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T3-M4 Droid

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dude - YOU DONT NEED THE R2 skeleton , playermodel r2 doesnt work in MP aswell the game code prevents your from playing as any character that doesn't use the _humanoid skeleton

so the only way to actually play as this bugger will be by making him a vehicle so you can just use your custom skeleton for the MP model

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dude - YOU DONT NEED THE R2 skeleton , playermodel r2 doesnt work in MP aswell the game code prevents your from playing as any character that doesn't use the _humanoid skeleton

so the only way to actually play as this bugger will be by making him a vehicle so you can just use your custom skeleton for the MP model


That is exactly what I wanted in the first place, lol. That's how I use all my droids... as vehicles. That's what Chalk is doing, he's saving my hope and desire. I've been waiting eight years to see if this would be made. Inyri started and stopped, another artist started and stopped. Chalk blasted past both of them in how far the project went and even started working on ways to have it in single player. The only change is that I wasn't clear about my needs up front so now he has to work twice as hard, releasing both his amazing SP version and then the more simplistic MP vehicle mode.




SP: full animations, custom skeleton because it supports it.

MP: Made into a vehicle


Fun for all!

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The mental image of the twitchy saber swing on an at-rt is quite wonky, lol.


So class-type, regardless of skeleton, ties into specific animations? Hence setting the class as droid inhibited jump animations in Chalk's attempts. Well, that and a potential lack of a movement bone... That does seem like it could make things quite a bit more challenging.


That's what I've been saying this whole time.


Of course vehicles can use custom skeletons, you didn't think every custom vehicle used s recycled skeleton did you?


Anything can use a custom skeleton EXCEPT a player in MP.


Sorry, I get frustrated when I have to post the same thing multiple times when I'm giving the answer to a question that is asked repeatedly, feels like someones ignoring me just to piss me off.


The ONLY WAY you'll get this to work as a playable character in MP is to make it into a vehicle, like Zappa_0 said, study the droideka from MB2 or just make it an NPC class that matches the R2 but the only animations you can play are the ones that the R2 uses. You do not have to use the R2 skeleton, just use similar bone names, you may not even have to go that far, as far as I know you only have to use certain bone names for something like an AT-ST where you want the head to rotate via aiming.

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so why can i give things like lightning to a rancor and cant add it to a r2d2?


all of my bones work ingame, but they only go off on the idle anim as i have it rotating its head and cycling through all of it's gadgets really slowly as an idle anim. So all of the bones work, just not the extra tasks I assign them to. I will copy the r2d2 so this can be used in MP, but i would still like to know which specific class allows what. Just some trial and error I guess. See I also Made a Rancor a custom vehicle you could ride on his back and use all of his anims. I just needed to add in a bolt_driver. then, when he started walking, he wouldnt stop. So i had to add in the idle lines form the swoop animation.cfg with rancor stopping anims assigned to the added lines and then I got the rancor to stop continuously walking, because i added in a vehicle idle anim. So I would like to know what the difference is between rancors and r2's that eliminates this feature

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@@minilogoguy18 Sorry that we put you through all the redundancy, but I think we're all on the same page now so it shouldn't have to happen again.


@@ChalklYne  So as a vehicle we can use all the custom skeletons we want, so there shouldn't have to be a difference between the SP and MP versions (no need for an R2 skeleton in theory), but the issue you're having with binding animation types is something that clearly needs to be sorted out. Hopefully, though, this would be the case for both 'versions' and thus won't result in more work. If I'm understanding right the only thing to make the leap from SP to MP is the vehicle shell.


I'm so sorry to have complicated things, but I think with the input from everyone we're cruising towards something that will benefit everyone in very awesome ways! Thank you everyone for your input!

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So copying and pasting doesn't work... Well. I have learned yet another thing... Thanks @@Circa and hopefully that worked.

Copying and pasting will also copy the url so the post editor will parse it as a link instead of just text, therefore not allowing it to read the text after the @ sign. :P



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Copying and pasting will also copy the url so the post editor will parse it as a link instead of just text, therefore not allowing it to read the text after the @ sign. :P

Thanks for the update. I'll go edit the original one and use it properly from now on.

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I move in 3 days and won't have interwebs for a while, I was trying to release it to him before that. Rushed to get it ingame?! If I were rushing to get it ingame, I would have used said bespoken solution, or, I could have just rigged it to the R2 skele and made a moving brick and called it done. I made him a custom skele and animated it, and have it working, just want more anims for him. So I think I took the most difficult route tbh. I noticed something about his back, and ashura pointed out something with the front feet I will be addressing those issues, but besides that I am happy where this thing is at.  I'll adjust those little parts, and change the bone names to something more conventional for a R2 unit, but anything else I would classify as nitpicking. You can't please everyone, and I'm damn sure not trying to. The OP is happy with the mesh, Im happy with it besides 2 little adjustments, no need to go all balls to the wall I have shit to do elsewhere. I will just start telling people that if you want a 1:1 copy hit up u guys XD I work too fast for all that and lose interest


tl;dr? Im not changing much else here, and your attempts to rescue this model are futile 0_0



I don't wanna be one of the greats gentlemen, I just want to mod. 

Zappa_0, ZanderNao and Bek like this
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I don't wanna be one of the greats gentlemen, I just want to mod.


and that my friend is what makes you "one of the greats". Early years of course but for your love of modding you will be up there with the names of those who had a great impact on this community.

Omicron and Bek like this
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I move in 3 days and won't have interwebs for a while, I was trying to release it to him before that. Rushed to get it ingame?! If I were rushing to get it ingame, I would have used said bespoken solution, or, I could have just rigged it to the R2 skele and made a moving brick and called it done. I made him a custom skele and animated it, and have it working, just want more anims for him. So I think I took the most difficult route tbh. I noticed something about his back, and ashura pointed out something with the front feet I will be addressing those issues, but besides that I am happy where this thing is at.  I'll adjust those little parts, and change the bone names to something more conventional for a R2 unit, but anything else I would classify as nitpicking. You can't please everyone, and I'm damn sure not trying to. The OP is happy with the mesh, Im happy with it besides 2 little adjustments, no need to go all balls to the wall I have shit to do elsewhere. I will just start telling people that if you want a 1:1 copy hit up u guys XD I work too fast for all that and lose interest


tl;dr? Im not changing much else here, and your attempts to rescue this model are futile 0_0



I don't wanna be one of the greats gentlemen, I just want to mod. 


Hahaha, you certainly didn't take the easiest road, you innovated. That's for sure. I don't think it feels rushed, but it does feel fast because you work so fast... and on so many projects, all while leading up to a big move. I thank you for all you've done and the help of others and will gladly enjoy this mod whenever you are content with it and it is released.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone needs to make Tenebrae/Vitiate so i may smite him mightily for what he did to T3 =[


I was just reading the wookieepedia article on Tenebrae... I'm glad T3 was heroic 'till the end, but that was one bad dude to go against.

Bek likes this
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Making sure all my anims will collide correctly with the floor. Now I'm going to spend the evening having fun on some anims. He should wind up pretty cool. Anyone interested in texturing this so I can finish Blackbeard before I move?





I'll work on the anims for a while and if nobody else feels like taking it I'll do it


omg how is it in game without a skin? That is so cool!! Like seeing a dream come true.

ZanderNao, z3filus and NumberWan like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

Technically speaking, it has a "skin", otherwise it wouldn't be visible.  Just instead of assigning finished textures, the blank UVMap files were applied.


That sounds like a pretty good method... But anyone know if Chalk is alright? Has anyone heard from him?

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