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Everything posted by Maui

  1. Heya, Is anyone willing to help me out with weighting on blender? I'd like to properly weight this lovely humanoid: (Known as the Winterhold Guard)
  2. It doesn't continue loading. But I already solved it. Retried doing the model and it works now.
  3. Nobody?
  4. That's what Asgarath thinks, add me on skype: kenny.schellings We'll get on teamviewer or share screen and I'll show you what you need to know.
  5. Why is it giving me this? It won't go further than Generating model.glm
  6. Why don't you try my tutorial? https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/195-blender-jka-frankenstein-modelling/ Good luck!
  7. Does anyone have a JK3 Skeleton (with all the tags) for blender?
  8. I don't want it to be set on or off by itself. I want a button to do so.
  9. Any help?
  10. That was the idea. Here's my code: { "classname" "trigger_multiple" "model" "*8" "target" "lockTags" "origin" "87941 10153 -87268" "spawnflags" "261" "wait" "4" } { "classname" "target_scriptrunner" "targetname" "lockTags" "usescript" "useTags" "count" "-1" "target" "useTags1" "parm1" "0" } { "targetname" "lockTags" "target" "useTags1" "classname" "target_deactivate" } { "targetname" "unlockTags" "target" "useTags1" "classname" "target_activate" } { "classname" "target_print" "targetname" "lockTagsmsg" "message" "^1Clan Tags\n^3Deactivated" "wait" "750" } { "classname" "target_print" "targetname" "unlockTagsmsg" "message" "^1Clan Tags\n^3Enabled" "wait" "750" } All fx_runners have targetname useTags1
  11. Which entity?
  12. Is it possible to show/hide fx_runners ? Say like, I've got a clan tag which I want to hide/show with a button.. how would I do that? I've tried target_activate and deactivate (combined with a script, used the same script for enable/disable a teleport. New script is edited though) but those don't work. What else could I do?
  13. Could be it perhaps. Anyways, the bsp is not needed anymore.
  14. Thing is, I already got academy2 in ffa3 and that one doesn't have the problem
  15. I took it from Skyrim and rigged it myself. And added some nightingale armor to it.
  16. They are really dark and some other shadows are very bright on the positions they should not be.
  17. Afaik it's not normal. I got 2 other imported bsp's in it, and those do not have that problem.
  18. Add kenny.schellings on skype. I'll help you further.
  19. Heya, used a misc_bsp to import academy1 into mp/ffa3.bsp. This is the result: Can I do anything about these strange shadows?
  20. Nobody?
  21. Well, I want to import another bsp in mp/ffa5.. but I've been spending too much time finding portaled void.. and I still haven't found it.
  22. Heya, is there a fast way to get the locations of portaled void?
  23. You saved me, Raz0r. Thank you!
  24. Vanatul, feel free to add me on skype: kenny.schellings I'll take a closer look there.
  25. You might want to install gtk in the same program files as lucasarts is. Also, you might want to check the path of where it searches for the textures.
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