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Bot jumping fix

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Everybody knows this issue: You are loading a multiplayer map and just want to have a non-online match. You add a bot and suddenly, the bot jumps and jumps and jumps until...



Yes, it's an old issue and yes, not everyone is using bots. But some out there do, and they really don't know how to get rid of that problem. All they want is to have a match with another character

without having to be online. It's an annoying problem, and I hope there is a way to get rid of it. Is it even possible to change the animation from jumping to just walking or something?

ZanderNao, the_raven, Ivan and 2 others like this

This should help you with that. From what I remember bots basically jump around because they have nowhere to go: having botroutes prevents them from jumping like nevrotic frogs all over the map.


Everybody knows this issue: You are loading a multiplayer map and just want to have a non-online match. You add a bot and suddenly, the bot jumps and jumps and jumps until...



Yes, it's an old issue and yes, not everyone is using bots. But some out there do, and they really don't know how to get rid of that problem. All they want is to have a match with another character

without having to be online. It's an annoying problem, and I hope there is a way to get rid of it. Is it even possible to change the animation from jumping to just walking or something?


I have bot-routes made for a lot of the SW themed maps let me know what you need and I'll post them.

TheWhitePhoenix and the_raven like this


That's good to hear. Actually, I was inspired by a topic in the KotF 2.1 forum from last year, and some comments on the ModDB page.

Some have pointed out that problem, and I thought "If you can't have proper battles with some bots on a certain map, what's the point?".


I would list all the maps included in KotF 2.1 that have missing botroutes, but there are too many to pick every single one out. I could test and list them, but that may take a while.

If you have some of the maps covered, maybe this could be something you could give the KotF 2.1 team?



Okay, here is a list of almost every map in KotF 2.1. It would have taken too long to test them, but I hope there are botroutes for at least some of these.




Theed Streets V1

Theed Streets V2

Naboo Hangar

Mos Espa City

Boonta Eve

Dune Sea

Tatooine Outskirts

Naboo Theed

Naboo Palace

Naboo Hills

Naboo Throne Room

Naboo Chamber

Duel of the Fates


Padme Home

Coruscant (Day/Night)

Coruscant Undercity

Coruscant Bar

Jedi Archives

Duel Jedi Temple

Dex Club

Kamino Facility

Kamino Armory

Kamino Platform

Tusken Camp

Geonosis Investigation

Geonosis Arena

Geonosis Battle

Geonosis Hangar

Geonosis Canyons


Battle Over Coruscant

Invisible Hand V1

Invisible Hand V2

Jedi Temple Inside

Jedi Temple Outside

Palpatine Office

Battle for Utapau

Utapau Platform

Battle for Kashyyyk

Battle for Mygeeto

Mustafar V1

Mustafar V2

Duel Mustafar

Vader Chamber


Tantive IV

Luke Home


Mos Eisley Spaceport

Mos Eisley Cantina

Death Star

Massassi Temple

Yavin 4

Battle for Yavin 4

Duel Yavin 4

Death Star Assault


Battle for Hoth

Echo Base


Cloud City

Duel Carbon Chamber


Jabba's Palace (Day/Sunset)

Duel Jabba Palace

Sarlacc Pit

Space Battle for Endor

Land Battle for Endor

Emperor Throne Room


Jakku Assault


Starkiller Base

Duel Starkiller Base

Snoke Throne Room



Alzoc 3 Enclave

C.I.S. Laboratories (V1/V2)

Imperial Comm Tower



Jedi Home

Jedi Sanctuary

Jedo Council GCX

Korriban Ruins

Korriban Sith Academy

Korriban Undergrounds

Korriban Duel

Korriban Ragnos Arena

Mos Kreetle City

Ord Mantell

Raxus Prime


RC: Hangar C

RC: Rebublic Cruiser

RC: Bridge

RC: Duel Datacore

RC: Duel Detention


RO: Scarif

RO: Vader Castle


Imperial Star Destroyer

Duel Star Destroyer


Millennium Falcon


Horizon of Taris

Valley of the Jedi

Yavin Battlegrounds


Dantooine Jedi Enclave

Dantooine Estate

Duel Jedi Enclave

Malachor V


Duel Ravager

Duel Revan

Duel Starforge





Atlantica RPG

Blueice Nightfall/Twilight


Country Academy

Palace Wars


Forest House

Frozen Temple

Jungle Temple

Jurancor Park


Mountain Keep


Resident Evil Mansion

Renaissance Academy Day/Night

Requiem Sanctuary

RPG Baseattack


Serenity RPG

Sirens Enclave

Sith Council V2

Sith Council V3

Snow Facility



Terminative Home 2

The Academy (V2/V3)

The Lost Temple

The Lost Spider




That's good to hear. Actually, I was inspired by a topic in the KotF 2.1 forum from last year, and some comments on the ModDB page.

Some have pointed out that problem, and I thought "If you can't have proper battles with some bots on a certain map, what's the point?".


I would list all the maps included in KotF 2.1 that have missing botroutes, but there are too many to pick every single one out. I could test and list them, but that may take a while.

If you have some of the maps covered, maybe this could be something you could give the KotF 2.1 team?



Okay, here is a list of almost every map in KotF 2.1. It would have taken too long to test them, but I hope there are botroutes for at least some of these.




Theed Streets V1

Theed Streets V2

Naboo Hangar

Mos Espa City

Boonta Eve

Dune Sea

Tatooine Outskirts

Naboo Theed

Naboo Palace

Naboo Hills

Naboo Throne Room

Naboo Chamber

Duel of the Fates


Padme Home

Coruscant (Day/Night)

Coruscant Undercity

Coruscant Bar

Jedi Archives

Duel Jedi Temple

Dex Club

Kamino Facility

Kamino Armory

Kamino Platform

Tusken Camp

Geonosis Investigation

Geonosis Arena

Geonosis Battle

Geonosis Hangar

Geonosis Canyons


Battle Over Coruscant

Invisible Hand V1

Invisible Hand V2

Jedi Temple Inside

Jedi Temple Outside

Palpatine Office

Battle for Utapau

Utapau Platform

Battle for Kashyyyk

Battle for Mygeeto

Mustafar V1

Mustafar V2

Duel Mustafar

Vader Chamber


Tantive IV

Luke Home


Mos Eisley Spaceport

Mos Eisley Cantina

Death Star

Massassi Temple

Yavin 4

Battle for Yavin 4

Duel Yavin 4

Death Star Assault


Battle for Hoth

Echo Base


Cloud City

Duel Carbon Chamber


Jabba's Palace (Day/Sunset)

Duel Jabba Palace

Sarlacc Pit

Space Battle for Endor

Land Battle for Endor

Emperor Throne Room


Jakku Assault


Starkiller Base

Duel Starkiller Base

Snoke Throne Room



Alzoc 3 Enclave

C.I.S. Laboratories (V1/V2)

Imperial Comm Tower



Jedi Home

Jedi Sanctuary

Jedo Council GCX

Korriban Ruins

Korriban Sith Academy

Korriban Undergrounds

Korriban Duel

Korriban Ragnos Arena

Mos Kreetle City

Ord Mantell

Raxus Prime


RC: Hangar C

RC: Rebublic Cruiser

RC: Bridge

RC: Duel Datacore

RC: Duel Detention


RO: Scarif

RO: Vader Castle


Imperial Star Destroyer

Duel Star Destroyer


Millennium Falcon


Horizon of Taris

Valley of the Jedi

Yavin Battlegrounds


Dantooine Jedi Enclave

Dantooine Estate

Duel Jedi Enclave

Malachor V


Duel Ravager

Duel Revan

Duel Starforge





Atlantica RPG

Blueice Nightfall/Twilight


Country Academy

Palace Wars


Forest House

Frozen Temple

Jungle Temple

Jurancor Park


Mountain Keep


Resident Evil Mansion

Renaissance Academy Day/Night

Requiem Sanctuary

RPG Baseattack


Serenity RPG

Sirens Enclave

Sith Council V2

Sith Council V3

Snow Facility



Terminative Home 2

The Academy (V2/V3)

The Lost Temple

The Lost Spider



Holy shit that's a lot of maps, but yes I have done botroutes for a lot on the list. I'll post em soon.

the_raven likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

How many files are in there? How did you route? Did you use any 'wait' commands? I've made a ton of routes myself. If your route numbers get too close it can change the direction on you and it wont follow the route you want. Hopefully the map has lots of spawn points.


There's a lot of routes in there, and I don't believe any of them have "wait" commands. I don't think they were needed on any of the maps. I basically just make the routes to circle the entire map. I don't often use functions (unless necessary) because it seems simpler works better. I haven't had problems with the route numbers being to close, if the BOT loses visibility to the next number then they will change direction, but that usually happens at doors, if you put the points to close to the door function.

  • 1 month later...

I have bot-routes made for a lot of the SW themed maps let me know what you need and I'll post them.

Speaking of which, could you please fix the Vjun Sentinel map's botroutes? There' a few places where the bots seem to become stuck. One such place is at the 'ground' floor, near the platform. The other is in one of the big elevators - the bot just keeps standing in the corner, riding the lift up and down, doesn't even fight half the time :(

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