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Posts posted by Langerd

  1. Okey guys. I'am happy to say that lights finally work properly




    Making some brushes detailed and closing map in small box fixed the problem. Thanks you guys for help :P

    Remember to close Your map in the boxes and dont let anywhere leaving a hole to the void - this gray space in the program. It will cause a leak and it wont create any lighting for You. 


    Also remember that walls that are sealing Your map to the void they must be structular. If You make brushes that are details in your map - Small lamps, chairs , small parts of the walls - make them detail brushes. 

    Also Your map is a little dark. Try adding to the worldpspawn - key : ambient value : 20


    That will make entire map more light. You can change color of the ambient light by adding key : _color value : r g b values here


    And last thing. On the top options next to brushes You have Curve - this will allow You to create patches - one sided texture patches that can be manipulated to create cones, cilinders and spikes etc. To add a cilinder You just simply click on the cilinder. It will be created with the same dimensions as the last brush You created. You have more options to manipulate the patches and cilinders but be careful with that too!

    Sidios likes this
  2. First of all Your map is in big box .. is a common mistake and it takes compiler much more time to create Your map. A little tip from me. Try to make map as a small boxes that are connected to each other like this:


    The second thing.. make sure You have shaders done properly. Also i looked into the grid and i see some issues as well. The walls rly need to be connected together in a good way. They shouldnt be inside of each other. You rly need to avoid any chance to get leak. Your map should be closed to the void. 


    And from what i see i cant be 100% sure but the grid is for making map cleaner and more conistence.
    I am not trying to be rude person. I try to help! ;) 

  3. The skeleton's root controls the "walking" around if you will, you don't animate the skeleton itself to move around, only the root (and even then it doesn't need to move that often and doesn't go very far) Load a player model from raven and look at the root and you'll see what i mean. So you'll need to remake your animations "in place" instead of actually moving around.


    Instead of animating the NPC to move far away from it's root, you should create a .roff file that creates the movement. I did that with the glider and now it flies around in my map. 

    Ok ! Many thanks for answers! I will remake them. 


    Never made .roff animations before. How exactly does it works?

  4. It's a pity that it works like base melee. I think that's the difference that the class_minemonster must make, but I don't know where's the bug in JA's code.

    Lets think that way as well. Minemonsters as i looked have 







    That means they were not using the melee like Gran Boxer which were in the jk2 as well. Their attack where coded. 

    Like Galak_mech is not using any weapon - even repeater was shooting from his arm. The lightning laser cannon was not a weapon. 


    I will sit and play a little with this model. I think the best option is to -


    -make him using not the both_attack* animation but rename them into melee animations. 

    -make the chewing sounds -animsounds.cfg


    Sadly this is all i can suggest here :/


    EDIT: New observation progress:


    @@Noodle method - class minemonster is the same as giving minemosnter melee with the class class_gran. Charging and biting the shit out of me. Because of the low scale they are tossing me around. In other words - weird. Sadly.. the animations work but only two variations (i replaced both_attacks to the both_melee animations) and only if minemonster is standing. 


    But weird fact - I used the class class_minemonster (the one variation that Jk3 is using ) and minemonster use no animations.. he is moving to the player but for some reason stops about 2 meters from the enemy but when i came near him - it deals dmg but in weird way. It is still in the idle animation and game plays chewing sounds. 

    Noodle likes this
  5. I made the whale model and i made him flying animation - Dont ask.. private stuff here. 

    The only one problem. I made model root in the middle. And whale is flying around the model root so i made that he is flying quite far from the first point of the animation. But because of its scale - In game when i am looking at it from the ground - it is disapearing .. possibly becuase i dont have the model root bone visible on the screen while in game. 

    Is there any chance turn this off? I know it is for optimizing the game but i dont need it in my mini mod and my map is small enough to let something like that to happen.

    ooeJack likes this
  6. No change after using your files.

    What I am doing now is removing all the JO npc entities and replacing them with JA ones and see if that does it.


    Update: Still no change.


    I also removed the script and set up a waypoint path for the minemonster. I actually got the waypoint system to work which did not for me at all in JO , which is why all NPC's are scripted, which is better, anyhow, but, there no change to the minemonster behavior. I still had to walk into him for an attack and he wouldn't attack on his own.


    Oh, and I did spawn one in a test map and the behavior is the same as above.

    It works for me .. but after i spawned more than one for some reason. Still it is like base melee. I will try making my own version but i will give them the tusken_staff weapon.


    EDIT: Forget it... they have tags for the weapons.. i beilieved they have none because they are not humanoids. They have tusken_stuff in there mouth and they are standing and do nothing.


    Try spawn more than one but the Noodle's npcs. 

  7. Also i have one question - this limit means in game or in the compiling the map? If info_null are not count in the game does it means that info_notnull is in the game? How many enities can be in game? It is always mystery for me mostly because when player is one room - the map that is optimized in good way will load eveything only in this room but not on entire map. 

    This was always weird for me..

  8. Yes, NPC on JKA are silly dumped. little code modifications, some little parameter is different into the code respect of jk2 code... but these little changes on AI create great combat difference on game.

    i never understood why in JKA the AI is de-upgraded. instead of do better and smart foes, coders do the other way.

    on JK2 i was going crazy when  i play kyle katarn or nar shaddaa... first level of nar shadda is pretty hard to play also in easy mode... too many Disruptor and thermals and thermals blow up pretty quickly!

    on JKA instead smuggleers are silly and slow opponents.

    also fire rate is difference. JK2 is a more fast patched game. all NPC reactions are fast, very fast and also shoot spacing is shorter than JK3. on JK3 they shoot fast only to high difficulty game mode.

    on my mod i re-enabled altfire for ALl enemies if they are with rank > of ltcomm. more fun :)

    Those... fucking ... rodian snipers on Ns_streets.. Oh.. my God...


    It was weird for me too... The only enemies that have brains are reborns and cultists. Stormtroopers are dumbasses... rodians are commons, weequays are more deadly because of the bowcasters and human merc were most pain in the ass for me... Because of huge amount of helath for no reason (playing only with weapons and force powers challange... My .. god.. this is .. stupid).


    Hazard Troopers and Rocket Troopers were pretty hard to fight.. without concussion rifle lightsaber felt like a stick. Huge amount of health and powerful gun. Also that punching attack. 


    And the droids in the game. Assassin Droids were .. kinda easy to destroy. But when You made Your lightsaber slash in the wrong moment - The shield deals a LOOOt of damage. But .. droids are easy enemies when You have demp..


    Boba Fett was another example - changing weapons, good aim and high dmg. But mission with him was... a little .. ..... neh. Of course i shit my pants when i first played the game but You know what i mean.


    And the last thing my favourite mixed class - Gun user with the force. Cultists with the blasters were pretty cool because they were shooting and evading the attacks. Everyone Who knows the cultist commando npc know what i am talking about. I always liked fightning these enemies.



  9. Hey, just made an account for JKHub to respond to a thread about manual saber blocking and figured I'd offer up my insights if anyone had any questions about the Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy source code (SP or MP). It's been almost 15 years since I've written or even seen most of it, but hopefully if you ask me a specific question about a specific chunk of code (copy/paste a chunk or gimme a file name and line number) I can at least try to jog my memory and speak intelligently about it. ;)


    I'll try to check back if people have questions.

    Saw Your interview here - 


    Rly inspiring video... The fact that You started from modding is amazing (With this game and Jk2 i started my modding adventure and my intrest in Map creating, 3D modelling etc) . You and Your team Have created a Masterpiece and You passed a Torch to the People on this site.  Love the games .. Jedi Academy and Jk2 are my favourtie games


    And also the fact that i see Your comments here and that You started the topic on Hub is just .. amazing. 


    Thank You @@MGummelt , People from Your team and JkHub People for keeping this game alive. 




    I hope many new great things will be created by the hands of the modders!




    MGummelt likes this
  10. NPC behavours is setted on AI cpp files and NPC.cpp file and NPC_spawn.cpp NPC_combat.cpp and g_combat.cpp file of the code.

    in JKA many lines are unchecked and so they are not readding by game and not works. JO NPC was sure more smarts that dumb AI of JKA.

    Which shows that the game was lazy a little and it is not hard as the jk2 .. even if there are more reborns to fight. 


    Human mercenaries are example of the enemy with huge amount of health and that was something that they called - difficulty. Difficulty my ass. Rodians are not using the alt fire like in Jk2 (impcommanders too) and jk3 enemies are not shooting while running and walking. ...




    Show me a stormtrooper that is charging like that at You in Jk3 .. You cant ! 



    EDIT: ... He missed.. every .. single.. shot... but still with better aim npc would be deadly!

    Asgarath83 likes this
  11. That's correct! Some droids, like the interrogator, were ported from JO too. 


    It's a pity they didn't include the mine monster or even more alien creatures, since they make for interesting enemies. 

    I cant.. even describe my anger when i found out that Galak_Mech NPC is not working like Jk2....

    Asgarath83 likes this
  12. 5gJf4jW.jpg


    The lobby, council room, Casino, Apartment sector, Archives, Duel Rooms, Main Arena, Hotel Lobby, Hotel Cantina, Swoop Tracks, Student dorms, Student Dorm Hall, Student Cafeteria & classrooms 1 & 2 are all now aesthetically full complete.

    Edit: i would only change this female jedi mosaic... sexist. I havent noticed it before.
    AngelModder likes this
  13. Why so long topic? Well i must say - it wont work for the _humanoid enemies (but YOU CAN make new animations and i rly recommend this method).

    I made new animations for the saber_droid - i just edited skeleton so one bone will be moveable for me. You may ask - why to make one bone just floating? If You weight r_hand tag to that bone You can edit placement of the weapon with the animations!

    And Now the trick - I made new animations as well . This is idle animation :

    but it is called BOTH_STAND1. And You may ask... Why? This is used for standing animation. And Yes!  I made it not for no reason. The reason is that i can manipulate with the animations while npc is shooting. How is it work?

    You can see when character is jumping he is not holding the gun. It is that hopping animation when character has the hands rised up - You know jumping animation . Look at the Kyle


    He is jumping with the E11 in his hand. But if You will start shooting the BOTH_ATTACK3 animation will play in his upper part of the body (actually i changed the animation for my mod but you get the idea):


    That is why it is unnecessary for Us if we want multiple attack for the character because if npc will start shooting , punching basiclly attacking - it will play the BOTH_ATTACK3 Again.. And we dont want that.

    So we have something like scripts ! ^^ Right? The problem is You rly need new animations here. For big enemies - With cannons, turrets - You can hide normal default weapons inside of the model.
    So with the :

    -skeleton with the weighted tag to the moveable bones
    -weapons of the model - turrets, cannons, asses, eyes , cannon arms (like mega man). They are just the parts of the model
    -new animations where - You move bone (with connected tag) and You put the tag inside cannon , hand .. You get the idea.
    -with the model and animation You edit the animation.cfg - Here .. You just add new lines of the animations - frame numbers fps etc. AAAaaaand You name them correectly. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. You must named them like the animations in the _humanoid - because game would not load new named animations. For example You named them - BOTH_STAND1_TALK2 . This is not useful animation for the npc enemy so we can replace that with our animation.

    -And now - make Looped script that is spawnscript. For? For making our character a new unique enemy . With looped script we can make the enemy use diffrent weapons. AND here is where we also edit the animations. When character is shooting normally - IT IS NOT CHANGING ANIMATION. AT ALL. And this is a TRICK HERE OuO !!! For example i made this animation for idle:


    He is shooting laser bolts like crazy And with the script i made that after 5 seconds the character play this animation:


    After that little animation the droid shoots rockets at You!! 5 rockets later it is back with the lasers. This happend 2 times. But after 15 seconds droid plays this animation:


    When he is in this crouched pistion i made that rocket launcher apears behind his back. And he is shooting auto aiming missles at me. After max 3 shoots he is back at the lasers - And it is looping that way. And this is my final product:


    As You can see : loading animation - rockets, lasers - loading animations - rockets - lasers - crouching down - auto aim rockets.

    I Hope You understand my point here 


    Lancelot, Smoo, SomaZ and 1 other like this
  14. @@Langerd many thanks for your hint!!!

    i remember that in my mod i removed weapon model leaving only and empty tag for many weapons because NPC shoots projectiles by hands with magics.

    now i know how can i equip also weapons without create a new weapon for every evenience



     1- custom efx and snd for an AI class for a weapon

    2 - change shoot animation to rifle \ gun animation for the desired Class

    3 - give weapon model with icarus script as you told to NPC. (or maybe with code? i think is possible do a workaround on icarus script but i need to see how.)

    4 done.

    Well of course editing code will give us more possibilities ;) 

    Asgarath83 likes this
  15. If we had the animations it would be a real possibility to implement ladders and it wouldn't be that hard. I thought of something similar, but I'd make the player's model invisible and place a fake player NPC that uses the proper animations while moving up or down like an elevator. It'd follow the proper ref_tags the map should have. It really shouldn't be that hard, the main problem is the lack of animations. 

    It would be RLY cool If scripts would allow us to make something happend after we press space bar or movements keys. This would allow us to make SSOOOOO many things.... The sad thing i never saw anything possible in the icarius manuals and even in behaved... 

    That is why movement of the character would be automatic.. 

    z3filus likes this
  16. Hmm I think it can work with scripts. And just make a new animation to the game. 

    1. Make a trigger_multiple before the ladder. After pressing the button the player will be unable to move,shoot etc
    2. Make the script to make player model place hands on the ladder. (on the way we would have - trigger push that slowly pushes playermodel to the top. The animations will give a feeling that we are actually climbing up) 
    3. 2 trigger multiple on the bottom part a trigger that change the animation - from climbing ON the ladder to climbing UP animation. And last trigger multiple that is on the top of the ladder will trigger a script that will start climbing OFF the ladder.

    This is my idea how to make this.. it would work for SP only and it rly would cost much time and effort ... It would be cool for some mercenary mod and it would be rly cool to see player model climb on the ladder. .. but making scripts, animations that are also fit to the ladder that would be put on the map somewhere... this would be sooooo time consuming to do... BUT COOL! 

  17. Small update: 


    While I'm working on a map I'll release eventually, I've been toying with my follower system idea. 


    Now you'll be able to change your follower's skin (I'm thinking maybe this should be an unlockable feature). I've also added a new follower: an astromech droid! He might not be the best when it comes to fighting, but he has many unique skills that will make up for that.



    The droid skins come from @@Doug Smith 's brilliant astromech pack. (https://jkhub.org/files/file/1291-astromech-pack/)


    I'm looking for ideas for new followers, so if anyone has any suggestions, please do share!

    Once suggestion - make skins to not only be diffrence in look but in the arsenal of the character ;) Also You can make something like more health or armor and even movement speed. 

    Smoo and Dark_Reaper like this
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