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Your favorite Raven Software game outside of JO and JA ?

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Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to play their other games. But I think that I begin with their Wolverine Origins game.(Which doesn't sound bad)




They had made so many games over the years. I wished that they stayed independent .now they just co develop COD games.(Not hating COD but I'm not sure if they work on any other franchise other than COD)

Smoo likes this

Marvel Ultimate Alliance.... but I loved pretty much everything they released before being downgraded to a Call of Duty DLC shop

dg1995 likes this

Marvel Ultimate Alliance.... but I loved pretty much everything they released before being downgraded to a Call of Duty DLC shop

Honestly Activision isn't putting their talent to use as much as they should be. In the COD world, Raven could outshine Sledgehammer Games as a lead COD developer no doubt, but instead they are only helping with very minor tasks for the series. I think COD4 remastered was their biggest project in the last few years and they showed they still can do a great job. They did a great job with War mode in COD WWII as well. They need to be given the lead dev role and replace SHG, because SHG has really struggled with that since they were brought into the 3-studio development cycle.

dg1995 likes this

Holy shit, they made Hexen and Heretic?!

Also played Q4 (thought it had potential but kinda sucked), Soldiers of Fortune (one of the games, don't remember which one, didn't care for it much), and Wolvie: Origins (liked it, but it glitched during the Gambit duel, so i abandoned it). Never cared for the CoD's and MoH's, but i did play a bit of those back in the day.

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Unpopular opinion, Star Trek EF

I second this, but only because it's the only raven game I've played besides JO and JA. Definitely need to play Hexen and Heretic though.

dg1995, Smoo and Teancum like this
  • 3 months later...

Reviving an old topic.

A couple of my own favorite games developed by Raven Software outside Jedi Knight games would be Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. Elite Force 2 looked visually better and also had some nice gameplay additions but it was content wise not as good as the first game in my opinion.
I really wish that Raven had made some genuine expansion packs for it than that Virtual Tour and had made the sequel, keeping the series set during Voyager.

The other is Wolfenstein 2009.
While it cut back on some of the scope and features of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and included what many consider a console user friendly feature; regenerative health, I really enjoyed how Wolfenstein continued on the atmosphere set in RTCW; a combination of Indiana Jones daring do and Hellboy's Science! and Ghostapo Nazis whose plans Blazkowicz has to foil.
The storyline has a good amount of action and adventure without becoming to dramatic or grungy and I shall say it overdone and Tarantino esque like the follow up games would be, the New Order, and the New Colossus. The Old Blood was barely anything like RTCW and Wolf '09.

The main limitation about that game was the size IMO and the number of levels. I really wanted maps such as the city, the castle, and the airfield to be much bigger and to have more because by the time I really got deep into it it was already over.

I was a bit sad to hear that communication between the developers and the fans during the development was not very good.

Smoo and dg1995 like this

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