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Yeah its a walker head... some random armor pieces... but what creature is wearing it?


Their official name is "Luggabeast".


Some info:


The luggabeast bearing Teedo on Jakku isn’t wearing armor because it’s the latest fashion trend (side note: Is anyone on Jakku concerned about fashion? I’m guessing not.). According to Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, the cybernetically-enhanced creature’s shell is comprised of mechanical systems that help with endurance — systems include water recycling tanks and tanks for purified air. And the luggabeast has to lug around other beings and items on top of all that.


Cybernetic beasts of burden found on frontier worlds, luggabeasts are a fusion of organic being and mechanical creation, with their heads hidden away behind heavy armor plating and optical instruments. Jakku’s Teedos use luggabeasts as pack animals, calibrating the cyborg creatures’ instruments to find droids and other valuable salvage.






Jedi Knight Galaxies has (or had - it certainly was in the first versions) a Greater Krayt Dragon, made by DT85 if I remember correctly. It was severely bugged though, I remember someone mentioning the collisions of that beast as an issue.








Nah I think I animated it. It needs support for width and length as separate values for the bounding box. Surely that can be done without issue nowadays.


@@ChalklYne the animation seems very "floaty", there is no weight in its steps - in fact it looks like it's just paddeling in mid air with its feet. Are you using a Shadow rig to animate this or are you just moving the bones individually?


Got something I feel is a little more fluid. Ill move on to his other navigation anims. Also got a bump map going for moar later possibly.

Ill repaint him now


Don't know if it will help you, but here's a video reference of a hippo walking


Wasa likes this

@@Noodle thanks for the reference i was kinda just freeballing it tbh. 


@@AshuraDX i dunno lol i was just kinda winging it. i was just keying bones on the simplest rig i could build. i didnt want to get too insane with it, figured whoever wants it looking better could slap it in dragon or something and animate it. I get held up on the details and would just like to get a beta out. youre right though its why i keep posting it lol i felt like it was a bit fucky and subconsciuosly wanted someone to tell me what was wrong. If I stop whining and rebuild the rig it wouldnt be hard to fix. but im whining about it and wanting to move on. We'll see if i end up getting my panties out of a twist and just rebuild the rig like the good lord intended


maybe i take a break for a day or so and revisit it and just hand animate it better in reference to ze reference.


I shall break now








maybe i retopo this guy i just built while i contemplate




@@Noodle I can do a more indepth build of a humanoid character if anyone is interested in building jka in zbrush 

base meshes are a breeze




You can get a good start fairly simple


you will have to go through and adjust everything... but its a great start



Later ill finish this character all the way down and smash all of the videos into one and post it in the tutorials section or something.

Noodle likes this

And heres a very quick and ugly example of how to get that mesh sculpted out and retopologized for JKA



quick and dirty but these videos were meant for more concept stuff just to show off how easy you could be building in zbrush if thats your cup of tea. 


Giving you a final result like







Not only are you making interesting creatures, but you're teaching people useful skills! Excellent work!

Now here's a question, is there any way to get a realistically shaped hutt in game? Any hutt?


Not only are you making interesting creatures, but you're teaching people useful skills! Excellent work!


Yeah. Chick's like guys who have great skills.

Just happy to see fellow modelers.

Is there not a good hutt? Seems like one of the easiest characters.


Yeah. Chick's like guys who have great skills.

Just happy to see fellow modelers.

Is there not a good hutt? Seems like one of the easiest characters.


A great request to possibly take on for non-humanoid characters. A realistic Jabba with new animations. There is a "model", but it's rigged to the humanoid skeleton and while it's a great attempt it's far from perfect.


A great request to possibly take on for non-humanoid characters. A realistic Jabba with new animations. There is a "model", but it's rigged to the humanoid skeleton and while it's a great attempt it's far from perfect.

Might you have a screen shot or link to said file? I'd like to see where we stand currently


Thank you! I will make sure to at least crank out the model and a fresh skeleton. I've been kind of burnt out on animating lately and went back to work on a map but yeah I think I can work something out for a hutt. I liked his swiveling little purple cousin or whatever


Thank you! I will make sure to at least crank out the model and a fresh skeleton. I've been kind of burnt out on animating lately and went back to work on a map but yeah I think I can work something out for a hutt. I liked his swiveling little purple cousin or whatever


Ziro the hutt is great as a model concept, just as any of the other members of the hutt cartel 

ChalklYne, Wasa and ZanderNao like this

Just a rough draft on a hutt i just cranked out. I also have the beginnings of a kowakian monkey lizard but ill deal with that after the happabores anims and this hutt model.








I was just kinda eyeballing him but needed a base to start from and had some extra time between whatever it is i do, and now. 1800 or so tri's right now.

Kualan, Noodle, Torki and 2 others like this

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