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[JAEnhanced] Gold Pack Discussion

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I'm in! That would be awesome.


Although it probably couldn't be called "Gold Pack" because of this. Which I have.


I'm actually working on a mod that improves JA in different ways. I've been working on it for a few years actually. Piece by piece.


Things like replacing certain models with better looking ones (Luke), more of a variety of NPC models (added Gamorrean, Devaronian, etc.). Stuff like that to make it better and also a little more accurate to the movies.

therfiles and hhunter6 like this
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Awesome! I just called it Gold Pack because it sounded extremely epic :P


I'd really love to bring some of my projects (that were designed for larger mods) out of the wood work. I wanna completely redo the main menu with the ingame idea thingy. Heck, if this gets enough interest, we could set up a new subforum.


I just wanna do something big to celebrate 10 years. That would be epic.


Can we still call it Gold Pack? It sounds really boss...how about silver pack?

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I'd hate to limit the pack to asset recreation, but having some new JKA SP models would be really really cool. A new Rosh, Luke, Kyle, Tavion, Alora...etc. Just to revamp it. Maybe a stormtrooper @@DT85.


I'd love to focus on SP, but I'd hate to limit it to that. There is just so much that could be done. I'd love to add some SP goodies, like RP conversations, and stuffs.


Maybe even some code edits...the possibilities are endless!

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- Remove Rosh and replace him with a different character, making Rosh an unlockable character after the game gets beaten

- Re-voice Jaden and give him lines which don't make him seem monotone

- Add new species

- Replace music, the stuff in the game isn't catchy or awesome like stuff in JK2

- Improve first person weapon models

- Replace force icons so they're monotone a la JK2 again

- Replace Mind Trick (It's totally useless)

- BETTER textures (not "HD")

- More hilts

- Better saber dynamics

- Make it optional to choose weapons at start

- (Maybe?) more weapons and better weapon stuff



- Remove Rosh and replace him with a different character, making Rosh an unlockable character after the game gets beaten

- Re-voice Jaden and give him lines which don't make him seem monotone

- Add new species

- Replace music, the stuff in the game isn't catchy or awesome like stuff in JK2

- Improve first person weapon models

- Replace force icons so they're monotone a la JK2 again

- Replace Mind Trick (It's totally useless)

- BETTER textures (not "HD")

- More hilts

- Better saber dynamics

- Make it optional to choose weapons at start

- (Maybe?) more weapons and better weapon stuff

therfiles, Bek, Mandalorian and 3 others like this
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- Remove Rosh and replace him with a different character, making Rosh an unlockable character after the game gets beaten

- Re-voice Jaden and give him lines which don't make him seem monotone

- Add new species

- Replace music, the stuff in the game isn't catchy or awesome like stuff in JK2

- Improve first person weapon models

- Replace force icons so they're monotone a la JK2 again

- Replace Mind Trick (It's totally useless)

- BETTER textures (not "HD")

- More hilts

- Better saber dynamics

- Make it optional to choose weapons at start

- (Maybe?) more weapons and better weapon stuff

The music is the same as in JK2...
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The music is the same as in JK2...

Nope. JKA is different musically. The themes are totally different, and coming from JK2, you're taken completely aback by the choice of music.

For instance, the music to the second-to-last level in JK2 serves as the music to the second level in JKA. Which is weird, because that particular track happens right at the end of Ep6, and it's great ending music. Hearing it in JKA where it's at weakens its effect.

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- Remove Rosh and replace him with a different character, making Rosh an unlockable character after the game gets beaten

- Re-voice Jaden and give him lines which don't make him seem monotone

- Add new species

- Replace music, the stuff in the game isn't catchy or awesome like stuff in JK2

- Improve first person weapon models

- Replace force icons so they're monotone a la JK2 again

- Replace Mind Trick (It's totally useless)

- BETTER textures (not "HD")

- More hilts

- Better saber dynamics

- Make it optional to choose weapons at start

- (Maybe?) more weapons and better weapon stuff


  • I love the idea of replacing Rosh, but he is such an integral part of JKA and the stigma of the game that it would just be odd not to have him there. I'd love to revamp him with a new model or redo some of the lines and his story or somthing
  • Yeah. It would be a lot of work, but having an emotional Jaden would be nice. IDK though, I thought the female Jaden sounded ok...
  • New species is definitely something we could implement easily
  • I would be awesome to make some new first person models...@@DT85 ? :D
  • All for some cooler Force power icons as well as a revamped GFX
  • All for some new force powers, but Mind Trick is a pretty cool power...
  • Some new textures would be cool, HD is nice but something original would be cool as well
  • More original hilts would be cool. Some coolish hilts that captured JA/JO's original hilt style... @@AshuraDX
  • I've always wanted to make a "mercenary" mode to the campaign, where you don't start out with a lightsaber. Could be some cool stuffs.


Yeah, I'm using DT's stormtrooper in mine.


Asset recreation could just be one part. There could be many parts!


Although the more we want to add, the longer it will take.


I'd love to have this done pretty soonish, maybe a month or two? That's why I'm not stressing over everything being replaced. It would be cool to have it out in a reasonable time that also isn't too far away from the anniversary.


But yeah, that's the dream. Make SP more beautiful and better. Maybe we can have some sort of...incentive like a member title "Fool's Gold Contributor" or something...(MAYBE). But yeah. Thanks for all the interest guys! Please post with you're thoughts and ideas!

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If you're looking for an idea on a replacement Force power, why not go back to Force Blinding from JK1? If you create an animation similar to what would happen if you were basically hit with a flashbang, you're mostly done!


On the subject of Rosh, I agree with Therfiles. Rather than erase him completely and unlock him later, why not just replace his voice as is already planned for Jaden? With a new model and voice-over, he could be far less annoying. If anything, I'd say he needed to be featured more. I did once replace Chewbacca with Rosh, using some of his dialogue to explain him sneaking along during the intro cutscene. The only problem was the final cutscene of that mission where Chewie "strangles" Jaden. The animation looked... weird. It was pretty good to have Rosh following me slicing up people (he got an upgraded NPC and most of his taunts were replaced with silent mp3s). If we can change Rosh's attitude and make him more into an actual friend of Jaden's, I think we'd have a more interesting story. Though, here's a thought:


We have no female Jedi other than (potentially) Jaden. Why not make Rosh female? Then, we replace Alora with a male character?


I wonder if the Byss or Taspir 3 maps could be recycled into an extra mission or two? Show Rosh's arrival at Byss, attempting to break the tractor beam and getting captured by the end. Then play one of the Taspir levels backwards, perhaps? The objective being to send out the message Kyle receives.


Other things for my own wishlist would be:


Remove those Reborn accompanying Rosh, or at least replace their models and dialogue into something less cringe-worthy.

Overhaul Tavion's appearance.

Fix NPC's aim.


EDIT: I'm not familiar with editing scripts or anything. But if we could get a Jan Ors cameo in there, it would be incredibly awesome. Perhaps replacing the anonymous Jedi Rosh whines to during t1_inter cutscene? Or, have her flying the Raven's Claw during T2_Rancor and T1_Rail (With the latter implying that you're "watching" both of them, before Kyle sets you down.) That, or just have Jan overwrite Kyle completely for that mission, and have Kyle mention Jan'll take you. Lastly, she could replace Wedge, but I don't really mind him. Depends on other people's thoughts. Can his X-Wing be replaced with the Raven's Claw?

Omicron, Circa and Bek like this
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I love these ideas. Making Rosh a woman is quite interesting.


I'm not sure about featuring him more in existing missions, but adding a mission where Jaden and Rosh are together with Kyle would be cool.


And yeah, make Rosh more of a friend rather than a douche.

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