Fuse294 Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Yeah I also wondered which planets got destroyed I'd like to clarify, they were planets in the OUTER RIM, no 'Important' planets were harmed in the making of this movie. Darth Sion likes this MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev
Tempust85 Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Saw it, loved it, can't wait for VIII. will be producing more content. Darth Sion and therfiles like this
Syko Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I saw it last night and I thought it was awesome! It was definitely way better than all of the prequels and I'll have to watch it again to see how it stacks up against Episode 4, 5, and 6. My absolute favorite part was the ending where they finally show Luke and play his old theme song! So emotional! There were a few things I didn't really like, for one I thought the scene with Han Rey Finn and that Squid monster on the freighter was entirely pointless and was added just for more action. I also wish R2-D2 C3PO played a greater role, they hardly had any screen time. But overall I really liked it. Darth Sion likes this
NumberWan Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I am glad that wasn't Coruscant, but the new capital of the New Republic. The info from the latest sources says, that the Republic uses a different planet due to elections traditions: depending o the results of the elections to the Senate, one of the major Core worlds offers their capital as the headquarters for the Republic. Thus Coruscant is not a capital by Episode VII. The Starkiller actually destroys several planets at once, with Hosnian Prime destroyed together with their skyscrapers and the Galactic Senate, as well as the fleet.
Futuza Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I saw it last night and I thought it was awesome! It was definitely way better than all of the prequels and I'll have to watch it again to see how it stacks up against Episode 4, 5, and 6. My absolute favorite part was the ending where they finally show Luke and play his old theme song! So emotional! There were a few things I didn't really like, for one I thought the scene with Han Rey Finn and that Squid monster on the freighter was entirely pointless and was added just for more action. I also wish R2-D2 C3PO played a greater role, they hardly had any screen time. But overall I really liked it. This is funny, see I had the opposite opinion. I thought the squid monster was awesome and really captured the classic Star Wars smuggler operation feel, but I hated the ending cause it was so logically derped. Hello yes I am Luke, lemme be dramatic and wear my hoodie brah. To each their own though! This is why I called them dumbasses.Eh? @@NumberWan ah thanks for the clarification.
NumberWan Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Oh, the whole scene with those disgusting creatures was out of place, if you ask me. The only sweet moment here was with Han Solo and Chewie meeting the new heroes. I also like the Guvians (guys in red armor), but other gangs don't look that good. The creatures were too bizarre, they look like a mix of a monster from Prometheus and Men in Black. I wasn't convinced that they were from Star Wars. The scenes with them were intense, and the way Rey deals with them wasn't bad though. The way Han dealt with one of them was also interesting. I suddenly thought that I miss the gold old mynocks from Empire Strikes Back. All this reminds me, that I must rematch the six other films before walking into the cinema again soon.
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I am glad that wasn't Coruscant, but the new capital of the New Republic. The info from the latest sources says, that the Republic uses a different planet due to elections traditions: depending o the results of the elections to the Senate, one of the major Core worlds offers their capital as the headquarters for the Republic. Thus Coruscant is not a capital by Episode VII. The Starkiller actually destroys several planets at once, with Hosnian Prime destroyed together with their skyscrapers and the Galactic Senate, as well as the fleet. If I may, I'm sure destroying Coruscant itself wouldn't make sense AT ALL. It's the core icon for a ruling power (Republic or Empire), so if they destroy that...wouldn't the whole galaxy turn against them?
NumberWan Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 @ As the history of the Galaxy has it - the destruction of a planet caused various reactions. When Alderaan was destroyed, it made members of the Alliance even more confident in fighting the Empire. Some systems would join them in the upcoming years, while some planets tried to stay aside. Imperial propaganda, however, is almost likely to have put those vents in the best light to spare the reputation, while intimidating the disloyal ones. If you remember the EU case: Taris – then you'll find a curious situation, that on Manaan some of the Selkath call this news a Republic anti-Imperial propaganda, while the Czerka Corporation says, that they won't cease their agreements with the Sith, because making business with someone is a completely different situation and doesn't necessarily relate to the politics. I guess destroying Coruscant would be a very foolish move: fans would never forgive that, but they can surely accept the idea, that Coruscant is no longer the capital of the Republic. Besides so much happened there, it has some meaning for the future stories. The character of Korr Sella is believed to be on Hosnian Prime, when the blast penetrates the atmosphere and crushes both the skyscrapers and the rock, disintegrating the planet almost in an instance. Today it was confirmed, that Daniel Craig does indeed play a stormtrooper in The Force Awakens - actually the soldier, stationed to guard captured Rey, when she uses Jedi Mind Trick on him to be freed. You know, I actually found something remarkably familiar about his movements and the way he leaves the room. Perhaps that is because I watched Spectre not so long ago and surely rewatched some other Bond films with Craig to better see the continuity. Craig goes uncredited though. There are new pictures/concepts. Actually one of the variants for the new stormtrooper looked like this: TheWhitePhoenix likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 @As the history of the Galaxy has it - the destruction of a planet caused various reactions. When Alderaan was destroyed, it made members of the Alliance even more confident in fighting the Empire. Some systems would join them in the upcoming years, while some planets tried to stay aside. Imperial propaganda, however, is almost likely to have put those vents in the best light to spare the reputation, while intimidating the disloyal ones. If you remember the EU case: Taris – then you'll find a curious situation, that on Manaan some of the Selkath call this news a Republic anti-Imperial propaganda, while the Czerka Corporation says, that they won't cease their agreements with the Sith, because making business with someone is a completely different situation and doesn't necessarily relate to the politics. I guess destroying Coruscant would be a very foolish move: fans would never forgive that, but they can surely accept the idea, that Coruscant is no longer the capital of the Republic. Besides so much happened there, it has some meaning for the future stories. The character of Korr Sella is believed to be on Hosnian Prime, when the blast penetrates the atmosphere and crushes both the skyscrapers and the rock, disintegrating the planet almost in an instance. Today it was confirmed, that Daniel Craig does indeed play a stormtrooper in The Force Awakens - actually the soldier, stationed to guard captured Rey, when she uses Jedi Mind Trick on him to be freed. You know, I actually found something remarkably familiar about his movements and the way he leaves the room. Perhaps that is because I watched Spectre not so long ago and surely rewatched some other Bond films with Craig to better see the continuity. Craig goes uncredited though. There are new pictures/concepts. Actually one of the variants for the new stormtrooper looked like this:Didn't know Craig too was a Star Wars fan. Hope he at least was paid for his role. And yeah, that WOULD be a bad move. Both in-universe AND fan wise for the First Order.
Onysfx Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 You guys may hate me for this, but I was disappointed in episode 7. It just didn't have a lasting appeal on me. I definitely liked the new stormtroopers but...it felt like another rehashed action movie. BruceJohnJenner and TheWhitePhoenix like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 You guys may hate me for this, but I was disappointed in episode 7. It just didn't have a lasting appeal on me. I definitely liked the new stormtroopers but...it felt like another rehashed action movie.I can agree with that. Plus, WAY too many parallels to Episode IV. It's like...TFA is a RETELLING of EPIV. O.o BruceJohnJenner likes this
NumberWan Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I found this page from the upcoming encyclopedia on Episode VII. Seems we now know the name of the new Chancellor of the New Republic (Personally I would prefer seeing the President of the New Republic like in EU, though this office can still exist as close to that of a ViceChair in the Old Republic). It also seems that Episode VII is the first since Episode VI not to feature any of the old planets. Tatooine had this role in Episode I, Naboo was in Episode II. Alderaan in Episode III, even though it isn't seen anywhere else except from space in ANH. Notice, that there are two senators – one from Taris and one from Naboo therfiles likes this
Darth Sion Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Saw it, loved it, can't wait for VIII. will be producing more content.Awesome news, DT! Personally, I'd love to see some more variations on the Stormtroopers, if your Ep. 7 Stormtrooper is anything to go by. The Flametrooper and Snowtrooper's would be most welcomed. And hopefully, all variations of them can be used as over-writes for the default ones in the game. I saw the movie in 3D, this past Thursday night and thought the same as you. I'm gonna go and see it again, next week, all being well. And after that duel between Kylo and Finn, I still don't think Finn is dead. Will be interesting to see where Kylo goes from here, though. Was kinda' surprising in a way to find out that Rey was 'Force sensitive', although I had a feeling she might have some connection to the Force. But that whole flashback scene where Rey is led to Anakin/Luke's old saber from ESB, was freaky as hell. The First Order were pretty intimidating (Kylo Ren & his Stormtroopers, especially.. Or should I say Captain Phasma and her Stormtroopers). But I s'pose the big thing, was with Han Solo and what Kylo did to him.Didn't know Craig too was a Star Wars fan. Hope he at least was paid for his role. And yeah, that WOULD be a bad move. Both in-universe AND fan wise for the First Order.I noticed similarities to the Original Trilogy, here, too.. But like the old saying goes.. Why fix what's not broken?!
NumberWan Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 More things. That just surely reminds me of what is seen on Coruscant in the Jedi archives, where Obi Wan talks to madam Jocasta Nu. And they even made something about Kylo Ren and his weapon. therfiles, Darth Sion, Anni Skywalker and 1 other like this
Syko Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I found this page from the upcoming encyclopedia on Episode VII. Seems we now know the name of the new Chancellor of the New Republic (Personally I would prefer seeing the President of the New Republic like in EU, though this office can still exist as close to that of a ViceChair in the Old Republic). It also seems that Episode VII is the first since Episode VI not to feature any of the old planets. Tatooine had this role in Episode I, Naboo was in Episode II. Alderaan in Episode III, even though it isn't seen anywhere else except from space in ANH. Notice, that there are two senators – one from Taris and one from Naboo I remember spending way too many hours reading the visual dictionaries as a kid. It's really awesome to see one for Episode 7.
Darth Sion Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 And they even made something about Kylo Ren and his weapon. Well, @@Psyk0Sith.. If you ARE planning on designing a NEW model of Kylo Ren.. You've probably got everything you need for it, by now. But this should just about confirm & finalize his appearance/look, for you to get everything on him, accurate.
Onysfx Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 One of the things episode 7 definitely did right was the godcaster bowcaster. Darth Sion and TheWhitePhoenix like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I can agree with how Kylo's saber is. A cracked saber crystal would make the crystal itself UNSTABLE. No wonder the blade is what it is. Darth Sion likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 One of the things episode 7 definitely did right was the godcaster bowcaster.Can't argue with that one.
hleV Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I watched it. This is litereally the worst movie I have seen in the cinema. Seriously, it's THAT bad. I don't even want to get specific about things. BruceJohnJenner likes this
Noodle Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 @As the history of the Galaxy has it - the destruction of a planet caused various reactions. When Alderaan was destroyed, it made members of the Alliance even more confident in fighting the Empire. Some systems would join them in the upcoming years, while some planets tried to stay aside. Imperial propaganda, however, is almost likely to have put those vents in the best light to spare the reputation, while intimidating the disloyal ones. If you remember the EU case: Taris – then you'll find a curious situation, that on Manaan some of the Selkath call this news a Republic anti-Imperial propaganda, while the Czerka Corporation says, that they won't cease their agreements with the Sith, because making business with someone is a completely different situation and doesn't necessarily relate to the politics. I guess destroying Coruscant would be a very foolish move: fans would never forgive that, but they can surely accept the idea, that Coruscant is no longer the capital of the Republic. Besides so much happened there, it has some meaning for the future stories. The character of Korr Sella is believed to be on Hosnian Prime, when the blast penetrates the atmosphere and crushes both the skyscrapers and the rock, disintegrating the planet almost in an instance. Today it was confirmed, that Daniel Craig does indeed play a stormtrooper in The Force Awakens - actually the soldier, stationed to guard captured Rey, when she uses Jedi Mind Trick on him to be freed. You know, I actually found something remarkably familiar about his movements and the way he leaves the room. Perhaps that is because I watched Spectre not so long ago and surely rewatched some other Bond films with Craig to better see the continuity. Craig goes uncredited though. There are new pictures/concepts. Actually one of the variants for the new stormtrooper looked like this: I can see why they didn't use that concept. It's not subtle at all. In fact, there are many things that aren't subtle about the nazi allegory in the new movie, but that outfit takes the prize.
Futuza Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I watched it. This is litereally the worst movie I have seen in the cinema. Seriously, it's THAT bad. I don't even want to get specific about things.You must not watch many things at the cinema then. Trust me, there are far worse movies out there.
Darth Sion Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I watched it. This is litereally the worst movie I have seen in the cinema. Seriously, it's THAT bad. I don't even want to get specific about things.I'm just gonna take what you've just said as "pure trolling".. Not very good "trolling", but hey, it's the 21st Century.. So, whatever.
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