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Everything posted by Maui

  1. Vanatul, feel free to add me on skype: kenny.schellings I'll take a closer look there.
  2. You might want to install gtk in the same program files as lucasarts is. Also, you might want to check the path of where it searches for the textures.
  3. Heya, I recently rigged a Skyrim skeleton and I gave it some nightingale armor too.. now for some reason only the Right side shows me this: Any idea what that could be? For some reason it's transparent. :S
  4. Heya, trying to make a lock/unlock script for my teleports. It locks it, but doesn't unlock it. It shows lockmsg and unlock msg without problem. Any idea why it doesn't unlock it?
  5. Problem is solved thanks to Asgarth. He gave me his files and configuration. And some instructions how to use the program.
  6. Heya, pictures should explain my problem Any Idea? What I have: base/models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla + root.xsi
  7. Heya, since I've found no tutorials about how to add custom grenades or how to make it, I decided to post my problem. The thermal detonator is for some reason not in place. Any idea? PS: If somebody could help me making my own grenades / other weapons, it'd be grateful. PS2: When I try to import a grenade glm in blender, it asks me for a gla.. any idea how to I can import weapon glm's into blender? PS3: When I try to edit glm's in 3dsmax and then export it, it doesn't export the one I've made.. It exports the glm before I edited it.. any idea for that?
  8. Alright, it's fixed. Solution: download these https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 . You'll either get the option to install/repair or uninstall. Choose install/repair and restart your computer afterwards. That will fix your problem. Thanks for your help, Arch
  9. I'm sorry that I have to put you in this situation. This is what I get when opening it: (Error opening file: System cannot find the given file)
  10. Depency walker? What's that? I'm completely new to 3dsmax.
  11. Yes, I've done that. I've done everything exactly as told in the readme.
  12. In the readme file and description you said that it would work for 2016 too. But ok, keep up the good work though.
  13. Seems like 3dsmax 2016 (x64) is giving a problem when I try to install the plugin.
  14. The file ain't there anymore. Could you reupload please?
  15. Heya, I guess the following picture will explain enough: Any help? **EDIT: Googled windows 10 SDK and found the solution.**
  16. That's the thing, I know which shader it uses for the outside bubble. But I need the inside one. That's a shader that uses your model aswell. It looks like it zooms in and zooms out after a while. Kind of bouncing in and out. And is green.
  17. I've managed to change the look of the glow: But it looks like the effect is indeed coded. Is there a way to code a little plugin that changes that?
  18. Also, when you do /amlogin you see the effect of a powerup (lightside enlightment boon) icon + glow. Is there a way to change that effect to something different?
  19. Heya, so I'm thinking about editing the amprotect bubble but I don't know how to find the right shader to change. Are there any tricks or ways to find out which one it is? Any help?
  20. That's not what I meant. I've been playing in a server before who had 3 boons to could pick up. 1. Small 2. Normal 3. Big
  21. Heya, I would like to add a pickup in our server that allows a person to grow bigger or smaller. But I don't know how that works with icarus scripting. Any help?
  22. Heya, in jk2 I made a script (for multiplayer) that allowed you to select multiple settings for spawning a npc. Something like, stormtrooper friendly lightsaber.. etc. So you could select which model, friendly or not, what weapon, etc. (Without editing .npc files) So I was thinking if this was possible to combine it with /npc spawn of ja+ Any idea's?
  23. Heya, so I'm wondering if it is possible to change the /amlogin effects? So we now have lightning on our model when we log in and it looks like we're picking up a force holocron, but we'd like to change that. Is that possible?
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