Heya, I'm trying to import a model from another game and I've done everything neccessary but then it shows me the following error. I've also tried to clear UV Seams but it doesn't help it. Any help?
Heya JKHub, Are there any Model blending tutorials? (Blending multiple playermodels with blender into 1) Hopefully somebody can help me out, this might help other people in here aswell.
You guys aren't understanding what I mean. I'm not using GTK Radiant for map modding (except if I got to know something). I'm doing MapModding as in Editing the Entities file.
So let me restate my problem: I'm mapmodding the JK2 Singleplayer maps and I began with Artus Mine (personal reasons ) and I got everything to how I want it to be, except the ore carts. I don't know how I can get them to do their actual routes as it does in JK2 Singleplayer. Any idea's? EDIT: You can download the .ent file here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3dt2j1953osgcsd/artus_mine.ent
My goal is to make every SP map from JK2 playable in JKA MP. So I want to make a big pk3 with everything needed in it. But another problem is that it overrides some JKA stuff.
I want it to move but it doesn't. It's the Artus_Mine map, but it doesn't show the cart ingame in JAMP. I believe because model2 doesn't read .glm files. Therefore I used that md3 file.
Heya, I'm trying to get the JK2 Ore Cart visible ingame (JAMP) but since it has no .md3 file included, how is "model2" going to show the Ore Cart since "model2" works only for md3 ? Regards, Maui
Heya, I became annoyed that nobody ever made some Lord Of The Rings models for jka, why is that? People kept making those stupid 'nonsense' models that nobody cared about. Is somebody here on jkhub that knows how to make a playermodel and is willing to make a nice looking dwarf?
Haha I see, well I don't understand a dang what you guys were telling just now, like bad deformation or kinds of tears in the model or being rigged? I am not a modeller, yet I would like to become one, but jkhub lacks tutorials.
Heya guys Maui again and this time with a more advanced question, Is it possible to import a Kotor 1/2 playermodel into jka and be able to play it and give it sounds and stuff, if so.. how am I about to do that? Any help?