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[Request] TFU Ports

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Sorry man, but porting models is illegal. Basically, you're ripping parts from a commercial product (that costs money) and injecting it into this game. There are lot of reasons why porting is a no-no, but you should be able to find it by searching or googling JKA Porting.

Tempust85, Barricade24 and Circa like this

Okay can someone give me link 4 how to convert psk to obj, then obj to JKA model? kthxbai

And if porting is so illegal, how did Khameir bring Savage Opress (thankfully) into JKHub without any reprimand?


To make a JK model out of an .obj file, I suggest you follow minilogoguy's video tutorials on this site and keep them to yourself.


Also, I don't know if the Savage Opress model in question is actually a port or not but...are you the sort of kid who used to tell on other kids whenever you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar?


It's fine to port stuff...if you own the content. And sure, are there ported models out there? Yep. Look at MB2 - there are tons of ports squeezed in there. If someone submits a ported model, I'll reject it. But since another staff member approved it, who am I to revoke their judgement? If we really looked at every mod that ported, there would only be a handful of large mods left. Porting is fine for personal use, just when you put it online it becomes a problem. You're in essence pirating DVDs - your digitally giving away something that costs money.

Tempust85 likes this

I ported KotoR heads onto Hapslash's Obi-wan model back in the day and while I was fine with it then, I'm not proud at all that I did it. I get that the models look great and you want them in JKA, but there is a another way to go about it than porting.


My suggestion to you @Deviance: Make a formal request for someone to MAKE the models you want, you will have a slightly better chance of getting it done.

bednarro likes this

If you're against porting, don't click open the spoiler.


There is both high and low lod versions of all the models.  If you know where to look you can find out how to get into the FU1 to port out said models.  FU2 all you need is a good archive program like 7zip. 


The model formats can be opened up by another application itself to port the models out directly.  You must also factor in you're going to have to t-pose up said models and high LOD models, if used, are going to need reworking to function properly in game, so learn how to use the weld function.


When exporting said models, export them in .dae format, not .obj.  .dae exports the format almost perfectly.  UV maps might flip also.  Models will also need broken up into there proper segmentations.  Textures will be in .dds format.


Whole "it's illegal" argument is pointless as it is stupid.  People have been doing it for YEARS even in other games.  Best advice you can give on porting is, just don't claim it as your own work since it really isn't.  But dusting off a model and giving it a function is another game doesn't hurt a single thing.  If anything it can get more people interested in things.  Even porting from another games takes time learning how to rip content and applications required to rip said content.  There is no magical porting fairy or gremlin that's going to fully rig up and setup said models.  What goes into peoples game files is there own business, mind yours.


TheWhitePhoenix likes this

If you're against porting, don't click open the spoiler.


There is both high and low lod versions of all the models.  If you know where to look you can find out how to get into the FU1 to port out said models.  FU2 all you need is a good archive program like 7zip. 


The model formats can be opened up by another application itself to port the models out directly.  You must also factor in you're going to have to t-pose up said models and high LOD models, if used, are going to need reworking to function properly in game, so learn how to use the weld function.


When exporting said models, export them in .dae format, not .obj.  .dae exports the format almost perfectly.  UV maps might flip also.  Models will also need broken up into there proper segmentations.  Textures will be in .dds format.


Whole "it's illegal" argument is pointless as it is stupid.  People have been doing it for YEARS even in other games.  Best advice you can give on porting is, just don't claim it as your own work since it really isn't.  But dusting off a model and giving it a function is another game doesn't hurt a single thing.  If anything it can get more people interested in things.  Even porting from another games takes time learning how to rip content and applications required to rip said content.  There is no magical porting fairy or gremlin that's going to fully rig up and setup said models.  What goes into peoples game files is there own business, mind yours.


:blink:  Yikes....


Not against people porting, i just prefer not to do it as it's kinda lazy.  Why port it when it's a lot more fun, unique and "educational" to re-create it yourself?  Heck i don't even use prefabs or textures from games that i have or want to mod.  I make stuff for my own, or other peoples purposes using my own time and experience.  I always make my own content because it keeps things more original and i gain experience and a good portfolio in the process and it's a LOT more fun and satisfying knowing that you made it yourself :rolleyes:


When it comes to things like that, the hard work is rewarding enough for me.

therfiles and TheWhitePhoenix like this

No one here who can currently port models will, and any ports won't be hosted here. You want a port? learn and do it yourself and keep it for personal use only.



Btw If you're going to try and host it, just remember - any modding hosting sites you post ports run the risk of removing the links or getting their entire site shutdown by the original developers of said ports. So think before you try it.

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