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Rooxon's WeaponsHD

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Allrighty, good to be back. Just a quick summary about my absence; A LOT of work to take care of at home, I worked more than I could really handle I reckoned at the end of the day :D far too many times actually, my record was 14 hours without pause, or 22 hours with one hour in the middle so I caught some sleep.. But the main reason is cause my comp went to the, let's say, computer graveyard because of a thunderstorm. Really, everything was about 10 years old in it and it seems it was it's time... Or because the lighting even inflamed all cables ends. Crazy, really it's awfull here in Slovenia regarding wheather the past few months. Now I've saved up in the mean time, and bought this little... hm... device? :D I call it monster actually, but never mind me, here are the specs:

INTEL Core i7-4790K (4.00GHz,1MB,8MB,88 W,1150)
RAM DDR3 16GB PC1600 Kingston HyperX (4x4GB)
SSD HyperX 3K 120GB
HDD WD 1TB Blue 
G3Plus with red LED ventilator lights!! :D

And two pics for those who are interested, one showing the front lights, one the whole box:


Now there's something I would like to ask anyone who'd be willing to help me actually quite a bit..I was asked to create the model of the witcher 3 wolf head, that one in the title release or something. I just can't seem to model it, I've given up... the face details kill me, everything else actually you'll see isn't a problem at all... well I've drawn my own concept, but this is the link to the video I mean. Best watch it from 0:22 onward, there the whole head is shown more or less from both sides, frontal and left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxxI8CxTu3Y

Here's my drawn concept, though it's pretty shabby:


As you can see, the proportions aren't right at all comparing it to the video, I'm mostly concetrating on drawing just the important details right... or I try, most of the time :D

EDIT: uhm, I forgot to mention this model needs something like a... circle or something, as it'll later be 3D printed and used as a.. uhm, the thing you wear on some thing necklace around the neck. A talisman or something, it's a birthday gift but I'd need it in like, 2 or 3 days, I'm totaly lost as its a bit hard, I admit, I used cinema4D which I'm not too familiar with yet. I'll try to get 3ds max 2012 as soon as I can, but I don't think I'll manage to model this by miself... I'm stronger in texturing now than I am at modeling, as I'm learning in more up-to-date programs.

GPChannel and Exmirai like this

I apologize for double posting, but this post is strictly another theme to talk about. Regarding my weapon mods! I watched a lot of video tutorials for the 3ds max, I think I'll also manage to find some way to export them after I finish. Well because let's be honest, I looked at my sabers and they're okay, so first I need to do the double ones to have a rough complete pack of sabers, after that it's update time and as I mentioned, I lost all my data in the storm. I have nothing and also downloading mods here and using them isn't good enough really. I needed the original save files for programs like photoshop and max. I'll start doing something as soon as I find time, gonna edit this post later on to keep you in touch with the progress! My lack of actually starting to work can be explained with the above post, just getting to know the beast :D Crysis 3 runs throughout the game at top FPS, haven't noticed a single lag. Also Assasins Creed IV, this computer is simply out of the world! :3 Though today I tried SW TFU and i got a little bit of a lag, probably around 40-50fps. Who would've thought!


@@Rooxon The TFU lag issues are just compatiblity issues, the port was very poor so you can only get 40-60 fps on the pc version and console version of TFU. 

Rooxon likes this

@@Jolly Yeah, I know, same as many other games. This porting from consoles is generally done very poorly, not too many firms make a good job out of it, don't they? 

Now, onto my mods, I managed to keep myself away from games a little bit (allthough Skyrim just finished downloading and it's infinite modding possibilities make me shiver) and done those quick sketches, planning all the details I mean to model into the last pack:


20141108151149.jpg The Avenger needs a bit more drawing but here I am right now.

Now, the saber to the far right is the Aegis, a mod uploaded here on JKHub and was once a competition entry mod, don't know how well it made there though I got a message, or request if you will, saying if I'd recreate it. In gmax before my big break, I had quite some problems to do that right, now with cinema4D I already have the whole plan in my head how I need to model it. It's a little comeback mod I'll do, after that I will finally give you my last pack and start to update the previous! that's the plan right now at least, later I'll join in the pistol weapon recreations. But here's a catch I was thinking about; do you actually want me to do yet another new recreations of the first two packs or are their qualities acceptable for JKA Enhanced? @@Circa, what do you say? Because, if not, I will just download the mods from here and do some texture and small model changes (I think a GLM importer exists, so it wouldn't be impossible).

Jolly and Bek like this

@@Rooxon it's up to you. I think I already gave my critiques on each of them in detail, though I can't seem to find it. I can do that again if you'd like. Overall I think they are in good shape. It would only be minor tweaks.

Rooxon likes this

Yeah I know you did, though some time has passed while i was absent, just to be sure, that's the reason i asked you. I know what you mean, there are many things that bother me also, from the looks to the port into the game, whether it be overall size or certain dimensions in the model itself. Also, i did play with the textures a bit back there, but I bet I could make them a lot more realistic now, thus better looking. I have to think this through good and than take an effort at it, I think.


There's also the issue of me having a totaly new computer and the old disk being burnt to death. I don't have any of the original files for various programs... which leaves me a bit uncertain, as I think that recreating them from scratch again is my only option. What do you think?


@@Circa Aww hell, I'm motivation in person, mate ;) That's the last problem possible. Anyhow, model is done, I ported it over to gmax from 3ds max 2012, looking good, without any weird faces so far, a little screenshot for the interested ones with the progress:




I decided to do it this way, UV map it, scaling and tag placement in gmax and modeling in 3ds max, as I reckon the gmax way kinda goes best with me. I was creating models there for ages, since I started modding (well besides 3dsmax 8, which I was very fond of too).

And seeing now first-hand how easy it is to do complex models in 3DS max 2012, I'm simply stunned. I think I'll do them once more, it took me only a little less than an hour to do this one, so now I wouldn't even ask you the same question. I'd say some better looking sabers are on the way ;)

Well, the quality of the finished work is quite satisfactory to me. What say you, buddies?



Faults: Quick UV map, which can be noticed around the corners of the bottom and buttons, but it's allright since it doesn't look too awfull. This was mainly the thing I've done wrong with my previous sabers, which was a big mistake, I need to keep this in mind from now on. Also, in-game, in won't be noticeable at all, unless you zoom up really close. And I doubt anyone else will do this besides me for the screenshot once I've put it ingame. But I'll go over this tomorrow, it's already past midnight here and I need to catch some sleep before work tomorrow. One way around this could be using those straight lines instead of circles in photoshop but I thought to myself come on, what saber would have a blocky lights or buttons? :)

EDIT: @@Circa @@eezstreet @@AshuraDX Here's another thing I thought off tonight, I couldn't really get that much sleep. Well, I NEED STAR WARS FANATICS, who have the history in their veins pretty much. So I was thinking, why don't we hit the limit for the number of sabers being choosable for players? I think for SP the saber limit is 15 hilts, right? So if we have 9, there's chance to add 6 completely new sabers the world hasn't seen yet in the JKA universe, but it'd be nice if they were accurately chosen to fit the purpose, which means, the owners of the sabers need to be people from the game or people who WOULD FIT REGARDING THE TIMELINE, into JKA. I hope I didn't write this too complicated. So, for dual hilts, that would be a whooping 10 new saber hilts added! Which would bring everything to a total of 30 saber hilts choosable and a little script, that would allow anytime to switch from the dual sabers to dual-wielding sabers (or a single one, if you turn left hand off). The vanquisher is the only exception up to now that needs a little more work, every other dual saber is basically a single saber, copied and mirrored to the bottom side to make two blade emitters. So it's child's play, really. Also, Tavion and Alora could get their own personal hilts, maybe also the cultists and we limit the Stinger only to Reborn's, for JK Enhanced, I mean.

Bek and Mr.Zz like this

I love the idea! I'll start concept sketching tonight, being that this is the Jedi Praxium era, I'll look up some hilt designs that fit with the theme of the game.

Rooxon likes this

@ Alright buddy, I'll be online on Skype from now on, for about 3-4hours as I finally learned enough to give the hilts a try.

@ Haha a nice Yoda alternative! No no, I'm just joking, actually I always wondered why there aren't any shorter hilts in JKA. It would be a good addition and I'm sure that others will love it!


Now, as I already mentioned, I'm working on the last pack and today I managed to do 2 hilts already! I hope I can manage to do all of them today, or at least two more, here's the momentary look of the Guardian and the Avenger:






This time around, my sabers were given a lot more attention to detail, I've thought about how they would look in the real world and textured/shadered up the hilts accordingly. Also I've done what I could for each of them to have a certain "air" around them. I hope it looks better than previous hilts I had done. Also many many thanks to @@AshuraDX for showing me an interesting tutorial that I learn from, it's still not perfect as it schould be, but I think I'm on a good path.

Bek likes this

I always wondered how -- professional -- the hilts look in Jedi Academy, concidering that Jaden was supposed to have built a saber on his own without any Jedi training.

So, my only request for you, is that you would make a saber that would have some wires detailed in it, sort off like C-3PO without the golden covers. Even for MP use.


Where ever Jaden is from, whether shes a zabrak, rodian or human male, he should have built it from bits and pieces. Instead we have many shiny sabers....

Rooxon likes this

Yes, it's true, though I do remember to have seen a saber like that already made. It's no problem, I could even make it with glass covers, transparent ones with an enviroment shader or something like that, the only problem would be the vert count. But I'll see what I can do! First off, I'd like others to help me decide for your saber, so...

@@Circa, @@eezstreet I call upon your great opinions again, look a few posts up this page and you'll find the concept that zefilus posted. Is it acceptable to be included in JK: Enhanced? It could be Tavion's saber. Small but practical :D haha

Ooh yes, with the last sentence I remembered myself something I forgot to tell you, I'll also add an additional file to each of my mods, a few fixes for NPCs. I won't really change anything else, except the sabers each enemy wields. Might be a cool thing seeing reborns with a Stinger Dual saber, Tavion with her very own saber and the Cultists wielding... well, also some other sabers, but as Luke's isn't really bound to any npc except Luke himself, I might put that into the Cultist's hands. But this could seem weird... well, it's still a long way to go, so I'll think about this a bit better in the future.


I was thinking the exactly same thing. And which of the NPCs schould wield it?

Oh, and @ your saber needs a name, probably :P

Now, I like to keep my posts on the topic, so here's a little pic on my sketches I've done so far. The paper is bend, that's why the drawings seem a bit funny, also, it's just a little sneak-peak. I'll post all my sketches in the first post after I finish my sabers:


If you take a good look at the models and the sketches, you can see that the models are simply THE SAME as the sketches, with a little bit of extra thought on how to make them the most realistic. Just so you can imagine a bit what you're gonna see from me in the future days. After the last pack is released, I'll start on recreating the single sabers once more. As you can see, the sketches are pretty much the original looks of the sabers, which means so will be my recreations.

What's more, I read topics about JK:Enhanced practically every day, there's a lot of things I still need to go through. So without any comments from others, I decided I will go up to the limit of chooseable sabers in the menu for the SP Campaign, which is 15 single sabers and 15 dual sabers. Some of the dual sabers will be forged from the most appropriate single sabers, the rest will be added through YOUR ideas, so if anyone has any good saber ideas like @ posted here on a bit earlier today, out with the idea. It's no problem to make them, we just need to think this through very good. Yes, that can still be changed, but why do work 10 times over when you can think about it good once and than forge a plan.


Well.. here's how I imagined this saber would look like, that dark area in the middle is supposed to be a handle,

And idea already seen in the SW universe  -- which I think is an idea taken from real hand-/machinegun desings.

I designed the top of the saber to ressemble Luke's own saber hilt, which was built from a 70's flashlight by the way,

and the base of the saber is designed to be very simple and modern -- easy to place hanging from a Jedi's belt.



As Circa suggested, I streched the saber -- tbh, I never intented it to be short, thank you for noticing it =)

This is most likely my only chance to get a saber designed by me into this game, so I'd like to name it after me.
zef or z3f has been my nick in Jedi Academy for over 10 years, this is why I put Z3F  in the name of the saber.


saber_sp.jpg# saber  " S7AR-Z3F"






Bek, Rooxon and Circa like this

Don't worry, it really is a simple saber, modeling wise. I'll have it done and textured in a whiff. ;) Well but it doesn't need to be the only saber you designed. Try coming up with more ideas, for one, Tavion needs her own saber and the Cultists. Try making them look evil or rather, design the sabers to be weapons a sith would wield! The Z3f is already on my to-do list ;) I've got only one wish, try making the Cultists saber look something like my redone stinger out of the misc pack. It don't need to be totaly the same or something like that, just let your imagination flow with a small touch of the look of the Stinger. You've got a great idea and design already, so I think you'll do the job just fine ;)

@ you know that thing I mentioned in our private conversation? This is what I meant by adding a fourth grip part:

sabersp2.jpg  So my reference would look like that: sabersp3.jpg


To me, it's quite likeable, it's just... You know, under the Aegis hilt, what was stated? I could quote, but oh well basically, the author wanted to take a step away from thinking that evil meant spiky black and red. Now look at your colors and you'll get what I mean. :)

Sith are calculative, strong, evil persons. I doubt they'd give a damn about coloring their sabers, YOURS IS GREAT, make no mistake! It's just... it's black and red. Hm... Well, no matter, I guess it's good enough for the cultists, even though I'd like a saber that resembles them a bit. This one could be Tavion's as she later turns into a ghost-possessed sith with red glowing eyes. And she's a woman, all women like to .. have red, pinky, painted things :D

@ look at what I had time to do ;) 




I've already ported it to gmax, starting to UV map it as of now. Later, I'll import kyle's saber and if this hilt still comes around too small, I'll stretch it a little bit vertically. You like it?

I'm also thinking about releasing this hilt as soon as I finish it, I can still later pack it into my final WeaponsHD Sabers pack with the menu integration, custom sounds (which I hope @@Circa hasn't forgotten about yet), the scripts for the sabers and a few immersive addons I'm thinking about every day. I still have to find out which are actually possible.

Bek likes this

@ looks perfect now. As far as naming it, I think your full name Zefilus would be a cool name for the saber.



I was thinking about the cultists sabers actually. A lot of people complain how plain it is and how all of them carry the same hilt. But I think that's the point. They are soldiers that were given Force sensitivity, so I'm sure they mass produced saber hilts and passed them out. So they should all look the same in that regard. With that said, I don't think the vanilla hilt resembles that very well. I actually like what @ has done with that. First of all, it looks better than the original, and second, it looks more like a mass produced saber.


@@Rooxon with all that said, we can still use your Stinger that you made, since it looks tons better than the original too. Could give it to one of the reborn twins or Tavion or something.

Rooxon and z3filus like this

I was thinking about the same thing, this saber really does look like some sort of training saber or some saber that was mass produced. It's simple, it's compact, and it gets the job done, that's all that would matter... except... The Stinger yes, it could go to the Reborn twins, I never understood why they used Desann's saber anyway. So, to make a quick list:

The Z3F / Zefilus - Cultist/Reborns
Stinger - Reborn twins
Tavion - *saberless at the moment*
Alora - *kinda saberless*

Are there any more npcs who are in SP and don't have their own sabers yet? I'm also thinking about doing an additional simple recolor of the Stinger and giving a blue one to blue-colored npcs (blue reborns) and a slightly red one to the red reborns and all cultists.

Now, there's something else. An Evil staff! There are many reborns who are staff users, so wouldn't it be nice if they'd have their own one? I will do all I could to bring a bit of fresh hilts and diversity with the final mod. Which, of course, will be an additional download for my sabers pack, which is going to include various things I've already mentioned in this topic.


Both Tavion and Alora controlled a league of expendalbe MarkaRangos- worshippers, the cultists, and I seriously  doubt they'd have unique sabers

as they wouldn't even be dealt as individuals. The cultists would all have a saber model that's easy-to-manufacture and mass produce,

as @@Circa also already explained, thanks.  -- It would also be logical that their saber would ressemble Vader's hilt, because of Vader statue at Vjun.



The Z3F / Zefilus - Cultist/Reborns


Whether you use this for the cultists or for Tavion -- or at all -- is up to you. That was not supposed to be named after me though, the green one was.

You can call this black cultist saber something else. I've also started working on Tavions and Aloras hilts already, I'll post images here later tonight =)


If you want to, I can also try to come up with a staff hilt for the reborns.

Circa and Rooxon like this

Yeah, for the sake of diversity! A lot of things just look to plain in the vanilla game. The more, the merrier!


 I watched the fights between Alora and Jaden on Youtube. -- and she uses dual sabers or the blue stance with single,

this means I will try to desing a saber for 1 hand with a good grip, so it would be realistic and better fit her combat style.


She starts with single saber, when you fight on the Hoth mission (which she uses all 3 styles, not just blue). She then progresses in her training, as Jaden has, and then uses dual sabers. She's scripted to use two of the default sabers that Jaden could possibly have. We should definitely give her some unique ones, that aren't necessarily identical like a lot of dual wielding Jedi/Sith seem to have in Star Wars lore. I recommend creating two unique designs.

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