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Everything posted by Maui

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ln7aarbsj9m3bbh/Huse.pk3
  2. Thing is, I've deleted nothing except the face to replace it with a skull (skeleton skull from skyrim)
  3. Just the default ones. It's the normal "Reborn".
  4. I've just reskinned and frankenstein modeled a Reborn (old version) and I've changed the face into a skeleton skull. But now I can see through the hood in the back. So if somebody is standing behind me, I could see that person through the hood. I've left the lods alone but I've added the skull for all the lods. So I'm not sure why I can see through the hood. Any idea's?
  5. A guy I know said that we'd need a map mod or something like that to do it and not many people knows about it. (his words)
  6. Heya, is it possible to upload a custom chat bubble onto a server? I want to put our custom icon on our server so everybody has that chat bubble. Any idea?
  7. I tried to use PNG, but then it gave me weird colors ingame :S Nevermind, I've got it to work as png. Thank you so much!
  8. Heya, I recently began to mod my jka and I've got a problem while doing so. It shows my custom chat icon, but it also shows black around the logo I made. So it exactly looks like this ingame (old logo though): Any help?
  9. I see. Well I got no idea's for making a map and adding my own md3's to it. I've really got no clue what to make.
  10. I know. But why are there silly tutorials like: * How to model a mushroom. * How to model this. * How to model that. Why can't they just make a tutorial in general. How it works and how to make your own drawings (images to use in blender). Something useful. Or making your own textures and all that stuff.
  11. I see. Well I'd like to be able to make my own stuff instead of frankensteining and importing stuff from other games. But I can't manage to find any useful tutorials. Anyone want to help me get started and maybe mentor me?
  12. I am using Blender ^-^
  13. Well, everybody on jkhub uses 3ds max. And I really hate the program. I tried it before and I just dislike everything about it.
  14. Infact, I don't know anything about modeling. All I do is frankenstein modeling and play around with the software. I'll need teachings from a teacher in school or something to be able to pull these things off
  15. Well yeah ofcourse. If I reduce the count of it, then the seams are all messed up. And I don't know how to get the uv mapping as perfect as it is right now.
  16. http://puu.sh/kJ0Rg/37fffae4e7.png
  17. Well, I thought I could use the bones of JKA and just place them inside the skeleton and then weight it etc. There should be more tutorials about modeling o.O
  18. Dear JKHubbers, Is there somebody amongst us who wants to do the finishing touch on my Skyrim(Export) Skeleton? (It needs a fix, I've done as best as I could) When I let modview use its animations, alot of places are falling apart. Interested? Feel free to PM me or add me on skype: kenny.schellings ^-^
  19. Thank you guys.
  20. Heya, just a silly question. What are LOD's exactly and what are they used for? Also, do I need to keep all of em of can I remove all but _0 ?
  21. Helmets are easy to be imported. Only need to put in some more effort in putting it in the right position and all that.
  22. Damn modeling is pretty hard o.o
  23. Hold on a second, I think I found out the problem. I might have used an old upload from him. Jep, fml ... please delete this and the other topic about the error please.
  24. Heya, Just wanna share with you that I'm using Blender 2.63 (since the knife tool in 2.62 doesn't work as it should) and when I try to import a glm file, it gives me the following:
  25. Thank you guys for all the replies. I will try everything tomorrow and keep you up to date.
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