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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. I see that is not problem now good to know that somebody could help him
  2. http://jkhub.org/topic/5149-lets-map-singleplayer/page-2 @scp_chaos1 Here is the forum which is source of this video. It should help You enough to do this
  3. @C-3po ? Help ? ^^
  4. end of the end of KFC this post is for someone I could spend the script credits to the end of jka O_O Ok wait.... Can somebody help here? @@Ramikad @@Noodle ?
  6. Damn... it is kinda stupid that they make a hard way for us to make mods for this game. Srlsy... i think they could make it by using diffrent methods that would be easier for us to understand and re used them for our needs. I wanted to make the bespin pod that is func_breakable ( i do t like misc_model breakable... i prefer misc_model and parent it to the func_breakable brush that presents a hitbox of it too) and i wanted to make it shoot at the player. But i couldnt find any way to make this working... Hmm put it is possible to add the models to this code?
  7. If You have tutorial the better option would be adding it in the tutorials section It would help many modders here @@Maui Why skype? D:
  8. Maybe it works with specific tag in that model not just tie bomber It is interesting tough... Jka have a lot of mistery and interesting stuff . @@Noodle create a single glm cube or something like that that will present your vehicle. Then just add to it the tag that is used for tie-bomber ( check i modview how it is called. Maybe the game is looking for one tag that is created only for this model) and then just check in the game. If You are asking about this i am sure You know how to make models right? D: If not it would be nice if someone else would check this thing very interesting
  9. Maybe there is a script that allows using the tag of the model to shoot fxfile ( like in the cutscenes tavion use forcelightning )
  10. One of the best huds i have ever seen. I little hate when it is on the top of the screen but it looks great
  11. I mean because it would be very simple to do with it (i think it is only the example) Ok D: I use blender for weapons and misc_models but i cant find a way to make the playermodel... i must see the tutorial for fully understand what to do... My english have limits so this is kinda probles too for understand many things in tutorials
  12. Is it possible for You to make the tutorial for blender to create whole playermodel from scratch? It would be helpful only with the minecraft playermodel or something.
  13. HOW? There are many people that cannot fix this O_O
  14. Ok now 0.2 doesnt work... the same problem BUT some models are in the game 8/ How to remove this thing?? And it is strange that it destroy the map only after light compiling
  15. HA! I made a challange 5 years ago that i will go through the Jedi Outcast only with stun baton (after you lose it so i was using the cheat to spawn it) and I beat the desann with it XD it was hard but it worked. You know something like in the JK2 on the artus mission : https://youtu.be/1M8lUMDdZQY?t=1450 when You sneak behind the enemy he drop the weapon and surrender Or just stun him with weapon And like this guy said it would be cool because the stromtroopers wouldnt attack You
  16. Hmm what if somebody made a mission where You must play like the metal gear series but You have a stun blaster and normal blaster https://youtu.be/yHfLyMAHrQE?t=388 It would be cool! And in some way could change gameplay.
  17. Noobish question ... where and how ? And i should make lower than 128 or higher?
  18. The problem maybe is because i wanted... a whole map in .125. I used only few func_groups to change them the lightmapscale. This func may not work well on the textures that have shaders options. These big walls have _spec texture and the roofs have the environment shader. I think the main problem is caused because of them. This detail lightmapscale shouldnt be on the textures like these
  19. Is there any way to fix this? I Changed to Lightmap to the 0.2 To be as close as 0.125 and it works O.o
  20. OK i changed the _lightmapscale to the default one and it works... but WHY THE HELL IT RUINS THE WHOLE MAP>?? I was using the _lightmapscale 0.125. Can Anyone explain this too me?
  21. Well... I have older versions of the map and they compile right. So! I am 100% sure that this is not the shader issue. But the problem is the compiling the map i mean the full compile. When i am compiling my map in : BSP - meta it compiles normally. BUT ! I want to check my map with lights and shadows of course so! I compile map map : BSP -meta -vis -light -fast -filter (this is default compiling i think) And wait. There are no errors on the way. Nothing... But when i open my map in the game... I just cant describe it: It turned into shit... 5 hours of work and i get this... Help me pls. And it doesnt load any misc_models AT ALL... wow..
  22. Yep it is true but that was skin and it looked rly weird XD
  23. For poncho Clone Trooper... You should get a cookie. Awesome! HELL YEAH! Is it possible for You to make the first phase in poncho too?
  24. Firefox doesnt catch this site but it works on the google chrome
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