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Reason to use guns

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So when I play JA I have a hard time justifying the use of guns. The saber even at defense 1 can block most shots. So I thought this idea up some time ago.


Make saber defense tied only to saber vs saber combat.

Make force sense tied to saber vs guns/blasters. 


There's plenty of other tweaks I could post and we could discuss, but they all are based off this idea being accepted. So what says everyone?

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In some ways I want to get rid of the guns, because 1. it's impossible to carry all that equipment at once, and 2. you play as a Jedi, which if we go by canon, avoid anything but a saber. I'd be okay with keeping the blaster pistol and maybe the ability to pickup an E-11, if you're really wanting the Jedi to have guns. But I think there should be a limit on the amount of weapons to be carried at once.


I'm probably alone here though.

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In JK2 using guns was great, and it made sense with the storyline of course, and made the lightsaber an even more valuable and holy item.

I've often ended up using other weapons a lot in the JA campaign, but it would make sense, as Circa said, to let a Jedi train with the lightsaber only, and maybe a blaster. But it might get repetitive.


Could be interesting with having to hold a button to block gunshots? Would keep you more on your toes.


In JK2 I'm pretty sure there were occasional siths you could shoot to death under the right circumstances. Or maybe it was in JA, with the concussion rifle.

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ah yeah i forgot there was a map where you was going to get that back :P i cheated my way to get the saber when i got the game, i never really been a gun type of guy so the saber is my friend at this point :)

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I always use guns on my base but then again Iv'e converted it to a boba fett themed game.You can't use a disruptor on a force user at all which annoys me, With every other weapon i just shoot them in the left foot.They don't block it most the time.They throw a lightsaber, I blow them up with a rocket. I agree for base that you should have a much more limited array of weapons... as for removing them I'd say no, lightsabers are great but you are at risk of death, it's better to soften an enemy with guns first, in my opinion.

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the use of guns is required in one of the missions , the mission in the imperial outpost during which you get captured and disarmed, depending on your force power choices you wont need weapons but it'S going to be a lot tougher than just grabbing a golan arms from one of the storm officers and the blast your way out

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In some ways I want to get rid of the guns, because 1. it's impossible to carry all that equipment at once, and 2. you play as a Jedi, which if we go by canon, avoid anything but a saber. I'd be okay with keeping the blaster pistol and maybe the ability to pickup an E-11, if you're really wanting the Jedi to have guns. But I think there should be a limit on the amount of weapons to be carried at once.


I'm probably alone here though.

You seem to go way too much by canon, man. Not everyone wants this to be movie-realistic. You could just rename it to JKA: Canon, or something like that, but not Enhanced/Improved.

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You seem to go way too much by canon, man. Not everyone wants this to be movie-realistic. You could just rename it to JKA: Canon, or something like that, but not Enhanced/Improved.

It's a Star Wars game. Of course we're going by canon.

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You seem to go way too much by canon, man. Not everyone wants this to be movie-realistic. You could just rename it to JKA: Canon, or something like that, but not Enhanced/Improved.

No offense, but you seem to be making a habit of nitpicking over the movie thing. If you're going to continue doing this, please bear in mind that:

a) The name is subject to change

b) This is our mod, our creative direction, and furthermore-

c) If you're going to offer a suggestion, at least offer something constructive rather than "People won't like this."

d) If people don't like it, that's their problem. I'll happily take the feedback of people into consideration, but it's wasting both of our time by not being constructive.

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It's a Star Wars game. Of course we're going by canon.


Even if it were to be movie-realistic, considering Jedi Academy takes place in the EU officially everything would be non-canon anyway.


Is it me or does using the word "gun" in the Star Wars universe feel kinda out of place? lol.


Whatever happened to the term blaster?


I've never been particularly fond of the blasters and heavy weapons in Jedi Outcast/Academy. In Jedi Outcast it felt like it made more sense story-wise because Kyle was working as a mercenary at the time. All of the Nar Shaddaa levels made good use of the disruptor rifle for dealing with enemies across large distances. Most of the time though it doesn't make sense to use any other weapons due to the enemies you're fighting, with the occasional use of a heavy weapon. They just don't feel right to me, although maybe that's just me. Perhaps it's something that carried over from the original Quake and needs to be changed? I don't know.

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I'd like to see guns get some attention. I have a clear plan to make JK2 guns better, but as for JKA I'm not sure how it'll pan out.


For JK2, I'm thinking of these adjustments:


- Bryar Primary: More damage

- Blaster Primary: More damage

- Disruptor Primary: More damage

- Bowcaster Primary: Less ammo consumption

- Bowcaster: Increased knockback

- Repeater Primary: Increased damage

- Repeater Secondary: Increased ammo usage

- DEMP2 Primary: Added area-of-effect and increased direct damage

- DEMP2 Primary: Added charging

- DEMP2: Shots which hit water will have greatly increased Area of Effect

- DEMP2: Reduced ammo usage overall

- Flechette Primary: Increased knockback

- Flechette Alt: Decreased Area of Effect. Balls which hit enemies directly will cause an explosion of shrapnel

- Flechette: Increased ammo usage

- Rocket Primary: Increased Area of Effect

- Rocket Alt: Decreased lock-on time and increased ammo usage

- Thermal Primary: Increased damage and Area of Effect. No longer explode on contact with enemies

- Trip Mines: RGB laser color customization

- Trip Mines: Increased max placed amount

- Det Packs: Increased max placed amount


Of course, all of these changes will be optional.

GPChannel, Setlec and Boothand like this
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I think those changes would be good. Maybe better first person view? some suggestions:


- Bryar secondary:overheats or drains ammo if overcharged.
- Blaster Primary: More damage, slowly gets hot, overheats for four seconds

- Disruptor secondary: faster charge, delays between firing based on amount charged.
- Disruptor Primary: More damage,overheats after three shots for three seconds.
- Bowcaster Primary: Less ammo consumption,only three way spread.
- Flechette Primary: Increased knockback, less range.
- Rocket :  slower fire rate with reloading  inbetween.
- Trip Mines: isn't triggered by  user. less max carried

- Det Packs: sticks to people, smaller in scale.

possibly reloading for weapons?

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I think those changes would be good. Maybe better first person view? some suggestions:


- Bryar secondary:overheats or drains ammo if overcharged.

- Blaster Primary: More damage, slowly gets hot, overheats for four seconds

- Disruptor secondary: faster charge, delays between firing based on amount charged.

- Disruptor Primary: More damage,overheats after three shots for three seconds.

- Bowcaster Primary: Less ammo consumption,only three way spread.

- Flechette Primary: Increased knockback, less range.

- Rocket :  slower fire rate with reloading  inbetween.

- Trip Mines: isn't triggered by  user. less max carried

- Det Packs: sticks to people, smaller in scale.

possibly reloading for weapons?


I hope you mean the secondary blaster firemode , the full auto mode I dont think that overheating would make to much sense with the semi auto mode

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Yes, I like these ideas, with the exception of reloading the rocket launcher between shots. I think something more akin to Quake would be better, a sort of multi-rocket magazine (if you look at the model, this sorta makes sense).


With the AI, we can make them flee if they get a detpack on them, which would make it more fun/interesting. :) Maybe holding the primary fire button throws them farther? I always had a gripe with how far trip mines/detpacks get tossed.


With updated weapon models, the first person will be better, and since we have code for GLM view models, the reloading anim being done in first person is a possibility.

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