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Rooxon's WeaponsHD

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The middle bulge looks too fat. Should be the same width as the next widest part.


It's the same width as the bottom part is, (I've modeled this AROUND the original model, so the proportions are also the same... it's wierd it looks wierd, but I'll fix it if you want me to).


I'll be using Sketchfab instead of screenshots from now on:




It's the same width as the bottom part is, (I've modeled this AROUND the original model, so the proportions are also the same... it's wierd it looks wierd, but I'll fix it if you want me to).


I'll be using Sketchfab instead of screenshots from now on:


Might be fine then. My eyes are deceiving me. :P


@ when I was searching around on the net for the hilt names, I noticed on certain sides that luke's hilt is named "The Prodigal Son". Might be just someone made that up, but it's worth taking into account if that's really it's name. But after all, I don't really think Luke's hilt is awesome enough to be called the prodigal son :D

@@Circa, here's an uploaded (tagged) version, take a look at it and if you still think it's too wide, I'll fix it. It's radius doesn't go even as far as the ending of the two red buttons above the center piece.

Bek and Circa like this

@ when I was searching around on the net for the hilt names, I noticed on certain sides that luke's hilt is named "The Prodigal Son". Might be just someone made that up, but it's worth taking into account if that's really it's name. But after all, I don't really think Luke's hilt is awesome enough to be called the prodigal son :D

I think it'd make a fine name for his hilt from ANH-ESB, also great job at Kyle's lightsaber!

Rooxon likes this

True and it kinda means the same, so I guess I could go with it. I like one-word names better than for example "the prodigal son". Anyway, it was only in JKA I came across sabers having names. Is this standard practice for jedi or is it just something rendred to JKA only?

I think it'd make a fine name for his hilt from ANH-ESB, also great job at Kyle's lightsaber!

Thank you! :) though the model is still unoptimized and the textures will get finalized in Substance Designer (if you're interested why I'll use it, look at AshuraDX's mods. Most of the scratches, various texture layers and so on are done in this program), I just need a day or two to figure out what it offers in total, I just got it yesterday.


@@Circa, @@redsaurus @@AshuraDX and @@Langerd

The first tap into gun weapons, keep in mind this models will yet be changed a bit. Some smoothing problems and the likes, also, please keep checking back to this post as the model showcase will update automatically once I upload a newer version of the model OR textures (they're not textured at this point yet anyway)

These are the last weapons that will be included in the finalized Misc. Sabers Pack. Just wanted to share them heads-up with you all. :) Just so you know, that I'm not loafing around :P
z3filus, Onysfx, DarthStiv and 3 others like this

yeah, your gaffi stick request or whatever they are called was very well placed, buddy. I killed a few flies with one strike with taking them on.Ahh soon, very soon. After I finish those, I'm continuing the KotOR melee pack of weapons for Darth Reborn and uhh... i'll need to start drawing some concepts for the Dark Pastime, I've had a few ideas but nothing that I've decided to draw yet.

  • 3 weeks later...

MAJOR update on the concepts:

Single 10 - The Veteran 


Single 11 - The Descendant



Single 12 - The Rebonder



Single 13 - The Neo



Single 14 - The Slicer / Lightkatana


Dual 6 - The Marauder




Dual 7 - The Arbitrator



Bek, z3filus, GPChannel and 2 others like this

Thank you! Once I finish 4 more request sabers, I'm gonna start creating these and hopefully I will have the rest of the concepts from my very personal designer Zefilus to share with you!

BUT I'M INTERESTED IN OPINIONS ABOUT THESE HILTS! Personally, I picked the best ones but honestly I think that out of those I shared, all of them are great already. The only thing I missed was a bit of colors, so Zefilus is working on fixing that.

@@Circa @@eezstreet above all, I'm interested to hear your opinions. Are they good enough for JK:E, schould they really have a bit more color, schould any be changed or whatnot.. the more I'll get, the merrier it'll be. :P

Bek and z3filus like this
  • 2 weeks later...

The arbiter - looking awesome

The marauder - reminds me wayy too much of Darth Maul's saber I honestly think it shouldn't be used.

The Slicer - Love the idea, however I think the cross-guard should be a tad bit wider.

The decedent - Never liked gold on sabers, try to make it an old copper look to it.


Above all else don't make these sabers too shiny, give it wear and tear to it, like a Jedi Knight would go through.

 *Remember scratches give it character.

Rooxon likes this

Thanks for your feedback, the Marauder only has similar ends of the saber as Darth Maul had, but the same shape can be seen in other sabers aswel. (Plo Koons saber e.g.)

The Descendant has golden parts in it, similar to Master Windus saber and as much as you may hate it, changing it to copper would be a bad decicion.  It would look awful.

However, I'm only the designer and @@Rooxon is free to change the colours and surface materials. He's not making blank metallic sabers anymore, that's for sure :D

Bek likes this

haha yeah, true :D Zefilus's designs stepped up their game and so have I decided to go through hell for each saber, do high poly and low poly versions, bake the textures and the result is the Vigilante. It takes me around a day or two to finish one hilt like that, but it sure is worth it I think. :) Thanks for the feedback! More from other people are, of course, welcome!

Bek likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't need to tell you all specifically that I'll once more start all the hilts from scratch, don't I? :D Now that I learned this high poly stuff, there's no way I can bear to look at the ... well, crap I've been doing before. :) In April, @@AshuraDX and me are even going to team up on this and make it splendid. Just thought I'd announce this here. I'll be posting here a bit more seldom, in fact only with finished product pictures before the release, to tease you a little bit. This topic has got enough replies as it is already. That's it for now. :)

Bek likes this

Will do, thanks for pointing this out.


Re-examine the scaling... they seem too big compared to player.

  • 1 year later...

Take a look at the first post, if you will. Just shouting this out to everyone out there! I restarted this project since I hate my mods from before. With better skills new levels of beauty appear and that's that, in short! :) I can work a lot better in Max now, too and not using just max anymore but basically, almost everything is still done in 3D Studio Max 2016.


Take a look at the first post, if you will. Just shouting this out to everyone out there! I restarted this project since I hate my mods from before. With better skills new levels of beauty appear and that's that, in short! :) I can work a lot better in Max now, too and not using just max anymore but basically, almost everything is still done in 3D Studio Max 2016.

Maybe start a new thread to keep it clean :D


Maybe start a new thread to keep it clean :D

Can I ask for your help then, please? I wanna copy the content of the first post to the new topic and once I'm done, I'd like to ask you to delete this one, but there's one more problem... most of my submitted mods have this link for their support thread put in. So if we change it, I'd need to edit all of those submitions! :S that seems kind of a drag... 

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