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[W.I.P.] (SP) Star Wars - Republic Intelligence

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I know it's a bit quiet arround me, but I am having a good excuse. I am wearing a ring now (got engaged) and having a baby on the way makes me not play computer games or map, I mean, I am busy in the extra room painting clouds and a sky on the wall ;)


Anyway. When I do have time, I ll update my work. For those, if intrested, i ll upload all my files from this project and use it as a source to learn about SP mapping. I 'd like to help out the community anyway i can, but at the moment, I need to find time in my busy schedule ;) 

JAWSFreelao likes this
  • 6 months later...

Its been quiet around me and my work. The above reason is sadly not valid anymore. We lost our child in week 29, so we have been in devistating pain since last september. My business on the other hand is going well, and we have enough work to do. However, I pulled last night JKA and the mapping from my NAS drive and redirected them back to my own HDD, I think it's time I continue this project once again. If I either start from scratch or delete terrain, I am not sure, but I realized as I was looking at this, I approached the level the complete wrong way. I am trying to draw up now a new level design and my plan is to work from finnish to start, instead the other way ...

eezstreet and JAWSFreelao like this
  On 12/1/2015 at 1:50 PM, Lazarus said:

Its been quiet around me and my work. The above reason is sadly not valid anymore. We lost our child in week 29, so we have been in devistating pain since last september. My business on the other hand is going well, and we have enough work to do. However, I pulled last night JKA and the mapping from my NAS drive and redirected them back to my own HDD, I think it's time I continue this project once again. If I either start from scratch or delete terrain, I am not sure, but I realized as I was looking at this, I approached the level the complete wrong way. I am trying to draw up now a new level design and my plan is to work from finnish to start, instead the other way ...

That's some painful ish dude. Big time.

  • 7 months later...

As of earlier today, i restarted the project. I finally found some time to play arround in GTK, however I closed the original concept and started again. I will take created items along, such as the save sequence i made last year, the modified and stronger stormtroopers, etc, all along into this project. The first screens are on the first page and just involve me creating the terrain.


 I am trying to keep this posted and updated again as I go along

AshuraDX and Langerd like this

Alright, I had a little twist of mind and I am looking for viability. I am aiming for AT LEAST 2 possible endings, where one proves to be fatal. It means I gotta do some cut scenes, but I am always up for a challenge. Anyway, theses are some ideas I had.


  • If a certain trigger isn't activated, I ll play a cutscene where Fornan actually gets out, hops on a speeder and gets the hell out of there. - the end / mission complete (depends if i work it out further - create a multi map story)
  • If a certain trigger is activated, you still play to the end, but once you get to the ending point, different cutscene, in which you die - mission failed, while you may have proven to work your way through the whole facility.

I had an idea for a third ending, but I dont know how viable that is, due to it becoming a lot of scriptwork and testing

  • If certain trigger isn't activated and player is activating another trigger, at the end, the cutscene of Fornan gets out, speeder story is played, however, there is another scene added after that, in which antagonists realize they know which orgainasation was responsible for the mayhem.

Also I am gonna put info out in the map you ll have to find in order to solve some puzzles. And these are not obvious as in JKA. 


Note i say triggers, but I have a pretty good idea what those triggers are going to be. I just dont want to spoil to much.


-- oh ashura, dont worry for now about the rock. I like the palet i picked now and just doing the area  a bit different.



I ahve to work still on the animations, lighting and a bit on before this scene.. but this is actually (as refered to in the previous post) the following





  • If a certain trigger is activated, you still play to the end, but once you get to the ending point, different cutscene, in which you die - mission failed, while you may have proven to work your way through the whole facility.


So at least i got that part scripted (the npc model that dies and player model still are different due to the fact i havent forced the model yet). This is the first rought sketch so far.

AshuraDX and yeyo JK like this
  • 1 year later...

Reviving this threat. I take a different approach in this concept and the map I am switching arround a tat with new textures and a new setting. Old progress is sadly lost due to external harddrive crash and a reinstall of my old machine. I swear, i should have transfered it all to my NAS. (done that now at least)


Anyway the main concept is the same, with just a different setting. So I tested my new skybox already a few days ago with horizon blending, which does the trick, which i ll need. The concept i came up first was an island group, but this is , combined with the ideas i had, a bit hard to achieve, so i went for the lesser approach, and transfered the ideas from island to cove, so one side will have horizon blending, while the rest is inside an island cove, which i hope will be quite fun. I placed yesterday roughly the first 1000 brushes. At some point, i will group them and create a model of the terrain. Below progress.


So while I kept grass and dirt textures, i switched up the sand texture. With help of ashura, i figured some stuff out with dotproduct this week about how blends dont produce same outcome when flipped around.(this caused me a main problem in the fading system, but I think i got that base covered now. 







i am at the moment looking for reed sprites (i found old grass sprites, but i doubt they work, so if anyone willing to share some, please let me know)


oh yea, and started with modelling too. My first attempt at palmtree so far.




@@Lazarus I recall making a cliff texture for you the last time your worked on this.

I have since made another I could prepare for JKA, if you are interested.



This probably won't look too good on mostly flat cliff walls without any sort of relief to them

Lazarus and yeyo JK like this

minor update


So I worked some stuff out in details, and a part of the level has stolen the idea of the t1_fatal. 


So the rough idea is you land, you cant get through a certain area, because of collapsed boulders. You walk around in the cove to bump into a couple of Rodians with a broken transponder because they lost their ship and need to send a message for help. There will be a salvage site nearby and you got to collect one or two items there. They in return help you to get further, by telling that in the wreckage are explosives, so you can blow up the rocks, so you have to go collect it, then blow up the rocks to continue. Not sure yet what will come next, but i have a clear direction now.


So in the cove i am creating now, i have three things to set up first, which is  a rodian camp, a salvage site somewhere in the cove with obtainable items, and an area you cant get through to yet.

Jeff likes this

After some messing arround in scripting and figuring out how to make models appear / dissapear .. here is my first draft of the cutscene where you blow up the rocks... I need to build this out in the map it self, still set the detonator (probably gonna make the model myself with animated icons) to start dissapeared, then appear, and again, dissapear. Also more rocks to dissapear and appear after blow up and stuff, but the basics are in there.




  On 12/13/2017 at 7:36 PM, Lazarus said:

After some messing arround in scripting and figuring out how to make models appear / dissapear .. here is my first draft of the cutscene where you blow up the rocks... I need to build this out in the map it self, still set the detonator (probably gonna make the model myself with animated icons) to start dissapeared, then appear, and again, dissapear. Also more rocks to dissapear and appear after blow up and stuff, but the basics are in there.




Its pretty cool so far.  :winkthumb:

are you using any specific tutorials for all this or are you just playing around and trying stuff out?

z3filus and Lazarus like this
  On 12/14/2017 at 12:01 AM, IrocJeff said:

Its pretty cool so far.  :winkthumb:

are you using any specific tutorials for all this or are you just playing around and trying stuff out?


Actually this is more from fiddling. I started on a cinematic tutorial (forgot kinda who made it, i thought Lassev) and started to work that out further and further with scripting. Like i said earlier in different posts, my scripting is still rusty and trying to figure out what can be achieved and what not is the trick here ;) I been setting my sights on cutscenes since they bring cool story telling, instead of a lineair walkthrough. Thats why i am attempting as well with multiple objectives that shouldnt be done in a specific order and with multiple endings. The ideas that pop in my head everytime i complete something or figure something out is amazing :) it's a really good feeling. 




A little progress, taking a break from the cutscenes (and partly cause i need to build that in, with an area where i need to add this. 


I wasnt happy with the rock setup in the back, it didnt gave me a feeling of a cove or that it was "natural" , so i started partly from scratch on this part and added the mountains / cove border trisouped (originally it was stacked quadsoup), which gives me a lot more control. Difference, the small ledge on the bottom is quadsouped, while the mountain and sloped hill is completely trisouped ... thank god for grouping :) (btw, of scale reference, there is a rodian npc (he triggers a cutscene) on the left side, its pretty big so far with just a mere 1600 brushes, which almost all terrain)


Thanks Ashura for helping me partly out with the texturing, but sadly your textures / shaders didnt do the trick for now on this part ... i may add those textures perhaps on another map or build idea (maybe I do something with snow, but first I want to finnish this) 


and an overview so far  



Smoo, Wasa and z3filus like this

Did some mountain shaping the last few days, since i wanted it to look more natural (above was a nice start) but its a slow and tedious proces, with the ocassional deletion of a group of brushes. Some brush groups are copied for quicker reference on the straight part, but a lot of it is hand placed, but it starts to look like a nice. Happy with the progress ;)




and a little later, finnished the side lower outsloped area, and moving now to the other side 



MagSul likes this

Little update, could work between Christmas shoppings on it. I actually deleted a part (it used to be much more, but my idea of a overhanging rock tunnel formation, it just didnt work in my oppinion) and started on a different part so I could work towards the matching up.



Wasa likes this
Minor update: closed on the end side the gap with mountains. I am just about 50 brushes shy of 2000, so I am not unhappy, with probably needing another 250/500 brushes, so in total  less than 2500, to finnish one of the bigger areas in this SP map. I think I need close to 20, maybe 25000 brushes for this terrain to unfold, but I am patient. I just want it to be right. (oh yea, and the shadow will be different since the sun in the shader is at the wrong place .. lol)





Merry Christmas all 

Wasa likes this
  On 12/27/2017 at 8:05 PM, Lazarus said:


I know I sound like crap ... i am not much of a voice actor .. but I need to have an outline on dialogue :D

Cool,if you need a """voice actor""" maybe i can help you :):D

Lazarus likes this
  • 3 weeks later...

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