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Dworn (or Dvorn) is a new planet, that is completely our own creation. Well, almost. It's an Imperial world and is the next objective of Kyle Katarn after Ord Mantell. I won't say much about the mission itself, but it includes an Imperial city and a military base. All Imperial attributes can be seen here and there.


The map was originally created by a friend of mine and our team member Wuhan. At the time we had little references in creating Imperial architecture, so believe it or not, but we made a lot of sketches, based upon Imperial buildings seen in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds video game.


Olgo significantly improved the maps, adding flying TIE fighters, Imperial Lambda Shuttles and other Imperial starships to the skies. Not to mention the latest Imperial additions among the NPCs.


1. Imperial City


Imperial City is a large area with many buildings and streets. Mainly it's occupied by stormtroopers and Imperial officers, but you'll be able to see ordinary (or not) Imperial citizens as well. All streets are under Martial Law, so you won't be able to move through Dworn capital freely. On your way you'll be able to check various facilities, residential modules and a cantina (with lots of patrons, who stay there for the night).








2. Imperial Academy


Imperial Academy is a large complex, created specifically for Imperial personnel training. The cadets here learn everything, what is required to become a loyal Imperial citizen: Imperial military and politics doctrine, history, diplomacy, physical training and much more. After the destruction of the similar facility on Carida, Dworn became one of the primary locations for preparing Imperial military forces.


This Mission has some quite peculiar details in gameplay and it's also a pivotal moment in the plot.


The map was started by Wuhan, with a small entrance, a library and some corridors and hallways. It became much larger since then.





3. Dworn Forests 


We could not ignore the fact, that JA was well received by many due to the fact, that it had a swoop-bike level. So far we have three maps of this kind, and Dworn forests is actually one of them.


bednarro, spior, Kualan and 2 others like this

Wow. Very nice. Reminds me of Dromund Kaas from SWTOR - which seeing as that is the Imperial City of the TOR-era means you guys are doing a great job ;)


Nice nice! Glad to hear about the bike level but...you wouldn't mind improving the physics of the swoop and making it a little slower would ya? xD


A slower swoop is a good idea. The physics would probably be better if the ground was flat. I just played the swoop level last night. You can only control the swoop when it is on the ground.


I have some issues with what I see in some of the screenshots.


I feel the playspace is too dim. Your non traversable geometry is better lit. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there are some good solutions that are fast which would realistically and artistically light the play space.



The floor and ground textures are too repetitive. You need to break up the monotony. Grates with steam effects would be an easy solution.


Also, I think you could successfully juxtapose rich opulence and sterile industrialization pretty easily with some garish lights to create a more rich environment.


My 2 cents. 


Thanks a lot for your comments. We will consider all the recommendations that you've posted. Including those about the repetitive textures - I agree, that's mostly a common issue in JA mapping. We try to cover such areas with additional blocks, some meshes with sprites, some objects - among many other methods of improving the area.


I'm also glad, that you've mentioned the speed of a swoop. Indeed I really hated the fact, that it moves so fast! I should check on this one as soon as possible.


As for Dromund Kaas look-alike - I'm flattered. Yes, I found the similarity as well, when I was playing SWTOR some time ago, However the whole area here was created long before The Old Republic was released, so I guess they look similarly solely because we tried to recreate the Imperial style, that it is also obviously present in the Kaas city in SWTOR. :)


Thanks a lot for your comments. We will consider all the recommendations that you've posted. Including those about the repetitive textures - I agree, that's mostly a common issue in JA mapping. We try to cover such areas with additional blocks, some meshes with sprites, some objects - among many other methods of improving the area.


I hadn't actually noticed the repetitive texture on the ground. When I went back and looked I realized it is used highly, however it looks kind of nice to me... sort of like lots of cement tiles. The only place it really stands out in a way that detracts from the general awesome of your map is the top half of the building in the background of photos 2 and 3. Aside from that, I'm blown away by the design. It's such a rare thing to have interactive map elements. I love the hint of the star destroyer in one of the pictures, and the flying ships is absolutely delightful. Good work! I can't wait to play it.

NumberWan likes this
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Thanks a lot for your comments. We will consider all the recommendations that you've posted. Including those about the repetitive textures - I agree, that's mostly a common issue in JA mapping. We try to 

As for Dromund Kaas look-alike - I'm flattered. Yes, I found the similarity as well, when I was playing SWTOR some time ago, However the whole area here was created long before The Old Republic was released, so I guess they look similarly solely because we tried to recreate the Imperial style, that it is also obviously present in the Kaas city in SWTOR. :)


Kass city v2 - greater than TOR, because it is for a Jedi Academy :D

  • 1 year later...

A lot  of the textures look like their from JK2.I like the destroyer hovering above the city.Once you finish up with a playable demo you should release it.


Thanks to you all for your patience and support! 

I must say, that we already have an exact date of release in our mind. We will announce it in due time.


The real reason for not saying anything about it, is actually the JA itself - the game has lots of things, which might appear unexpectedly. It is no secret, that in one topic I raised a question regarding the menu files in the game. This is a very important moment, especially for Chapter I. We've found an alternative to limitations in JA, but nevertheless this tiny issue will restrain us from showing some things, we intended to from the start.


However the good news regarding this might be, that should someone resolve the issue in the future, there will be a one-click addon, which would restore all of the cut content. :)


It is true, that Chapter I is very much Imperial. It has lot of things, derived from Dark Forces and Jedi Knight. Most of the textures are standard JO/JA, but we created a lot of our own. It was not our intention to recreate the atmosphere of the Dark Forces II or the Original Trilogy, but I am actually glad, this worked out in this very direction.


When playing Chapter I, you'll understand, what I mean. I hope :)


I guess, @Onysfx would be glad to know, that Emperor Palpatine is not forgotten by the Empire, and Chapter I shows that in every respect. :)

Numfast, Smoo, Jeff and 3 others like this

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