band - Greeata Jendowanian, who is barely scene in the Coruscant Opera house in Episode III. Who knows? Orn Free TaaThe corpulent Twi'Lek senator, seen first in Episode I, might find his way to Episode VII. By this time he might be around 80 years old. I don't know what is the lifespan of his species, but Episode VII is sure to be his last appearance. Mas AmeddaaThe Chagrian who for many years was a vice chancellor, first for Chancellor Valorum and later for Palpatine, might have survived the Galactic Civil war, serving new masters much later. The Empire did not tolerate aliens in their ranks, so he might have been removed some time before battle of Yavin IV. Sly MooreAn Umbaran councilor to Palpatine was, as some say, Force-sensititve. She served the new order, but is never seen around Palpatine at later stages. Some sources indicate that Umbarans hid themselves from the Galaxy after the fall of the Empire. But before that they served as seekers of the Jedi and Imperial spies. Who knows, one Umbaran might appear in Episode VII if we see some anti-Jedi movement there. WattoMost unlikely that the Toydarian trader actually survived about 50 years after his last encounter with Anakin Skywalker just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. I feel, that another Toydarian might appear in the background, but if he has some lines in the plot, he is most likely to be voiced by Andrew Secombe, who voiced most of the species in SW, like Quello in KOTOR II. WicketAnd other Ewoks. They are unlikely to appear as active characters in the new films, for I strongly believe, that these aliens are too fond of their homeworld to leave Endor and see the larger Galaxy. Some fans really hated them, but at the same time the old species from the OT is having a much larger popularity now than ever, with latest addition to SWTOR as an Ewok companion named Treek. We might see an Ewok in the background. Boba FettThis one has been discussed more often that anyone else. With the latest announcement of the standalone Star Wars film, we might see the notorious bounty hunter if not in Episode VII, then in a different story. I feel confused, whether he actually died in Return of the Jedi, or survived (as the Legends suggest). Jar Jar BinksSome sources indicate, that the infuriating (to the fans) Gungan survived the Galactic Civil War and moved to his planet of Naboo. He is unlikely to appear in the new film, given that they said the usage of CGI will be minimal as possible. With Andy Serkis involved in the new film, "I get the feeling that we've picked up another pathetic life form". Team of rebelsThey've already said, that the characters of the new series will make an appearance to a certain extent, most likely being mentioned by others. I doubt, that the Jedi Kanan have survived it so far, besides we've quite a lot of other Jedi to appear in Episode VII. Others like Hera or Sabine could make an appearance, why not. What else?Besides characters certain planets are to appear in Episode VII and subsequent stories. Corellia was indirectly mentioned as one new planet several months ago, and with the photos from Ep.VII set, Tatooine also returns (I guess that is a tradition now - to show Tatooine in the first Episode of each trilogy, good one by the way). Millenium Falcon is coming back as well as some Rebel vehicles, slightly modified after all these years. I wonder if the Imperial Lambda-class Shuttle is to be spotted anywhere... Jawas, Tusken raiders, Ithorians, Twi'Leks, Aqualishes - all these general kind of aliens are likely to be seen (especially on Tatooine). The New Republic, Jedi Order... yes. But what about the Empire? And, more curiously, what about the STORMTROOPERS? therfiles and Tempust85 like this
Tempust85 Posted June 7, 2014 Posted June 7, 2014 Does anyone call 'dibs' on Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (as he is in Episode VII once it's out)? By then, rend2 should be done so we can use normal maps for all of his wrinkles. Omicron, Futuza, Circa and 1 other like this
NumberWan Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Another article, which speculates "who might play what" in Star Wars Episode VII. We've discussed some of the possibilities already, this one just sums it up. I like certain things mentioned there, especially about Max von Sydow. The latest notable news is actually about Daisy Ridley, which is now "cast" on IMDB as "Jaina Solo". However she tried to dissuade the fans, that we must not rely on such resources. Even though she is right, what else do they expect from fans?! There will be even more rumours at later stage, which might be much more weird.
NumberWan Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 @@therfilesIt is almost confirmed, that they are most likely to use new names and characters instead of those established in books. The talkings about Episode VII actually made me re-watch Episode V, where all of the iconic Star Wars things are at its peak. UPDATE:I just read the latest news, which revealed some possible plotlines from Episode VII (these actually reveal the possible enemies, the government and the links to other Star Wars). WARNING! Spoilers might lie ahead: Acording to some rumours, the main threat 30 years after Palpatine are the mysterious "Jedi hunters". Some say these are the former Imperial Inquisitors, one of which is to be present in the upcoming Rebels series. Some say, there is no NEW REPUBLIC! It seized to exist due to some actions of the mentioned Jedi hunters...The article below describes them as figures in black and helmets. UPDATE 2Having read the third article (which contains much more spoilers) and can be accessed through the link in the spoilers section, I came to a conclusion. Hmmm, I will make it a spoiler too, though it's just my opinion. The EU shows that the Empire was in existence even after Battle for Endor, and the New Republic rises. This is a very positive ending and continues the more optimistic scenario for the Galaxy. But Episode VII seems to show a far more dramatic story, which follows Episode VI. Despite all the efforts and lifes paid for the victory over Endor, the Galaxy did not enter the new era of peace and prosperity. The crisis continues and slows the process of development - the technologies and culture are in the middle of larger problems, that can't be solved no matter what. What Luke learnt from his Jedi masters - it doesn't help him to be a Jedi he though he would become. He might even feel lost and dissappointed. For some reason I feel, that by the time of Episode VII most of characters are not happy at all with their lives. The movie might just start with a feeling of great disturbance, felt even by non-Jedi types. Only places like Tatooine keep one safe enough from such threats. therfiles likes this
NumberWan Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 I check Episode VII now and then, and the rumour about the atmosphere of the film is still around here. Just read another article, which speculates on what we might see in the new story of Star Wars. It's close to what I published previously in the 'spoilers' section above. I will say no more, but I feel a comparison is in need. When reading the latest news about Star Wars I recall again and again the lessons of history: think of a large state, which accumulated its potential through many centuries, grew stronger, but at one point it would collapse. What would be next? And why? I feel, an example of the Roman Empire, the Empire of Alexander the Great, Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire and the USSR are in order to be mentioned here. Look, what happened just after they seized to exist. I guess that's partly the answer what was happening after Episode VI. And hey, the Galactic Empire existed for 20 years, and surely it should have left a more significant mark than we expect.
IrocJeff Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 I check Episode VII now and then, and the rumour about the atmosphere of the film is still around here. Just read another article, which speculates on what we might see in the new story of Star Wars. It's close to what I published previously in the 'spoilers' section above. I will say no more, but I feel a comparison is in need. When reading the latest news about Star Wars I recall again and again the lessons of history: think of a large state, which accumulated its potential through many centuries, grew stronger, but at one point it would collapse. What would be next? And why? I feel, an example of the Roman Empire, the Empire of Alexander the Great, Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire and the USSR are in order to be mentioned here. Look, what happened just after they seized to exist. I guess that's partly the answer what was happening after Episode VI. And hey, the Galactic Empire existed for 20 years, and surely it should have left a more significant mark than we expect. The post-apocalyptic description in that article is interesting. Tattoine already looks that way but I wonder if they mean this in a more political sense. Regional wars or something. NumberWan likes this
NumberWan Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 @@IrocJeffI feel disturbed by the fact, that the authors assume, that the Galaxy might have been changed by the rise of the Empire to the state of "noncombackie". Like that Coruscant is no longer shiny and impressive with its buildings collapsing, the Jedi Temple standing abandoned, and most of the planets being under economic crisis and suffering from wars, hunger and deceases... The victory over the Empire never brought neither satisfaction nor happiness - that's how I read this now. I just hope, that the movie won't be too dark. About Gwendoline Christie: Some say she might play a rogue stormtrooper (who left the Empire?), who wears special armor, which is not white, but rather silver (like those of darktroopers perhaps, but lighter?) Jedi Hunters Seeing actors list and keeping in mind the rumour about Jedi hunters, I thought that we might see something like Dark Jedi brother and sister, who are serving the Remnants of the Empire against the good guys.. Planets It is clear for all fans now, that Tatooine is definitely to appear (previous rumours even suggested why) in Episode VII. Previously Corellia was believed to be seen there too, and why not? Also in the news that one classic planet is sure to appear (again Tatooine) and why was dropped out (Hoth). The new planet includes something like Endor with trees covered in snow Vehicles The already seen renovated X-Wing is based on McQuarrie early concept and is believed to be the starship of one of the main characters
IrocJeff Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 To me it would seem rather far fetched if that is the way its going to go considering the Empire was only power for like 20 years. Even on a galactic scale that doesn't seem like enough time to screw up the entire galaxy. NumberWan likes this
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