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[W.I.P.] (SP) Star Wars - Republic Intelligence

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I am messing at the moment with some of the looks of the Imperial installation, but i like all the tiny details i am puttinig in, sinking in the lights, making it very effective. I feel like in this stage, Imperial lighting is simply just "tl" light, same with geometric shapes, slanting to make it look more imperial





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  • 3 weeks later...

Been playing a bit with idea's and testing new shaders for terrain (not implemented yet) but i need some input. I been working to fill up the area under the grate. Now you can see still through it and i decided to do some pipes, but it just looks odd, i played also arround with lightning, maybe smaller and bigger pipe combinations or something, electric grid ideas .. anyone? Bueller Bueller?


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4 hours ago, Lazarus said:

Been playing a bit with idea's and testing new shaders for terrain (not implemented yet) but i need some input. I been working to fill up the area under the grate. Now you can see still through it and i decided to do some pipes, but it just looks odd, i played also arround with lightning, maybe smaller and bigger pipe combinations or something, electric grid ideas .. anyone? Bueller Bueller?


Are ships supposed to land near that area? You could put pipes were cables are meant to go so that the lights there have an actual source and aren't just magically powering themselves up. Also, maybe some sort of pipes that can transport fuel to a small station there, in case a ship needs emergency refueling. Think about how when Obi-wan lands in Utapau those little goblins immediately go to do some maintenance on his ship. image.png.921b8a7c25af0076166f2f46bacba032.png

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Working on it , its a an idea spirngin in my mind, but need to make some new textures for console lights


Hm, I feel like a grate with things beneath it except for dirt is kind of weird architecture. It looks nice, but feels not very grounded in reality. People will walk over it. People will have dirt on their shoes. It will pile up whatever you do. Theres two things I can imagine that could work to make it feel more gounded.

Keep a lower level, but make it somewhat accessable in the sense of, someone is able to clean it easily. Like having a second entrance for the base. But what for? Is that a base that keeps dangerous animals in cages and theres this passway to transport them into the base without endangering the transport crew? What is that entrance or way used for?

Second idea would be placing the whole construction on posts and let the dirt pile up under the construction. Maybe add more foliage under it so it looks like its less maintained than the surrounding area?

Just my two cents about that topic. Love the progress so far. Can't wait to see what you will come up with. 🙂

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