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Zelanter's Kitbash Burrow

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Hello There!

I have taken the first steps in learning how to create models for this beautiful game. Yesterday I finally sat down at my desk and started watching blender and JKHub tutorials for which I'm very grateful. It culminated in few simple kitbashes and retextures that I would like to share with you now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Unimportant tidbits aside, I would like this thread to serve as an archive of my work ( and hopefully of my progress ) and a space to share suggestions and tips. If my personal life allows it, I will post every now and then some kitbashes, mainly of Sith as that's my main area of interest as a SW geek 😄 . If that sounds interesting, make sure to follow this thread!

I hope that some day I can reach a level that would allow me to take up requests as a way to payback this wonderful community. Though I shouldn't get ahead of myself 🙃.

Here are the effects of wasting this weekend at home! :

Sith Avenger


Sith Scourer


Sith Renegade



Ragnos Champion / Sith Samurai




Update to Ragnos Champion / Sith Samurai

I'm sorry if the textures are not up to your liking or standards but I want to move on to other models. Just as Sith tradition dictates he served me only as a tool for training and a little refresh in texturing abilities ( my knowledge is very rusty as the last time I made any was for OG Rome Total War 😄 ).

Since he doesn't have any glaring issues, I might as well provide you with the download link 👀.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/pakz4q83pxomy73/sChampion of Ragnos.pk3?dl=0

Npc name : Ragnos_Champion  


Oh and thank you everyone for likes, I really appreciate it 😀.


Sith Diplomat,

His robes look weird in ModView without shaders so I've attached a in-game screenshot.

I plan on making some further texture changes, so no download link yet.

And yeah I should probably stop using this head 😄. It's the most detailed and polished pureblood face, but I feel I overused it already, so the next models will most likely feature a mix of Jeff's Lord Dramath, Scourge or other purebloods from SWTOR. I might even create some custom face texture based on this model just as DarthJava did with his pureblood, we shall see.



Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious in Sith Robes,

This one was harder to make, although I'm happy with the result. Mind you, I didn't aimed for movie accuracy as that would require skills that are currently out of my reach.

But I also wanted to make him unique and more to my liking. That's why he has the gloves on for example.



I've added SWTOR Marka Ragnos helmet for Ludo Kressh. It may not seem like much, but it was a great training in UV mapping, texturing, weight painting and so on.

I'm quite pleased as something that looked to me like a dark magic a couple of days ago now begins to feel more and more understandable. I'm happy to reach a basis to expand on.  


14 hours ago, Noodle said:

Are you creating shaders for the metallic materials in your model? That can make a whole difference regarding how it looks like ingame. Well done!

You found the reason why I haven't shared him yet 😄. I still need to make one for this helmet. 

And it's done. Here's your download link everyone 👀https://www.dropbox.com/s/55zis2jpmz0y0i8/Ludo Kressh Crown.pk3?dl=0

Npc/Playermodel - ludo_kressh_crown

All credits go to DarthJava, and thanks to ShenLong Kazama for providing us with the SWTOR assets.

krkarr, MissRaven and DarthValeria like this
  • 1 month later...

Inspired by alexnita3's "Sola Terrik" I started experimenting with porting custom characters from Sims 4. 

Here are the first results :


I'm really excited as thanks to Garrettel's, "Sith Pureblood Ridges" mod I've discovered a nearly limitless supply of easily customizable pureblood faces, which will definitely make my future models stand out more from each other.

Srethem, Delmi, MissRaven and 5 others like this
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

My very first Rig


I just wanted to share my progress. Of course, he's bad and clunky, but hey, he's atleast playable.

And if someone could explain why his skirt is invisible while looking at him in front, that would be much appreciated. 😅

As was the case with Ludo Kressh and his crown, I'm happy to have a basis to expand on.


On 2/6/2024 at 6:34 AM, Zelanter said:

And if someone could explain why his skirt is invisible while looking at him in front, that would be much appreciated. 😅

It needs a shader file to make it visible on both sides.

This is from a tutorial here, on jkhub

The shaders i'm checking all use  "cull twosided" instead of disable, so i guess try that.

Should be something like

	q3map_nolightmap (no idea what that does)
	cull twosided
		map models/players/Swtorguy/swtorguytexture
		blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
		rgbGen lightingDiffuse

I'm an idiot, so, who knows.

Zelanter likes this

Why not submit these to the files section? Some are really good. Just make sure to credit content you did not make to the correct authors and they should be fine to submit.

Not much exposure is going to happen in the forum like this.

17 hours ago, Torki said:

It needs a shader file to make it visible on both sides.

This is from a tutorial here, on jkhub

The shaders i'm checking all use  "cull twosided" instead of disable, so i guess try that.

Should be something like

	q3map_nolightmap (no idea what that does)
	cull twosided
		map models/players/Swtorguy/swtorguytexture
		blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
		rgbGen lightingDiffuse

I'm an idiot, so, who knows.

Don't be so mean to yourself man, because that was the issue and I'd like to thank you so much for helping me! I didn't knew that the lack of shaders could affect the visibility of a surface.   

16 hours ago, Circa said:

Why not submit these to the files section? Some are really good. Just make sure to credit content you did not make to the correct authors and they should be fine to submit.

Not much exposure is going to happen in the forum like this.

It's nice to see you here, and thank you for your kind words.

I don't think some of those models are polished enough to be uploaded. However, I'm planning on redoing some of them with the better experience that I now have, and then publishing them in some model pack format.

MissRaven and Dr.Chocolates like this

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