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  1. Does anyone have the Kirito model and the swords? Neither are on the internet atm from what I can tell.
  2. @Droidy365is there any progress on this? I have no room to talk as most of my mods took forever to release but was just wondering if there was an update.
  3. Knight Artorias: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/darksouls/model/41075/ Gwyn, Lord of Cinder: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/darksouls/model/41073/ Figured I'd post these up here, unlikely to get done but if anyone feels like doing them, they're right there.
  4. It's helpful to provide a picture beforehand whether the model is included or not. Also we have mountains of tutorials here.
  5. I feel a bit lazy at the moment so I'm just gonna be releasing a link and adding pictures later. I felt a bit bad that it took so long, considering it's been over a year since I revealed he was coming, my motivation has been a bit down lately though. With that said... Here is Erdrick from Dragon Quest III: https://www.dropbox.com/s/41i1y5c2uo9xau4/DQ_Erdrick.pk3?dl=0 His model is taken from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, as of right now he only has NPC support, but that will eventually change. It comes with him, as well as his sword and shield. To spawn him as a friend, type "npc spawn Erdrick" in console commands. To spawn him as an enemy, type "npc spawn BadErdrick" in console commands. To learn more about him, go here: https://dragonquest.fandom.com/wiki/Hero/Heroine_(Dragon_Quest_III) Have fun! Hopefully I get those pictures up soon.
  6. Awesome! Any plans to do the Doom Slayer himself?
  7. Tbh atm all models of said Crucible Sword are just plain too high-poly.
  8. The hint from back in March is about to make his way into Jedi Academy... Ladies and Gentleman... Please give a huge round of applause forrrrrrrrrr: RODDICK FARRENCE from Star Ocean 1 : Comes with NPC Support, Bot Support, and SinglePlayer Support. Has original sounds for both him and his weapon, from Star Ocean: First Departure. Comes with his iconic weapon: The Aurora Blade, as seen in "Star Ocean: Anamnesis" & "Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness". I considered giving him the two-handed sword from First Departure, or one of the other sword's he's seen with, but his most commonly known and seen sword is the Aurora Blade, and the only time the Aurora Blade has been seen pictured is in later games, which is why you may not recognize it's look: Reference picture for Roddick from First Departure R and Anamnesis: The Aurora Blade model is an original done by my buddy behind-the-scenes. In any case, enjoy the model, and have fun! Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cuttpwt6wmesx9/RoddickFarrenceSO.pk3?dl=0 To know more about him: https://starocean.fandom.com/wiki/Roddick_Farrence
  9. I enjoyed Darth Angral in SWTOR, he's the even if he's Nice job, Jeff.
  10. Those are some sexy models.
  11. Whoooo that is S-E-X-Y!
  12. @HUM-3154 Awesome dude! If you wanna bring over Thanos sword I'll be happy to do a soundpack for em. For the weapon and the character.
  13. László Kovács ASC was a Hungarian cinematographer who was influential in the development of American New Wave films in the 1970s, collaborating with directors like Peter Bogdanovich, Richard Rush, Dennis Hopper, Norman Jewison, and Martin Scorsese.
  14. Xioth

    Hi There.

    -waves- Welcome to JKHub, buddy!
    This saber is deliciously seasoned for my sensual desires. Awesome, good job.
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