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Jeff's never ending WIP's

Message added by Circa

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-Give credit and all will be fine.

-Models are set-up for MP and have not been tested in SP they may or may not work in SP.

-These are WIP so any errors or bugs will be fixed when I get to it.


Just showing some of the stuff I've kitbashed together over the last month or so


Obi-Wan from the Clone Wars



Grand Moff Tarkin



Shae Vizsla from TOR (I'm not happy with this one at all, so more work to come)



The Senate Guard, the helmet still needs work plus a few other things




Satele Shan from TOR




Rebel Marksman from Battlefront





Padme (Clone Wars) this one needs alot of work I started it awhile ago and just haven't got back to it




Luke from Splinter of the Mind's Eye



Pilot Luke



Leia from Splinter of the Mind's Eye



Juno Eclipse



Gran Soldier



Sabine Wren from Rebels




Szani95, Smoo, Bek and 46 others like this

Very nice Jeff. Sabine, Leia and the Gran are my favourites. It's a shame there's not suitable models to skin as Zeb or between us we'd be able to have the whole Rebels main cast! I've got Agent Kallus on my list of models to attempt in the future.


Shae Viszla has me intrigued - is that hair from the JKG assets?

Jeff likes this

Very nice Jeff. Sabine, Leia and the Gran are my favourites. It's a shame there's not suitable models to skin as Zeb or between us we'd be able to have the whole Rebels main cast! I've got Agent Kallus on my list of models to attempt in the future.


Shae Viszla has me intrigued - is that hair from the JKG assets?


Thanks, yeah the hair is from the JKG assets. I've got a few ideas for Zeb but I'm leaning towards doing a Hando from Clone Wars.

Anni Skywalker likes this

Thanks, yeah the hair is from the JKG assets. I've got a few ideas for Zeb but I'm leaning towards doing a Hando from Clone Wars.


Hondo would be amazing! I looked into doing him too but couldn't find a suitable model for his helmet and goggles. I don't know if you've already planned which models you'll use but I found the NCR Combat Ranger model from Fallout New Vegas to have the best coat to represent his jacket.

JAWSFreelao likes this

Hondo would be amazing! I looked into doing him too but couldn't find a suitable model for his helmet and goggles. I don't know if you've already planned which models you'll use but I found the NCR Combat Ranger model from Fallout New Vegas to have the best coat to represent his jacket.


That's funny, the coat was giving me the biggest fits. I was using either Jan's googles or from DT's Mara, the helmet I just used the imperial saboteur (with some shaders to disable parts). I wish now I hadn't deleted what I had started.


That's funny, the coat was giving me the biggest fits. I was using either Jan's googles or from DT's Mara, the helmet I just used the imperial saboteur (with some shaders to disable parts). I wish now I hadn't deleted what I had started.


Didn't even think to look at Jan for the goggles! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


That JPEG compression! You know ModView has a screenshot feature? Shift + C I think? Saves to your C drive.


Nice work though! Love all of it. :)


LOL Wow a dumbass like myself learns something new, I've only been using Modview for about 5 years and never figured that out. Thanks man, I never was the sharpest tool in the shed.

Circa likes this

His goggles are more black than green other than that Hondo looks pretty good.


Yeah I'm not sure what color they are, 2 differant shots from the show green and one shows black version. What is the correct color anyone know?


Yeah I'm not sure what color they are, 2 differant shots from the show green and one shows black version. What is the correct color anyone know?


I believe green is the correct colour, since they only seem to appear black when in darker-lit scenes.


That Clone Wars Obi-Wan is awesome, that, and Sabine are totally worth sharing. Can't wait to see them uploaded here!


Basically I'm all ears as too changes and improvements for any of these models and if the majority think a model is done then I'll release it. So let me know. I'm also open to requests, just keep them in the SW universe I have no desire to do other stuff.


For Sabine, I'd suggest trying to give her arms a bit more texture, so that the skin tone resembles the face instead of being all one single colour. Other than that, sling a jetpack on her and I think she's ready for a 1.0 release man!


EDIT: Oh wait, she never uses a jetpack, my bad. Though the option would be nice!

Jeff likes this

For Sabine, I'd suggest trying to give her arms a bit more texture, so that the skin tone resembles the face instead of being all one single colour. Other than that, sling a jetpack on her and I think she's ready for a 1.0 release man!


EDIT: Oh wait, she never uses a jetpack, my bad. Though the option would be nice!


I agree with the arms, I just put a solid color in as a place holder. Does she use a jetpack? I thought she didn't.


I agree with the arms, I just put a solid color in as a place holder. Does she use a jetpack? I thought she didn't.


Yeah I misremembered, maybe my brain just couldn't process the idea of a Mandalorian running around the galaxy without a jetpack.

therfiles and Jeff like this

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