Daedra Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 Yes that may be an early concept too, good point.. but Kylo Ren is part of the Knights of Ren = a group that thinks alike. Each star wars movie has it's villain.So how can we be sure that if Kylo gets killed, or turned against the Empire, that there wouldn't be another hooded character to take his place ? I did have another theory on who would take Kylo Rens place.. it is pretty crazy but I think I may be onto something. Remember that concept art of the mechanical guy holding Vader's mask? It clearly is not Kylo since there is no Kylo mask.. so who could it be? I have taken into account everything we have seen so far about The Force Awakens. I believe there may be some sort of scene where Vader is brought back to life with the help of advanced robot mechanics. I know it would be crazy if that actually happened, I kinda doubt it would happen. The only other characters who I think could have this sort of transformation is Emperor Palpatine.. since we never knew his fate since he "died" falling and we never saw anything to prove he was dead after it. And... Darth Maul. Perhaps this is the future incarnation of Darth Maul. He has returned? Who knows.
Kualan Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 Kylo Ren went through a LOT of costume changes during early concept art, and that picture is one of the earliest. Even Captain Phasma's look was originally a Kylo Ren concept. I wouldn't read too much into the difference in appearance. z3filus likes this
Mand'alor Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 Darth Mauls story is finished. He went to exile after his mother was defeated and killed by Sidious. Sidious now doesnt have any uses for Maul and he knew that he won't be a threat for him in the future. NumberWan likes this
NumberWan Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 For me Maul was dead even before his revival and so on. J.J. Abrams hinted, that Episodes I - III are ignored for the most part. No Darth Plaguies for 100%. Though those, who say, that the prequels will be ignored at all, are wrong. It is logical, that the time of the Clone Wars isn't (directly) quoted anywhere in the film, the reason is that all that happened more than 60 years ago. Today even World War II in real life isn't remembered the way it was in XXth century. People do connect historical events with it, remember things, most impotant events, figures and even the UN is the result of that war. Same happens here. For the most people the Galaxy remains the same - full of its tragedies and injustices as well as relatively peaceful, but short moments. Only such as Palpatine, Vader, Yoda and perhaps some more would have a larger knowledge on such things. Early rumours suggested, that the character played by Max von Sydow, which hasn't been revealed yet, is another such person, who understands the Galaxy and not just knows the past events of the Galactic Civil War, but actually participated in both the Clone Wars and the greater war between the Empire and the Rebellion. His role in those conflicts wouldn't be revealed at once, but the rumour was describing his role as of a mentor to Rey, and that his knowledge of so many things, including those happened in the past 70+ years, allows him to guide the new generation of heroes in the most peculiar way. But this is just an early rumour, which I haven't heard for some time now. Mand'alor and z3filus like this
z3filus Posted August 24, 2015 Posted August 24, 2015 I like rumours, and I like it how this thread is full of them, it makes it easier to eliminate the absurd and guestion the ones that seem most logical at the time.Resurrecting anyone, doesn't fit the world of StarWars, even if Maul had some supernatural rebirth in the animated series. That's probably the only way you could 'accept it'.I'm still betting my money on Darth Plagueis, not necessarily to be revealed during episode seven, no, but because there's a lot to take care of in this first episode of a new trilogy and in attempting to tie in six previous movies it has a fair share of work cut out for it. One relatively easy way to do this is to bring the character of Darth Plagueis into the story.There isn't another established character in the movies that has the kind of "ancient evil" that this guy carries with him. Note: by the time Lucas was wrapping up ROTS, he hadalready started working on the next trilogy (the one that disney now has rights to) that would finally end the saga. As in every other movie, especially the episodes of starwars,there was plenty of story written for approximately a 2 hour lenght movie, so some scenese had to go, and even from the ones that were filmed, some scenes had to be deleted.however; Lucas absolutely wanted to include the Opera scene in the movie, to further stress the influence of Palpatine over Anakin, but also to reveal something dark and mysteriousthat had no importance to that particular episode, but it would drop jaws and make people guestion, who is Darth Plaguies? and could Palpatine, infact, have killed him in his sleep?That scene is now more important than ever since the announcement of a whole new trilogy, and with the secrecy around the film sets, we're just left with rumours and wild ideas...
Daedra Posted August 24, 2015 Posted August 24, 2015 Trying not to freak out at this.. therfiles likes this
Kualan Posted August 24, 2015 Posted August 24, 2015 Where did you find that image?Empire magazine released it today as a preview of their upcoming Star Wars feature in the issue that goes on sale on the 27th. http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=45192 therfiles likes this
NumberWan Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 Meanwhile we've got a new teaser from Episode VII. You can watch it here. Now we can clearly see the old lightsaber in hands of Finn. Circa and therfiles like this
therfiles Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 That is so epic. So many words so many feelings. I screamed out loud. It just feels like Star Wars. But it's also going it's own direction at the same time. So awesome. The music is incredible.
DrXann Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 Awesome.I still wonder if hes the only one who's a new Jedi or is there more besides Luke.
Circa Posted August 27, 2015 Author Posted August 27, 2015 I'm really hoping Rey is going to be a Jedi and that she is a Skywalker/Solo. Really hoping. That teaser was awesome. I wasn't expecting it at all! Just scrolling through Instagram this morning and saw it. Really glad Finn is going to be the main Jedi though. He looks like he'll be a really cool character. Daedra likes this .!¡!.
Tempust85 Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 All that for a few seconds of Finn holding a lightsaber?! We've seen/heard everything else....so underwhelmed....
Circa Posted August 27, 2015 Author Posted August 27, 2015 All that for a few seconds of Finn holding a lightsaber?! We've seen/heard everything else....so underwhelmed....It was a simple Instagram post to build hype, not a trailer. Not even sure I'd consider it a teaser either, other than for lack of a better word. I expect one more big trailer before release. Everything else is to build hype. Which, if they're using new clips and images, I'm 100% on board with that. Daedra and therfiles like this .!¡!.
NumberWan Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 If someone (doubtfully) hasn't seen the Korean teaser earlier, then this one would be a completely new video for them. For me, well it wash't very special, if you ask... I read the post about the video first and then opened to watch it. The text description was much more interesting and with more details, than what we see in the teaser. Seeing a troubled face of Rey and Finn holding the saber in the dark... Well, it isn't that captivating. I can only assume, that Finn is in the cold forest as well, there might be a scene like this: - The characters escape the forces of the First Order and Kylo Ren is chasing them. This episode reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia, to be precise the moment was in the book, but I like how it was depicted in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (1979) cartoon, as the main heroes were escaping through a snowy forest, though the Spring came as well, and the witch tried to follow them in a sledge. So Finn might have stayed in the forest to engage Kylo in a duel, to give some time for the others to be able to escape. - A different scenario is that the scene might have driven Finn and Kylo Ren from a larger battle into the woods. Then it might be reminiscent to Episode VI Return of the Jedi, when Darth Vader is moving slowly beneath the platform on the Death Star, trying to lure Luke out of hiding by talking about his friends and his sister, while Luke stays in the shadow hiding his feelings. Finn might have been hiding from Ren here in similar manner, but eventually decided to engage the enemy with the old lightsaber. There are also some pictures spotted at SWU. As well as some toys: notably Phasma is as tall as it was believed. Gwendoline Christie is indeed continuing the tradition of tall baddies in Star Wars. There is also a schematics for the new Star Destroyer. It also now obvious, that the 4 small ships accompanying the First Order Shuttle to the Star Destroyer in the trailer – are actually the recently revealed ships in Lego sets, which will be also seen in Rogue One movie, but as an earlier version.
DrXann Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 The ships that approach the destroyer are Kylo's Command Shuttle, and 3 troop transports.
z3filus Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 That video reveals very little, if anything at all... Im watching the "new trailer" and there's just nothing new to be seen.I'm still curious to find out what part of the galaxy the forest of dean is supposed to be. The crew filmed their earliest shots in England.There was the forest, and the hangars with rebels and xwings.. which is pretty much all we can see in the first trailer, but it feels oddthat they would fly across the globe just to use the forest of dean to shoot winter scenes (kylo ren) because that's green screen stuff.To go trough all that trouble of flying crew and cast to this location... what is it? damn it I want to know...
DrXann Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 Its Yavin 4 obviously why on earth does the Alliance sill use that place I thought they would have evacuated and change their bases by now .Whats so secretive about the movie that JJ wants no one to know about.About the winter scenes, its apparent that there's going to be a battle similar to Hoth judging by the various leaked walkers and snowspeeder toys.Lets not forget the walkers in the rally trailer.This is why they want to release in December is because of the big ass battle sequence that's going to happen toward the end of the movie.Here's another thing where the hell is the rest of the Alliance fleet this isn't A New Hope they should still have their starships for over the past 30 years.
therfiles Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 The only this that kinda annoys me is the intense toy marketing going on before the film. I understand that's a staple of Star Wars, but it's giving TONS of crap away (such as ship designs, plot points, character models, etc) and it's just taking more and more of the magic away. Considering boycotting any future promotional material until Dec 18...
DrXann Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 Its all in the marketing.Ever since Disney's buy out of Lucasfilm they've been going overboard with it.3 standalone movies, an amusement park and god knows what else.The title of Rogue One sounds like a direct to video movie/Fan Movie.
Daedra Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 So a Star Wars The Force Awakens coloring book shows off new characters. More pics at the source:http://youbentmywookie.com/entertainment/new-star-wars-the-force-awakens-characters-revealed-in-coloring-book-22303
DrXann Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 The Constable character with the vibro ax keeps popping up I wonder if hes part of Maz's pirate crew or is he entirely separate and meant for a scene somewhere else.The droid looks like a rejected General Grievous design.
z3filus Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Its Yavin 4 obviously why on earth does the Alliance sill use that place I thought they would have evacuated and change their bases by now .Whats so secretive about the movie that JJ wants no one to know about.About the winter scenes, its apparent that there's going to be a battle similar to Hoth judging by the various leaked walkers and snowspeeder toys.Lets not forget the walkers in the rally trailer.This is why they want to release in December is because of the big ass battle sequence that's going to happen toward the end of the movie.Here's another thing where the hell is the rest of the Alliance fleet this isn't A New Hope they should still have their starships for over the past 30 years. I may be wrong, but I recall reading that this new film does not include Yavin as a location
NumberWan Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 @ It's still unconfirmed, but a lot of decorations and concepts suggest, that Yavin IV was indeed a Rebel base even many years later. I think, of all the planets Corellia might be the only one to appear from EU, previously established locations, all others are new, including the ice planet, the T planet and the forest planet, as well Maz Kanata's planet. Jakku has been revealed to be the new one. I am glad, it's no Tatooine – I would prefer seeing that planet unchanged. I also thought that Dantooine might show up. But most unlikely. Teedo - the new character - seems he is played by Warwick Davis. In the Behind-the-scenes teaser the actor was standing next to a small yellowish alien. Seeing the phrase "Crush the Resistance" I am wondering, if there are any new catchy phrases in Episode VII. We had Rebel Scum and Bantha Fodder in previous films. Here is a coloured version of Sarco Plank: As well as an alien Resistance pilot named Asty. (This one will also be available with the new X-Wing Lego set)
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