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Jeff's never ending WIP's

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@@Lord Of Hate

regarding quantity?



could be far better, just a few things on scourge:

  1. Serious gaps in the model during animation, jsut check the models neck in modview while playing throguh a few animation sequences.
  2. no caps for dismembered body parts.
  3. The fingers on the hands are not weighted to the proper bones and stay in a fixed position.
  4. stiff cape
  5. This one is pure nitpicking: while the textures look okay in jka, they could be improved rather easily, if you have the normal maps and the required knowhow.

and these are what I found within less than 5 minutes.

Idk, the only thing that really bothers me is the hands, it messes with my OCD so bad, but the fact that Scourge exists now in some form in JKA is just worth praising Jeff enough for, besides that, he's wanted to do Scourge for a very long time from what I remember, so I see him doing more improvements to him when he has the time, I figure he sees people keep asking and is like (Eh, I'll release this for now, fix the rest later on.)


The saber was ported correctly, just the main model needs some work, not that I should talk, lol.

Jeff, TheWhitePhoenix and dg1995 like this
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey @Jeff thank you so much for these new ported model, It is absolutely awesome :D .

I just have one problem that I was hoping you could help me solve. Whenever I spawn him and he is shot at, this message appears


Any idea how I could solve thiss???




Hey @Jeff thank you so much for these new ported model, It is absolutely awesome :D .

I just have one problem that I was hoping you could help me solve. Whenever I spawn him and he is shot at, this message appears


Any idea how I could solve thiss???


Yeah what those guys said OpenJK, a lot of my ports aren't set-up for SP. I only play MP and they work fine in that, the ones that are causing that have to many verts. TBH they are pushing the limits in MP. 

diogocs195 likes this

Dear Jeff!


In single player Lord Scourge and Senya Tirall's sabers are inviseble. I tried change saber but dosent work. What can be the problem, how can I solve?




Dear Jeff!


In single player Lord Scourge and Senya Tirall's sabers are inviseble. I tried change saber but dosent work. What can be the problem, how can I solve?





Change (in the skin files)









Jeff likes this

I believe Kualan has one on his WIP page.

yeah I know but he didnt release it yet. I also checked "Kualan mega pack" but it seems that it wasnt updated for a couple of time


yeah I know but he didnt release it yet. I also checked "Kualan mega pack" but it seems that it wasnt updated for a couple of time


It's in the second Mega Pack on the front page of my thread.


Yeah what those guys said OpenJK, a lot of my ports aren't set-up for SP. I only play MP and they work fine in that, the ones that are causing that have to many verts. TBH they are pushing the limits in MP. 

Thank you  guys and Thank you @@Jeff, I am using the OpenJK now, I made some research and I found This https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/README.md 

This is a very supportive community - I like it very much

And @@Jeff, your models Rock!!!!

Keep them rolling in  :D

Jeff and JAWSFreelao like this

Hello! Can you tell me where the non-Ashura parts of your clones are from (especially that belt thingy on the torso)? I need clone "gadgets" for my clone project, and these objects you used look great, I'd like to use them as well if I can, but still I'd like to avoid using ports from BFII EA.


Hello! Can you tell me where the non-Ashura parts of your clones are from (especially that belt thingy on the torso)? I need clone "gadgets" for my clone project, and these objects you used look great, I'd like to use them as well if I can, but still I'd like to avoid using ports from BFII EA.


Nothing from BF2 EA is used, the belt thing came from BF3, that's the only ported piece on any of the clones.


Great, would you let me use that belt thing? I know its ported, but still you worked to make it usable in JKA, so I think its fair to ask you.


Great, would you let me use that belt thing? I know its ported, but still you worked to make it usable in JKA, so I think its fair to ask you.


Sure and don't worry about credit.

Vitéz likes this

@@Jeff I think you should try to update the phase 1 helmet to use the same visor shader as the other clones. To do that, you'd have to cutout the visor from the main helmet mesh and assign the visor shader to it in the .skin file.

Jeff likes this

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