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Small Village [WIP]

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Hey guys,


I decided to post a few pictures of the map I'm making currently. At the moment, there are three houses (but they're not finished yet, but you'll see ;) ), made in medieval-fantasy-style. I plan to do a quite huge areal, with different spots, and one of these is the upcoming village, which shall be the centre of the map. Lightning is of course pre-alpha, I like to finish the parts and put the light into it after that. I hope you enjoy it, and questions or criticism other stuff is always welcome!

Unfortunately I'll be in the Netherlands (unfortunately?! :P) in the next two weeks, so I won't be able to map, but that's okay from time to time ;)
















So, best regards


Circa, Boothand and therfiles like this
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Only thing I would suggest is some nice alpha map light rays comin in the windows, maybe shrink your texture stretching a bit so you get the max detail out of it. Also the 2nd floor has that sort of repetative crack in the wall. Do you plan on making any textures for it yourself? I really like the coziness of it very cool. maybe have a winter version as well with snow on the sills and falling outside the window to make the fireplace seem a bit more necessary =P Awesome stuff man keep going..

Are these textures from RE4? I have a pretty good eye for that kinda stuff

I'll make you a quick Hi-res wood floor if you want it


There you go. All original, all seamless for the most part. this should serve nicely as a floor with a small shader applied






Edited by ChalklYne
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Please make a night time version, please make a night time version, please make a night time version...


Looks great man. I tried something like this myself a few years back but got busy with other things and never completed it. Great work, keep it up.

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I'd love to see a village with a real moving sun and a day/night cycle. Please someone code this in one day.  :D

 You know, I believe it was just yesterday I was crawling around the web and saw someone have a decent day/ night skybox. I'll have to search my history and see what it was. I remember it was no coding though. I could think of 2 ways off the top of my head to do it... but I will try and find the page and come back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, back from holidays!

@ChalklYne: I'm not very used to alpha map light, you mean in the shader, right? The thing with the texture is, that it looks like this when I shrink it:


with a quite thick edge, but if I edit it a bit with GIMP or something it should be ok, gotta try it out. With the wall problem, you mean the third shot? Maybe I gotta make it a little bit higher. A few, I'm able to edit textures such as the Tauntaun rider on the roof or something, but I never tried to make wood floors for example or something like that from scratch, but I'm very interested in it.
A winter version seems cool, that's funny because I thought about making one, aswell as a night version (@@DT85 and Botdra ;) ). Nope, these are from Oblivion (as Szico said ;) ), I really like the atmosphere of the game and tried to bring something of it into JKA, though I don't want to make an "Oblivion JKA Conversion" or something, but bring my own ideas in it, but I can't deny that The Elder Scrolls inspired me :P
Well, that looks cool, maybe I can use it in a basement section or something, if I find something, I will use it, but I think Milamber is right and I make it a little bit darker and something, but anways, thanks man! :)

@@Botdra: Thanks dude, yea, I started something like that 3 years ago aswell and I hope I can finish it this time.

@@bednarro: Thank you, nice screenshot, I would love to have that skybox and this detail in JKA :)

And thanks at the rest, I really look forward to share more of the progress with you!

bednarro likes this
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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Szico VII: Congrats dude! :P


Sorry I haven't post for a while now, holidays can be stressful, seriously. Meeting your family, your friends, your girlfriend's family, holiday trips, going camping and finding time besides that for yourself, which was very limited in the last weeks, and will be in the next 4 weeks aswell, I guess. But somehow that's the nice thing about it I think, it's always something going on, but I really really look forward to map, gotta look when I can work on on that.


I edited the shader (and thanks for the explanation Szico!) and now the windows look a little better. When the progress goes on, I will load up some screenshots and look forward to feedback from you :)


See you soon!

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks dude :)


So, it's been a while, but today I got a little time to do something, here are the screens (but without light). Hope you enjoy it!


Here are the inn's sleeping rooms







Table downstairs, get ready to eat!



And I found this looking through my old maps :D Who know's, maybe it'll find a right place to fit in...?




See you!



Circa and bednarro like this
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Thanks, guys, I really like those houses in reality, and ingame it's apperaing in a fairly cosy mood ;) I'm planning to make a quite huge area, with several spots, one of these is the upcoming village. Others shall be an old windmill, a few ruins, a lonely tower and (hopefuly) a small city with walls around it. Gotta have a look how much of it I can realize and how the FPS will run :P


And at the end a little impression (gotta work on the candle shader though):



Best regards!


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Looks pretty awesome. may I suggest using a model for the fireplace? or trying to adjust the angles so the texture lays correctly? You can tell it's a bit warped, and since the rest of the room looks boss, it stands out.


If you wish, you can export it as an obj and i can use it for scale reference and make you a quick model. 

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Dou you mean the gathered firewood or the whole chimney? Yea, I could work a little bit more on the textures that it looks a little bit more smooth, thanks for the adwise and the answer :)


Oh, that sounds great, but first I have to look how the make an obj out of it :D Looking forward to this!

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You could do all that without entering a 3d package. Select all your geometry composing the fireplace and save selected. Save it as whatever map name. Increase the scale of all geometry by 4 on all axis. The larger things are the easier it becomes to detail and align for an ase conversion. Building at that large scale, align all the textures and make favorable shapes from your image references.


Run a bsp compile ---> ase conversion on that .map of the fireplace. Make sure you follow the usual steps for making an ase in radiant. (0, 0, 0 origin on grid, one structural brush etc...)



Import as a misc_model with modelscale .25. Position, done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well guys, a little update. Not very much, but I finished the inn's furniture, scripted all the doors so far and a few things here and there :P


One thing: Could anyone of you help me with the candle shader? As for now, I only could achieve that it's transparent, but I want it to "move" with the player, I tried out DeformVertexes, but that didn't work well. Also, it would be nice if it glows a little bit. The current shader looks like this:


surfaceparm nolightmap    
surfaceparm nonsolid  
surfaceparm nonopaque   
surfaceparm nomarks   
surfaceparm trans  
cull twosided   
map textures/ragesoblivion/kerzenlicht  
alphaFunc GE128    
alphaGen const 1.0   


And at the end a few screens, hope you enjoy :)


















Best Regards,


RAILBACK likes this
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! It's something like the wonderful bluice nightfall!


UUUuhghh, are wonderful!!! Man, yu are great!

I am doing a mod about a gothic land called Nosgoth, so can i use your map when yu end and credits you? Can yu pass me the map file? please.

Really i need a large amount of prefabs for villages of Nosgoth. ç_ç i not wanna to rip by original game.

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