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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. Many thanks Guys ! Hmm what do you think about cutting this one part and send it on the site as the duel? Of course only as the preview
  2. Many thanks ^^ . Sry i am kinda depressed in some way lately and i want to show my works to somebody. It nice that somebody is enjoying my work
  3. Hello! The first sewer part will look something like this :3 You can fight inside the waterfall OvO I gave here some sounds but i think i will add them as the last hing in the map.
  4. Hellooooooooo! Somebody to help? @@luiwan there is a tutorial for it made by Maui i think. Check in the tutorials and make it the way You want
  5. For little changing the topic i think that the default model sucks. If somebody would try to make first person view ( which is in 3 person like DT85 said) it would be nice if he creates the new eweb model. It would be nice though but it is working like the in game eweb or a new weapon that is in player equipment?
  6. Hmm maybe on in the lower section of the stomach. But i wanted to make it more walking able like. I am thiking about making some death pits or mini stomachs that drain some life (like in the force unleashed) and after they throws player away. Just walking and dealing damage would be a little annoying. But i will think about this.
  7. Nobody interested?
  8. New screens of the sewers. There will be lower level of them (in the lower level of stomach of course). I want to make the pipes coming from the flesh of the sarlacc and some parts of inside of his body will come out from walls and floor. Enjoy! This is the WIP so some things are not 100% complete. It would be helpful :3
  9. Diablo II : Cow level ... first thing that this reminded to me. Anyway this model IS WELL MADE AS HELL O_O ... And funny too
  10. Looking on this topic... SOOOO many epic stuff. Amazing job Man!
  11. Or Just make an effect that spawn the skeleton model that has glowing transparent texture and it explode or something. I dont know the full effect of this shot :/
  12. Many thanks Guys :3 !
  13. The spawning limit of the npcs is lower than 100 i think (to work properly). They are spawned at once on the map or by triggers?
  14. This method is great too but for the original model replecment i recommend the importing them because some models in MD3 format are made in the weird angle and creating them for mod replacment is kind annoying :/
  15. 1) You find out how to apply textures yet? In blender i mean 2) You can import original game models and scale them to their size 3) Mrwonko made a tutorial on Yt with the saber. Even is not a weapon You want the process is the same to make it ( but it depends if you are making a FPS model that is MD3 or weapon glm model that we see in playermodels hands.
  16. Now i see everyting. Maybe better way would be giving it a wampa_class (dunno this one exist) and make it only using the rushing attack. I remember it dismember the body so it would be cool effect.
  17. LOL 8O What is the replacment for galak mech?
  18. Hmm in my opinion giving the screens of Your map on the title screen is not a bad idea. But only if there is not a player model on it that would be cool
  19. Is there any script , code for that? Anyone knows how to make in other way?
  20. New stomach screens! After a week break. I have some school stuff to do so i will make some things soon. Enjoy (Sry for all that will hate this but I LOVE THE RED LAMP EFFECT! X3 ) These ceiling (if i can call them ceiling lamps XD ) lamps are for the light source so i am not 100% sure the put them there.
  21. This is ... very good point. Wow... It is hard to believe that there was only one for JK2 i think O.o
  22. In Blender You can import ase and export it to the MD3 model. The one problem i remember was that the blender doesnt import the textures for ase model ...
  23. @@Tauns to dzieje się tylko w multi? @ Everyone - Only in mp ?
  24. I know that You can change the origin placement in efx file. But i am not 100% sure it would work for the whole effect
  25. I love when one stupid line ruins everything XD specially i love that in shaders - when i by mistake put a dot in one line in my shader the game didint load any shader in the game. Everything was bugged.
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