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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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New teaser or trailer might be coming very soon, like September 11. And it seems while it's about 110+ days left until Episode VII, rumors are beginning to form around Episode VIII with some new actresses considered for the lead role in the sequel. I wonder if that might mean the change in protagonists for the next episode. I surely that raises a question, when the next episode would be set after The Force Awakens.

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I just checked the price of the Lego sets for Episode VII. They are so expensive!!! I compared these to the older Star Wars, released 1-3 years ago. The First Order Shuttle costs as much as one of the previous Millennium Falcon sets! O_o


Perhaps in this regard I will say NO to Episode VII, but still eager to watch.

I just checked the price of the Lego sets for Episode VII. They are so expensive!!! I compared these to the older Star Wars, released 1-3 years ago. The First Order Shuttle costs as much as one of the previous Millennium Falcon sets! O_o


Perhaps in this regard I will say NO to Episode VII, but still eager to watch.



Not that the voices are somehow unique, but I liked these. With Phasma I can even imagine her "I'm no Lady" from GOT. =) Kylo Ren's voice reminds of Starkiller in helmet from the Force Awakens. One of his phrases sounds nice - "I am immune to the Light". Usually we hear that evil guys say "The Jedi are weak" and good guys – "I'll never fall to the Dark Side". But nothing like this...


"This weapon is mine" – I am almost certain he says that about the lightsaber from the Original Trilogy.

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Kylo Ren's voice reminds of Starkiller in helmet from the Force Awakens.   The Force Unleashed?  ;D 


One of his phrases sounds nice - "I am immune to the Light". Usually we hear that evil guys say "The Jedi are weak"


"This weapon is mine" – I am almost certain he says that about the lightsaber from the Original Trilogy.








"I am immune to the Light"

As a sentence, this is an oddball for StarWars.  What does he mean by 'immune'? is it just a one liner that he says when someone tries to convert him to the goodside? no idea.

Does this perhaps mean that like Yoda, he could just... absorb Force? (#Dooku,#lightning) if so then it would be a heck of a moment in theaters. No sith has ever done that.


"This Weapon is mine"

No idea what exactly he's talking about, but this particular sentence is the reason WHY i decided to hide this reply;  'a weapon' - or a superweapon like the Deathstar, has been rumoured before.

Surely he could be talking about the saber in his hand, but he may be after a more powerful weapon, why not? Whatever it is, it seems to be driving him mad with ambition and power.




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"I am immune to the Light"

As a sentence, this is an oddball for StarWars.  What does he mean by 'immune'? is it just a one liner that he says when someone tries to convert him to the goodside? no idea.

Does this perhaps mean that like Yoda, he could just... absorb Force? (#Dooku,#lightning) if so then it would be a heck of a moment in theaters. No sith has ever done that.


"This Weapon is mine"

No idea what exactly he's talking about, but this particular sentence is the reason WHY i decided to hide this reply;  'a weapon' - or a superweapon like the Deathstar, has been rumoured before.

Surely he could be talking about the saber in his hand, but he may be after a more powerful weapon, why not? Whatever it is, it seems to be driving him mad with ambition and power.






That's insane. I literally got a line for the Starstrider model soundpack that says "Give yourself to the light."  Having Kylo say "I am immune to the light" is an amazing response and what a coincidence!

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I'm trying to speculate as to why they haven't released merchandise for the new Luke, Han, Leia ,C-3P0 and various minor characters from the new movie which were revealed. Perhaps they are saving them for a second wave of merchandise coming in the future?

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New teaser or trailer might be coming very soon, like September 11. And it seems while it's about 110+ days left until Episode VII, rumors are beginning to form around Episode VIII with some new actresses considered for the lead role in the sequel. I wonder if that might mean the change in protagonists for the next episode. I surely that raises a question, when the next episode would be set after The Force Awakens.

I have answered that question a while ago on my wall status of my profile, even created an event for that, but no 1 had any interest back than. And the answer is May of 2017-th just when Star Wars will celebrate 40-th anniversary since the first "Episode 4: A New Hope" came out.


Here is the event i have made a while ago: http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/34-star-wars-episode-viii/

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2 things in my mind last day....

1. Am i the only one who thinks that this character of "Finn" had to be white dude? I ain't saying that J.B. cannot play it, but if those 2 turn out to be some sort of kids of Han/Leia or Luke/Mara, than why black?? Did Leia and Lando over Bespin at ESB :D or what in the Force. As much as i am digging on the extended SW universe after the ROTJ and Endor events, it doesn't show it like that. Also i admit, that it's hard for me to accept the idea of J.B. with a Blue saber instead of Purple like Master Windu :D wow i maybe going crazy :(


2. As we have all saw the new Instagram short trailer of TFA, where Kylo Ren is in the woods of (Endor?) and Finn is standing over there with "Luke/Anakin" lightsaber from ANH... Ok if this is really the lightsaber of Anakin/Luke why does it look different on the top, just where the blue blade is starting? I mean it looks like it was modified or something like that.



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so if Kylo is as bad as J.J. describes him to be, and if Finn is as vulnerable and weak as seen in the trailer, then why - would he be facing Kylo? Isn't that like.. a death sentence ??

What if that part of the trailer is a dream? or a hallucination? something similar to that what Luke experienced on his visit to Dagobah.


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I think, we don't see these older characters, because their re-appearance is much larger boom! If they were to appear now, most people would ignore other toys, as well as it would provide a much larger spoiler to the film, which is undesirable by the developers. Let us be frank: Star Wars is not only about the iconic characters and ships (which have already been revealed many times), but about the details, the motives and things in the background as well. Everything is important, and such things as background characters, new titles, species, backstory stuff (they've already announced a comics about C-3Po losing his arm, which is replaced by a red one) - all this will appear on the market in due time as books, graphic novels, more toys and of course video games.


I wish we had those times back, when the games would be based on the film and you could actually play a story with lots of characters through the entire film. The perfect formula - film's story + deepness of KOTOR = awesome game. The only closest example to this, as I remember, was the Phantom Menace video game, where you could play as 4 different characters from the film and see Tatooine with lots and lots of its inhabitants as well as walk though Naboo streets, fighting the battle droids, or repelling the attack of thugs on Coruscant. I expected them to make such games based on Episode II, but only Episode III was released, centered merely around the Jedi and CIS many droids, etc.



I also believed, that Carrie Fisher's daughter would play young Leia either in a hologram, or in a vision. The latest rumors suggest, she doesn't, but instead has a separate role in the film.

The same applied to Darth Vader - in most cases it was said, that he would appear as a hologram, as memory, or as a ghost (unlikely). We now know, that at least his helmet is present, so probably that's the only occasion we will see him in Episode VII. The same with Leia - we already have her in the film, and the only new detail known about her, that by the time of TFA she is working along with some Mayor, which is known to her since ANH.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like an IG-88 body, C-3PO's head, R2-D2's feet and a TC-3 paintover.


I think it looks cool since it was probably made from salvaged parts (Rey is a scavenger on Jakku) and that whole set are Jakku based characters. Probably salvaged some parts from droids on the crashed Star Destroyer (taking a stab at the origin of the droid).

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