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Śăļvõö's Skins and Kitbashes

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Sorry for all people that liked the post :(

But I have a serious problem with the model working ingame...so its release is momentary suspended.. I really apologize, but even I didn't expected this..


I suspect it's the same sort of errors I had with Dengar. If you want to PM me the WIP I can try to fix it up for you.

Śăļvõö likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, some days ago I ported the TFU Kit Fisto head from @@Ruxith's .obj subdivided mesh file..it is correctly rigged and has not got any problem ingame as far as I know...if you want it check the first page of my thread with the list of all the downloads...it will be downloadable in my dropbox public folder.






Tompa9, yeyo JK, swegmaster and 5 others like this

There you find even other skins such as BUD SPENCER:

































It's Superman with Kyle Katarn's head ahah :P















Sorry, too tiring posting so much screenshots in a so short time !! BTW, it's the same than before :P You'd find a screen somewhere in this thread ;)











I have a billion other models...but I'll post a link to them in these days...I remember you  that all the models I mentioned are downloadable from the first page of the thread ;)

Enjoy ;)


See that Kyle's head for the first time. Guess DT85 made it.

Do you have a full-body Katarn?- finally a worthy model of that guy in JKA.


I downloaded it here. Enjoy ;)



The TFA Tie Pilot is out, cannot wait for the Snow and Flame Troopers. ^_^ Just be sure to take your time with them.


I'm trying to remake the Flametrooper because it has a lot of ingame bugs. I just need to port it again and all'd be solved ;)



The TFA Tie Pilot is out, cannot wait for the Snow and Flame Troopers. ^_^ Just be sure to take your time with them.


TFA Snowtrooper's could be out in 2 seconds. Just need to know if to fix some little things or not ^_^

DarthStiv and TheWhitePhoenix like this


I'm trying to remake the Flametrooper because it has a lot of ingame bugs. I just need to port it again and all'd be solved ;)


TFA Snowtrooper's could be out in 2 seconds. Just need to know if to fix some little things or not ^_^


Śăļvõö likes this


Soon releases:

jawa reskin
Ackbar reskin
TFA Acbkar
ESB Boba
TFA Chewie
Coleman Trebor reskin
Count Dooku reskin
new eeth koth
new agen kolar
New Goblin
TFA Han Solo
Endor Leia
Mace windu reskin
TFA Nien Nunb
new Plo Koon
TFA Snowtrooper
The amazing spiderman
weequay reskin
Dr. Doom
Angel (Marvel)
Desann with new head
Falcon (Marvel)
Star Lord (Marvel)
Wolverine (from X-Men)
Logan (from X-Men)
ANH Vader
Imperial Navy Trooper update
Captain America
Colossus (Marvel)
ROTS Clone Pilot from BFIII (updated)
Greedo reskin
Hawkeye (Marvel-Avengers)
updated kualan's oppo rancisis
updated sweitt concorkill
new oola
ROTS Obi-Wan reskin
Lervish's Nexu reskin
Coleman Kcaj
Jabba the Hutt reskin
Jabba (lied in the palace) spawnable map object reskin
updated imperial gunner
updated jango fett
update of TFU ported Ben Kenobi
Updated Yarael Poof
Vulture (Marvel)
Iron Fist (Marvel)
-From Dragon Ball Z:
Imperfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Goku ssj
Goku ssj3
Vegeta + variants
Armored Vegeta


This and more you find in the first page of this thread in some days. These models are ready to be uploaded. For preferences of sudden release just ask ;)

The model that aren't mine I just want to share them but I don't know the author :P

TheWhitePhoenix and yeyo JK like this


Ahahahaha sorry, I meant the Snowtrooper :P



Even TFA Nien Nunb and TFA Chewie are out :)


Requests of models whose images I posted here in the past and that aren't listed in my releases' list.. are accepted if possible to satisfy ;)


BTW for who's interested.. I had even an awful Kingpin (from Spiderman) frankenstein and a super awful She-Hulk reskin.. if interested, look up into the list ;)


Desann with new head (the head is not mine, I just slapped it into the Jk3 Desann body :P ) has been uploaded :)


Updated and reskinned Count Dooku has been uploaded ;)

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

As reskins I've uploaded Yarael Poof, and then Obi-Wan (Ep.I) and Ki-Adi Mundi (the least two aren't reskinned in the face)...then a personal update to Kualan's Oppo Rancisis, just added Toshi's Robe because I prefered it :P .


other models I added to my download list :

New Plo Koon;

new stormtrooper Luke with dark_apprentice 's ported head ;

TFA ackbar & ROTJ ackbar & terpfen reskins uploaded too ;)

And..last of today..a little Nexu reskin ;)


Enjoy all of those in the first page of this thread !!

Free to report any bug or advice about them, thanks !! :D

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

now that the skin of Ep.VII Snowtrooper v1.0 Ep.VII Tie Pilot:  :) just have to wait the next skin Flametrooper  :winkthumb: 



It will take more and more time because atm it is suspended...but I'll go back working with it when I upload the most of the elenchoed model. Really glad to see that what I haven't already finished is something people is joyous to wait for  ^_^


BTW it is FINISHED... but I have to remake it again because it has got too much clipping problems ingame and all the ported meshes are triangled over all their surface :/


As reskins I've uploaded Yarael Poof, and then Obi-Wan (Ep.I) and Ki-Adi Mundi (the least two aren't reskinned in the face)...then a personal update to Kualan's Oppo Rancisis, just added Toshi's Robe because I prefered it :P .


other models I added to my download list :

New Plo Koon;

new stormtrooper Luke with dark_apprentice 's ported head ;

TFA ackbar & ROTJ ackbar & terpfen reskins uploaded too ;)

And..last of today..a little Nexu reskin ;)


Enjoy all of those in the first page of this thread !!

Free to report any bug or advice about them, thanks !! :D


I don't know why you bothered with the Oppo Rancisis model - it's a mess, to be honest. A complex character cobbled together when my kitbashing skills were, frankly, not that great. I wouldn't recommend it for a JKHub release. 


I'm working on putting together a much better one from scratch - I'd recommend waiting for that one.


Hi guys, some days ago I ported the TFU Kit Fisto head from @@Ruxith's .obj subdivided mesh file..it is correctly rigged and has not got any problem ingame as far as I know...if you want it check the first page of my thread with the list of all the downloads...it will be downloadable in my dropbox public folder.







That Kit Fisto is great, but when moving, tentacles are seen throught torso or robes :) could you fix that? I know that your older Kit Fisto in jedi robes was fixed :)

Śăļvõö and yeyo JK like this

That Kit Fisto is great, but when moving, tentacles are seen throught torso or robes :) could you fix that? I know that your older Kit Fisto in jedi robes was fixed :)


Going to fix it in the next days then ;) I have noted it ;)

Tompa9 and yeyo JK like this

@@Syko FN-2187 Update is out:




Other contents are out :

-Weequay reskin

-Updated Ponda Baba

-Updated ROTS Clone Pilot from BFIII

-ROTJ Nien Nunb

-Barriss Offee update

-Jawa reskin

-Jabba the Hutt reskin

-Imperial Navy Trooper reskin

-Greedo reskin

-Updated ROTJ Ewok Village Leia

-ROTJ Battle of Endor Leia

-Coleman Trebor reskin


@@Syko FN-2187 Update is out:




Other contents are out :

-Weequay reskin

-Updated Ponda Baba

-Updated ROTS Clone Pilot from BFIII

-ROTJ Nien Nunb

-Barriss Offee update

-Jawa reskin

-Jabba the Hutt reskin

-Imperial Navy Trooper reskin

-Greedo reskin

-Updated ROTJ Ewok Village Leia

-ROTJ Battle of Endor Leia

-Coleman Trebor reskin


Where's the snowtrooper at though? :)


Where's the snowtrooper at though? :)


You can find all the released contents in the first page.


However I have just removed all links to download directly the models from dropbox, so you should wait. But I restore only the Snowtrooper link atm because I have no time ;) 

also, where did you get anh 3p0 in the image?


Hmm..maybe I stole it  :ph34r: ....What such a question is this ahaha ?


Hmm..maybe I stole it  :ph34r: ....What such a question is this ahaha ?

as long as you can try and find out who made it, or if it was ported, who ported it or if you ported it, what game O.o o.O :o :O :o

Śăļvõö likes this

as long as you can try and find out who made it, or if it was ported, who ported it or if you ported it, what game O.o o.O :o :o :o


It's just a reskin of JKA's one...


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