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JKO, JKA Full Source Code Released!!


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This is so awesome!





Why no BehavEd code?



Apr 03 21:32:08 <eezstreet> we also don't have behaved source
Apr 03 21:32:18 <eezstreet> but my theory is that they didn't add that source because it can access their sourcesafe


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Important news from @@mrwonko:

Caution: "JO" Code is actualy JA, "JA" is JA for XBox


<mrwonko> the JO code is apparently actually the JA code

<mrwonko> must've been an error in releasing it
<mrwonko> they took the xbox code, labelled it jedi academy, took the jedi academy code, labelled it jedi outcast
<mrwonko> easy mistake to make since the jedi academy projects still have jk2 in the name
<mrwonko> just tell them and they'll fix it
<mrwonko> simple human error
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this is simply amazing, there are new posibilities, JO coders (including me) are really happy because we sent a lot of request to ravensoft (specially Mr.Monroe) about releasing full JO source. imagine this, "Unofficial Jedi Knight 4" omg


But! is really sad about LucasArts closing :(

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hmmm... so im hella newbie to coding but i tampered with it on the side with the jamp sdk... sooo.... all i knew was how to open it and the rough idea of how to read it... well... this one seems incomplete.. like... no solution i think? i dont need the whole crash course on coding i got google for that... but how can i compile this into a running ummm solution is it? 




i noticed when i would open up the mpsdk that there were some like uhh redundancies? or just screw ups i guess... things that were mulitple instances n just weird shit here n there that wouldnt let it run... it would just crash so i had to i beleive remove of fix a few lines when i first opened it for the first time... does anybody know what im talking about here?


and just fyi i dont know if it matters but im using visualbasic should i?

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No. Don't use Visual Basic. Use Microsoft Visual Studio C++ instead, because it's C++, not Basic. Two totally different languages

Please read this (ignore the links at the bottom), and this, specifically the part on Microsoft Visual Studio.



EDIT, and to get the latest version of OpenJK, go to https://github.com/Razish/OpenJK and hit the button that says "ZIP". You can also hit Clone in Windows to download a clone of the repository, if you're using the GitHub official app.

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