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The Dark Pastime


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There was one guy, who voiced all the lines of Kyle Katarn in Russian.



We planned from the start, that DP would be at least in two languages. A few people offered their help with translating the mod into Spanish, German and French as well. A group of fans also offered a complete English voicing as well.


How many levels does the demo have and do you get to fight any dark jedi besides your usual reborn and the like in the demo.

  • 1 month later...


Nope, we continue our work, we had a breakout after Christmas, but now we are back on track. It's that we prefer for now to spend all the time on the mod itself rather than promoting it additionally somehow.


We will post news very soon, I simply decided to postpone them for a while.



No, the mod is pretty much alive. As I said before - we want to release Chapter I soon. Almost all of its maps are complete.

Jolly, Stoiss, GPChannel and 3 others like this

I don't usually get into mods of this scale, but you guys have drawn me in with everything about this ,I love the era and your take on it, and the maps all seem very fresh and new and fit into the original trilogy time frame. Take your time I'm sure it will be worth the wait.



Thanks! It is true, that we tried to use as much information as possible on the OT era, though certain elements from other time periods will be visible as well. The beginning of the mod (aka Chapter I) is actually derived from Dark Forces I and II style.


We'll posting news some time later, there is actually a new species in the mod, which we will be presenting soon.

Kualan, Barricade24 and Jeff like this
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


Everything in due time. We have a little break for a few days due to our main work. There will be another news post before the release of Chapter I.


Currently a few things must be resolved:

- Completing polishing of the maps in Chapter I,

- Finishing the cutscene, which begins the Dark Pastime events


Originally it was 15 minutes long, but while it is shorter now, it requires additional work aside from ordinary scripting or mapping


- Launching Beta testing.



Thanks for your support. The truth is that I am involved in other projects, which are unrelated to DP and to game design. I have to exist by earning money after all =)


However I made some material for the next news block, and something for the mod. It's funny, that it's not mapping which prevents from completing Chapter I, but rather scripting and some plot details.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...


I've completed my work on Chapter I, so it's being tested and finalized by my friend now. I work on models and maps for other Chapters.


I am not making any announcements, because of the latest news regarding Episode VII. A loud echo won't let a whisper to be heard even if it is soothing.


As for details, Chapter I follows the beginning of the plot, but we made a few corrections. While it is made in the traditions of Dark Forces and the Original Trilogy, it has strong reference to other stories, including the Rebels. There is also a hint on Episode VII events. Previously it was possible to put our mod into the timeline so, that it wouldn't contradict any of the Star Wars original stories. However with the new canon it became quite complicated, but even in this case I made some decisions, which allow the story to flow smoothly, whether you enjoy the Expanded Universe in the first place or not.


Basically speaking, if you can think of the Empire in some of the older stories/games, then it's likely this "aspect" is taken into account in DP.


The first chapter includes two planets, but several maps, one of which takes place in the foggy forests of the Imperial world of Dworn. The Empire is the primary enemy in the missions here, but the plot reveals the true game within the story with multiple sides taking interest in the events from the start.


The latest addition is that @@lang_french offered his help and interest with making a French version of the mod. We are slowly moving in this regard as well.



I've completed my work on Chapter I, so it's being tested and finalized by my friend now. I work on models and maps for other Chapters.


I am not making any announcements, because of the latest news regarding Episode VII. A loud echo won't let a whisper to be heard even if it is soothing.


As for details, Chapter I follows the beginning of the plot, but we made a few corrections. While it is made in the traditions of Dark Forces and the Original Trilogy, it has strong reference to other stories, including the Rebels. There is also a hint on Episode VII events. Previously it was possible to put our mod into the timeline so, that it wouldn't contradict any of the Star Wars original stories. However with the new canon it became quite complicated, but even in this case I made some decisions, which allow the story to flow smoothly, whether you enjoy the Expanded Universe in the first place or not.


Basically speaking, if you can think of the Empire in some of the older stories/games, then it's likely this "aspect" is taken into account in DP.


The first chapter includes two planets, but several maps, one of which takes place in the foggy forests of the Imperial world of Dworn. The Empire is the primary enemy in the missions here, but the plot reveals the true game within the story with multiple sides taking interest in the events from the start.


The latest addition is that @@lang_french offered his help and interest with making a French version of the mod. We are slowly moving in this regard as well.

So...you're trying to appeal to both Canon and Legends fans such as myself (I'm a HUGE Legends fan and I want them to be continued.), by placing "hints" that stuff like TFA happened, but you're putting things into a perspective where "Hey, you might like this whether you're a Legends fan or not.". And slowly is better than a complete halt. I'm glad you guys are still going. :)

Onysfx likes this

The latest addition is that @@lang_french offered his help and interest with making a French version of the mod. We are slowly moving in this regard as well.

Little precision for french-speaking community: an integral French version, with voices and texts (as many of my little patches).


I am thinking about find a team who could make English voices, but @@NumberWan is still saying "Wait and see if the mod will please and then, we could make an English version". I am sure people will be better pleased to have English voices (even Kyle would not be Jeff Bennett), but he doesn't want yet... Well, okay! I already have enough work in French! :D

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

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