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Need help with custom sounds

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Check a soundfile from JKA for it's settings. I believe JKA sounds are 48000 MHz max, with an 80 kbps soundrate and indeed mono.

Pr0tip: You can check whether the files you added work, by disabling SV_pure (1 is the default setting, set it to 0 instead) and doing /sound sounds/chars/*yourcharactername*/*soundname*
For example:

/sound sounds/chars/jedi1/taunt
It will play the taunt file for jedi1 ;)

(Same can be done with /music, to test your new music in maps for example. Any errors will be shown when trying to run the sound)

It's possible the settings you saved the soundfile with can be theoretically be used by JKA, but he'll have a hard time decoding the sounds. So instead of running it, it will sometimes stop running it.
Like what happens if you're in a crowded server and everyone is clashing sabers together, and you run towards an elevator.
If the sounds play with the /sound command, no matter how many times you do it, it'll work. I hope :D
Or you can lastly try to match the file with jka's original files properties. ;)

Good luck!

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every combat sound must be with three variant

anger1, anger2,anger3

gloat1, gloat2,gloat3,





gurp1,gurp2 <- for forcegrip

choke1,choke2, choke3: <- for force lightning

exceptions are:

pushfail <- played if resist to force push \ pull

drown <- played with death by force drain

gasp <- played after forcegripped

pain25  <- played if NPC have full \ 75% health

pain50 <- played with 75\50% health

pain75 <- played with 50\25% health

pain100 <- played with 25\0 % health

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Taunt worked for me. The majority of those sounds are used by NPC's only, which you don't specify any sounds in the NPC file at all.


Add this for each NPC:

snd slk_darth_revan
sndextra slk_darth_revan
sndcombat slk_darth_revan
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Hmm this is strange. Many shaders also works good in SP but when you open MP sometimes they are screwd up or they doesnt work well... But I didnt know about sounds O.o

I also play only SP . Better moding, mapping is more fun and we can create our new adventures (the limit is our imagination and of course the game limits XD) . And also i dont like the mechanics in MP. I always thought they are stiff :/ and guns are not so funny as SP ones (i played a lot SP and just finish entire game without using lightsaber once againts enemies :P only force powers and guns) .

I think you should check all this sounds in the audio program or something and check one of the (cultist sounds?) original assets sounds and just compare the format. I do that with shaders but this process will be harder and diffrent :/

I have the same problems with sounds a lot ... with wav. formats too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Might make things easier, I find using .wav for custom taunt files works for me more so than mp3(just cause I don't wanna put in the effort to get the .mp3 for character taunts to work).  For life of me these days, years ago I had no problems, can't seem to get .mp3 taunts or person skin/model sounds to work.  I set them to .wav and they all work fine for me. 


For .wav sound files it's set at:



16(32?) bits



Besides, only specific ffa mods use the extra sound files anyway which is more or less all major used ffa servers either use JA+ or JA++ which opens up the extra audio channels(think there's already tutorial on jkhub that explains the audio specifics for mp3 files). 


I use, at the most, 3 different free audio programs.  Any of the 3 should cover the job for taunts/custom music for maps.






If you need ideas for what your sound files should be named just go into the misc folder for any base models like kyles it should lay out all the possible custom sounds you can use on any creation you make.  At the most(servers using mods) you will need taunts, gloat, victory, death, fall, and jump to cover your bases enough so you wont hear the "take that" sounds or generic ones.  Not sure if the pushed or confused audio files are used in MP or mods, but I doubt extra work would be to much work once you figure things out.

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