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Coming back to JKA

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After god knows how long I've been inactive on both JKHub and on JKA, I finally re-installed JKA and I plan to make myself active again in the community.


If you were expecting a heart filled paragraph on how excited I am to return, then no, there will most likely be no heart filled paragraph :P however I can say I'm happy to return to playing this game!


And no, Mog's Blog is not coming back. I don't have the time, nor the patience to run a blog that's dedicated to JKA

Circa, Jango40, Onysfx and 3 others like this

I was wondering why you and your blog disappeared. Nice to see you and I hope you gonna enjoy the game again. :)


I'm pretty sure my new computer will be able to run JKA flawlessly though I have a nagging feeling there will be some kind of compatibility issue. Then again, I got the game to work on a piece of shit Dell so it shouldn't be too hard to get it to work on a slightly better Dell


Oh, and the slightly better Dell is a Inspiron 3 with an i3 Dual Core, some random Intel HD Card and 4 gigs of RAM. I'll probably upgrade it or something but it's actually quite the performer. It can handle some of my games really well while absolutely getting fucked by others. Hopefully JKA does not fuck me up.



UPDATE: Gonna have to wait a little more I'm afraid. For some reason, JKA won't accept JA+ or work with UU. Gonna have to figure out how to get everything sorted


Ja++ is your true friend Mog, so go that way instead :P

Assuming I can get it working on Windows 8 xD


JKA just doesn't want to load :P


Mog PM me for assistance been running into windows 8 issues since 2 weeks ago, anything in the way I can help, post here so I can assist and ofc WB!


been running win8 and win 8.1 for long time now and i never have problems with it, just reseonly i had a problem there fixed it fast and was the vcredist_x64 i gave a go and i was back in the game again :)


He hasn't come back? Jesus.....

MUG probably won't be coming back (hopefully he will someday) apparently he has lost total interest in JKA (at least that's what he told me over steam is why he left)


Had a wonderful time on EK and JAWA, also I learned that not playing for awhile means you absolutely suck at playing :P

Circa and Raz0r like this

MUG probably won't be coming back (hopefully he will someday) apparently he has lost total interest in JKA (at least that's what he told me over steam is why he left)

More likely he got completely mad at a few persons here. He quit after the community map rage.. 1 day before the source code got released. 1 day.


More likely he got completely mad at a few persons here. He quit after the community map rage.. 1 day before the source code got released. 1 day.

That seems reasonable.


Had a wonderful time on EK and JAWA, also I learned that not playing for awhile means you absolutely suck at playing  :P


Whaat i didn't see you on EK. 


Hai doe.

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