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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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It was reported that Lupita does indeed plays a CGI character. I just don't understand, how many such characters are there now. We have Andy Serkis, who was rumoured to have two roles in Episode VII, and Lupita having a different CGI character. I thought she was playing an alien closer to Zam Wessel, because this unknown alien in Episode VII is as small as Yoda, or maybe is of that height as R2-D2.

SWU reports, that a new map (scheme to be precise) of the Galaxy has been revealed:


Curiously, the Galaxy includes locations from the Saga (all six films), the Clone Wars and EU, including the Legends part.

You can see Naboo (Episode I), Ryloth (The Clone Wars), Nelvaan (Clone Wars animated series 1), Manaan (KOTOR), Zhar (Shadows of the Empire) and Onderon (Tales of the Jedi, KOTOR2 and TCW). The map also includes the recently announced Jakku, as well as two new names: Ikotch and Davaron

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This map must be terribly incomplete. There's no mention of Yavin or Coruscant on there as far as I can tell, but for whatever reason Blenjeel is on there (also known as HERE BE SAND WORMS). There's no Nar Shaddaa or Corellia either. Rodia, land of the Rodians is on there, but no Kamino or Kashyyyk.

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Yes, I know what you mean. =) I am much more fan of good old map, I posted about a week ago. This map here shows quite a lot of planets to explore, though some places missing as well.


In any case, the scheme in the form of subway lines and stations is most likely a joke. I am more interested in the new locations though.

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I think that was a joke

yup, but in case of hurt feelings; I'm not a racist


To comment on others:

All those missing planets, can be found on every version of GtkRadiant.  If only we'd have time to create them. Am I wrong ?

Just like the millions of dollars I have in my pocket, If only I would do something to earn it all. Star Wars universe has lots of planets !

This game is rather easy to modify, we can learn how to do skins, how to model and how to create maps, hell even scripting is possible.





G o    m a k e     s o m e t h i n g  .





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Indie Revolver, as according to SWU, published another concept art of Kylo Ren. This version is believed to have been created before the now known helmet and before the tri-saber was introduced. Here Kylo Ren wears a mask as well, but of different design.


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Today is indeed the 4th strong with us. =)

Star Wars published a few new photos, and even a video about Episode VII, showing running snowtroopers and other characters, Kira with Han and Chewie and her moments, worth being seen.


We now know, that Adam Driver is indeed - Kylo Ren, who is leading a group of snowtroopers during one operation. Lupita is playing a bounty hunter, called Maz Kanata. The film will show her castle, full of exotic aliens, which are also seen in a screenshot. I can't recognize any species there, but they look very much like some in Episode IV and VI.


check info here!

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Wasn't it obvious about the Captain.Is she a force sensitive like Kylo and "Uber". Or just your normal stormtrooper elite? I wonder if she has any sort of  weapons on her besides a blaster rifle.

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I wonder if the Rule of Two still applies after 30 years since we have Kylo who is set up as the movie's villain kind of like how Vader was in A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.But later on we already knew who was the real villain of the Saga which was Palpatine.My questions still stands who is Kylo's master, Does the Empire/First Order/Remnant use anything else besides what we were shown.Also Does the Alliance/Resistance have a full blown fleet like they did in Return of the Jedi since the X-wings we've seen are T-70s not T-65s.

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Nah I reckon Phasma is just a Stormtrooper Captain who is very hard to kill and has alot of kills under her belt. No force or anything like that. Probably will see her command the troops alot.

Like a champion? I don't mind that. I'd would be weird if there were 2 force sensitive badguys who yet seem to be weaker than Vader.




I wonder if the Rule of Two still applies after 30 years --------------   who is Kylo's master?


Is he even a Sith Lord ?? Kylo Ren is a force sensitive person who likely doesn't have a master. He's scavenged Sith artifacts and built a very, immature looking saber.

He seems to be commanding the troopers like Vader did, so will he be a bad guy who gets killed like Maul and Dooku? or will he end up joining the rebellion as a Jedi ?

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Everyone keeps hearing that hes a collector of Sith artifacts.This might include Vader's helmet if that's considered an artifact.As for his force alignment he could be considered a Sith Lord maybe even a dark jedi like who the mysterious "Uber" character probably serves along with the Captian and the rest of the Empire/First Order/Remnant.Here's something to think about what force powers does he know.

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I still wonder, what all these creatures and aliens represent...



On the left there is a guy, that looks very much like an Ithorian, but the head is a bit different. I also have never seen an Ithorian with hair. Might be a sub-species, as was stated earlier in this thread.


The guy (or a woman) near the large sitting alien reminds of this Stennes Shifter:



I guess, we can clearly see a creature, similar to a frog-dog in Jabba the Hutt's palace. It's black and has sharp teeth,


The guy in red to the right of the main group, reminds the Kaleesh, but is more likely an entirely new creature.

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The most interesting aliens out of the large group is the one in front of the old person, the long nose or mouth alien in the back, the three aliens next to the person in red, and the rather bulking looking Houk or some other species that looks like he's relaxing on a couch.

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