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need help with making a playermodel.


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  On 1/23/2018 at 3:59 AM, Psyk0Sith said:

What have you got so far and what seems to be the problem?

I am just mostly recoloring a joker skin.

  On 1/24/2018 at 7:40 AM, AshuraDX said:

@Jokester I moved the thread and changed the title to something more appropiate.

Sorry I didn't know what to name it.


Look up The Jokester Earth-3 On Google images and tell me how I can create textures for his playermodek?


Step 1.Find a model that is a good fit for the character

Step 2.Learn how to use a painting software (photoshop, gimp, sculptris (real time 3d painting for free!)

Step 3.Put your artistic skills to use and create your masterpiece! Warning: this step might require years of practice.


If for any of the steps you feel lost, remember that google and youtube can provide you with endless content for tutorials.

GPChannel and Xanemus like this

How do i  Import playermodels to like, Hm like pk3 files into Sculptris or Blender etc? 

  On 1/31/2018 at 10:54 PM, TheJokesterOfEarth3 said:

@@AshuraDX May I have permission to use your Rorschach playermodel torso, arm's etc and legs as a base?

sure, as long as proper credit is given I generally don't mind.

  On 1/31/2018 at 10:57 PM, AshuraDX said:

sure, as long as proper credit is given I generally don't mind.

alright thank you.


can you tell me How I can replace rorschach's head to my model's head?


  On 1/31/2018 at 10:57 PM, AshuraDX said:

sure, as long as proper credit is given I generally don't mind.


@@AshuraDX There seem's to be a problem the head is weird I wanted my head ported to the rorschach body But Something appears to be wrong..

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