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yeah i noticed last night while compiling something that it was adding a few more verts at compile i was wondering wtf


trying to pay more attention to scale






i got his nose all pointy again  =(


so where would i segment this guy? maybe just cut his face off and leave his neck ears and hair as a separate segment?

Edited by ChalklYne
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This head doesn't look like him at all, the one in your sig was closer.


You also still don't seem to like the Textured Decal mode even though that mode shows what it'll look like in game, if your textures look funny in that mode then they'll look just as washed out in game. I made this same mistake like 5+ years ago.

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i use textured decal just to see what itll look like ingame... but.. i use the other modes too. when i import it into zbrush to texture it, i have to split it down in more subdivisions, and sometimes ill get all the way to that point.. and notice my geometry was shading wrong in a certain spot or something like that i wouldnt have noticed in decal mode with headlight on... so.. i swap and i like to let others see the the different views as well.

but yeah i know decals the best way to go to see what it looks like ingame. i just swap around while modelling to get my bearings lol


and wireframe wise its dead on a few different pics of sam, so if its nothing like him at all still or whatever than thats just whats up and im just sticking with what i got. artistic preference to not make this thing last longer than necessary and i want my own rendition of starkiller. youre pretty far along there u can make your own im sure far more supreme version if need be, but im just kind of wrapping up the modelling for now and ill be making the normals/textures in zbrush for it the next coupla days. i spent so long on this guy that when i finally get a last version of his texture i want it to be all original and pretty nice looking. ive been looking into different ways to paint human skin and how to implement pores and things i really wanna get into that with this texture so he looks like a decent amount of work went into it, and, he'll have an original normal map scuplted by hand in zbrush as opposed to one generated by a program.

so yeah long story short im pretty close to the facial attributes that would make him a noticable starkiller at least to the point i wanted to get with this model. and im planning on tweaking a little bit here n there in zbrush with more familiar tools for that kind of thing since zbrush is probably my strong suite. not tryina piss anyone off if this model isnt like... ummm... movie quality or something.. im just done looking at witwers face lol 2 or 3 more playermodels and i should be able to stop asking so many questions



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I only made his head as modeling practice as he has some very defined facial features that are almost exaggerated in some ways.


It's pretty unlikely that I'll make a model of him as I'll be obligated to pick up where K0bra left off and make all those dumb outfits. Maybe if I could enslave my own texturing whore to lock up in my closet and force them to paint all my models while living on raw hot dogs and rain water.

Tempust85 and ChalklYne like this
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Seeing this head evolve is both strange and alluring.I really like the progress and think you had it right a few steps ago. Just to throw in my two cents worth, concept art for the starkiller character just happened to look pretty close to sam witmer guy dude in a weird twist of fate. I especially like the evotrooper model I think the skin is amazing and hope to play this mod.

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Sam Witwer IS Galen Merek, he played the voice and the game model was made in his image.

Although he talked about it in an interview, and apparently the original concepts looked identical to him despite the fact he wasn't involved in any way.  In fact, that led to him to getting the job, he had a friend at LA who was basically like "Hey so we have this character for a new game, and he looks just like you...you should try out to play him."

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If zbrush is your strongest point, why not get it looking right there then do a retopology based on that using 3dcoat/topogun/whatever?


But yeah if you're saying you're done that's fine xD And overall it seems you learned how to do heads a lot better since you started on it, it's not quite starkiller yet, but it's someone else quite alright. Gotta admit I still dislike those ears though.

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I have yet to try zbrush properly xD It's the plan for summer vacation, I knew of decimation master in zbrush for simplifying models, but never really seen anything showing off any good retopology tools in zbrush <.< But I'll take your word on it ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

little more zbrush work trying to get a normal map by the end of it


















and here we go.. go me a low poly model n a nice normal map for it just in case we start incorporating that







Edited by ChalklYne
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Getting closer for sure. I feel like maybe his jaw isn't wide enough, or maybe his cheeks need to be filled out a tiny bit more. I'm not looking at any references ATM though so I could be wrong.

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didnt like his face texture

still looking rather cartoonish u think maybe a spec shader will fix that?

or should i throw in a lil contrast for shadowing?




and im still working on his ears lol









i based it off this mainly










which.. imo.. looks nothing like this







but im glad i didnt try and model starkiller again like i was and instead went for my own rendition of witwer.. its kinda cool to see him look more like witwer fo-hawk n all lmao


fixing his eyes up






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I can suggest you get the Face Modeling Gnomon Workshop by Mayan Escalante or just put face modeling in youtube, I'm sure you are gonna find some decent to good tutorials. Also, don't let this bring you down, nobody started as a professional. I would keep trying to remake the head until I get it spot on. Don't settle for less.

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beleive it or not.. even tho this keeps bombing.. i am getting pretty decent with it lol

yer just gunna have to take my word on this 1


i really enjoy painting skin tones







one day ill do a gif image from the first try to finish.. and show the progression of persistance lol



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yeah thx dud ei think im gunna have to.. see.. i think a big problem i had was i watched all these religiously...



and figured i had the idea.

problem was.. im good with xsi... but yeah i see all the time my characters looking a bit cartoony or exaggerated in ares and i always figured it was just me lol but yeah ill look at that tutorial exactly and see whats going on and maybe start me a new head for this guy.. 

im still gunna continue what i got here a bit til its finished as i have all the attempts so i can just keep practicing.

i dont mind the fails theyre better n better and honestly.. if i go much firther beyond this attempt, chances are im about to get something really nice here soon, ive seen a few models for jka that really blew me away so i know if i get this silly duckface bastard right, he'll look pretty nice. thx 4 yer patience as i evolved over the years there fellas. i owe ya a beer er something

Corto likes this
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Hahahahahaha, nice list of tutorials. I have some of the myself. Sometimes you have to watch through hours of tutorials just to find out about a new nice trick. But what I posted is about painting skin tones, nothing to do with XSI. As good as Softimage is, you can't rely on it for everything.

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